Airplane travel after Ivor Lewis esophagecgtomy
Husband continues to recover from his April surgery. He still has shortness of breath on sudden exertion and cannot walk very fast or he becomes winded. He feels he can't get enough air in. I heard on a radio program that the pressurized cabin of an airplane can cause difficulty for someone with breathing problems. I have…
Happy Labor Day Weekend! Hope everyone is well. My Dad is home now and he is having his nightly tube feedings (8 to 8). I know that he is supposed to eat 6-8 small meals per day after surgery. Is this as of NOW or after the tube feedings have stopped? I know the types of food he should eat but am wondering about the amount…
Esophageal surgery
I was diagnosed on Oct 6, 2009. I am having surgery at MD Anderson on Dec. 21st. They are going to take 2/3 of the esophagus and 1/3 of the stomach and then use what is left of the stomach for a new esophagus. I am very concerned about what happens after the surgery. How is this going to change my life? I am lucky that it…
Have a Q about radiation treatment and swelling of tumor site.
Hi all, in talking with my brother he mentioned that when the radiation treatments begin, the initial reaction of the tumer may be some swelling, that could become enough to close off the esophagus partially or even completely. I know at that point a G or J tube would be done for nusishment. We wondered about normal saliva…
My first time
Hi, This is my first time. My husband has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. The diagnosis came April, 2010. I always felt that I could handle everything. As I was reading all the literature about this cancer,I kept telling myself that I would never need a support group. I felt that I would have failed if I joined a…
William, you are too funny!!!!!
Dear Friend, you are too funny and honestly I look forward to hearing from you because you make me laugh. You are the only one that seems to be able to do that for me in the past year. I do understnd where you are coming from, I, am 56 years old, have had alot of life experiences, yet poor Diana, only 22, has had limited…
Weight gain first time in months!
Hi Everybody, I just want to share some good news. Entering my 2nd round of chemo I found out yesterday that I gained 4 pounds! Since chemo began I have been able to eat normally. This is the first time I've gained weight for several months (over which time I lost 45 pounds). I just wanted to share some good news for a…
Don't know what to believe
I've been reading and reading and reading some more. A couple hours ago I came across some information on something called DCA (Dichloroacetate) a drug that has been around for some time. It seems because it has been around, the big drug companies aren't interested because they can't make money on. It is a relativly cheap…
New to board
Hi: I'm new to the board and I have a couple of questions that I hope can be answered here. First a little history. My husband Jim was diagnosed in Feb.2010 with esophageal cancer at the junction of the stomach and esophagus. He underwent 9 weeks of chemo (cisplatin, epirubicin, and 5Fu) Tolerated the chemo well, gained 15…
Esophagogastric junction cancer - both esophageal and stomach diagnosis - Atlanta area
My husband, 68, was recently diagnosed with the Esophagogastric junction cancer, which involves both the esophagus and stomach/cardia. We go tomorrow for staging and to have a consultation with a thoracic surgeon. We have met with the medical oncologist last week and have scheduled many appointments for tests, etc. I have…
an update on Ed
Well Hospice has been in for a week today, not too impressed!!! They are very short staffed, two social workers, one going out this week for about a month due to medical leave, that leaves one social worker for 67 familities currently in hospice. We see our male doctor every other day, approx 30 minutes, talks to Ed,…
Question about hair loss
Forgive me if this sounds trivial in light of what many of our members are faced with, but I need some thoughts on hair loss. I am 4 weeks into chemo for stage IVb EC and just noticed a few more hairs on my towel than usual when I got out of the shower. I have a full thick head of hair and this is somewhat traumatic for…
My dad had stent last monday-having a lot of pain. Need advice.
I read everyday but don't post much. My 65 year old dad has stage 4 EC with Mets to liver and nodes. Dx on July 16 from bx and Pet scan. He started chemo 2 days later, which he has tolorated very well, but the swallowing has gotten worse. Many of you gave great advise about a J-tube but my stubborn dad won't do it as he…
Stage Four Esophageal Cancer
In September 2009, at the age of 46, I was diagnosed with Stage four esophageal cancer with Mets to my lymph nodes, lungs and spine. I had 3 rounds of chemo before stopping and sought alternative treatments. Even though I can swallow fine, I am about to get a Peg tube, so I can juice better and also will start on folfox…
vocal cord cancer
My Twin brother has cancer on left-side of his vocal cords. He has gone thru several laser procedures in removing the cancer polyps. Now his doctor wants to remove his left side vocal cords. Is there any New procedures in the medical field that someone has experienced without going thru vocal cord removal? Thanks,…
Dad in ICU at Sloan due to lung complications
My father was moved to ICU at Sloan because his lungs are not cooperating. He is on 40% oxygen now (not intubated) and they are trying to wean him off. Apparently he is a shallow breather (diagnosed COPD). It is sad/scary to see him in the ICU and I am just asking for prayers for "Ralph" at the moment. Thanks and will be…
Who is the best, what hospital is the best - help!!!
My husband was diagnosed yesterday with EC. He is 42 and in excellent health and excellent shape. This was a huge shock to everyone including the Dr. we all thought acid reflux, hernia - no big deal. The entire lower 1/3 of his abdomen is covered with tumors and the esophagus is nearly blocked. We go for the CAT scan…
Q's about chemo
I've been reading about 2 chemo drugs, Cisplatin and 5-FU. I've also read about some of the many other chemo drugs and I have a question maybe someone can answer. With all the drugs, I have noticed that they are using the above two drugs for many different cancers. My question is, how do they determine what drugs will work…
Ready to jump out the window!!!!
Well I am ready to jump out of the window, Hospice provided me with a volunteer yesterday for three hours so Diana and I went out to lunch and then to my sisters for a swim. Ed was pissed off to say the least,he has not spoken to either one of us since we got home yesterday at 3PM. I am not staying in the house like a…
? about chemo treatment
I have kind of a strange question about my dad getting chemo. When I went to visit yesterday, they live 1 1/2 hours aways so I can only go once a week, I noticed this strange smell in the house. My mom is very clean. My dad is still well enough that he takes a shower everyday. When I asked about it my mom said it is coming…
Q's about Medical marijuana use
I have been researching this for a couple days now and I am not sure what to believe. I have heard that Marijuana helps chemo patients with nausea, weight loss and according to some of the studies I've found just today, even eliminating tumors. Of course, I'm not speaking of smoking pot to cure cancer. The studies were…
My day today
I spent most of the day today reading posts on this site. I happened to find one from someone I wish I would have known. Her story seems so short and yet she apparently was much wiser than her years. While reading her posts and the many replies I began to wonder how many stories are just like hers. I wondered if in her…
Grandpa - 85 - Stage IV - post chemoradiation, entering chemo round 2
Hello everyone - My grandpa, Norman, is 85 years young and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last year at stage II. He underwent 7 weeks of chemoradiation and a subsequent PET scan showed he was cancer-free. A couple months later another PET scan showed that the cancer was back, but localized where the esophagus meets…
So worried. Dad's surgery tomorrow AM.
I am so nerrvous for my Dad's espophagectomy being performed tomorrow at Sloan Kettering by Dr. Sarkaria. He is supposed to do the minimally invasive, but he has a very large hiatal hernia and they may need to do a colon interposition. He was stage t3n1 before chemo and radiation. Follow up staging showed cancer was gone…
Update on my status
My brother (jimsbrother) posted some information about me on 8/23. I was diagnosed with stage III adenocarcinoma. There is a 2 inch long tumor where my esophagus meets my stomach that is 2/3 obstruction my lumen (entrance to stomach). At Boston Medical Center I had a CT/PET scan and a Thoracic surgeon said that we need an…
I lost my boyfriend.
I posted on this board back in mid July after finding out my boyfriend's EC had spread during the first round of chemo and radiation. We had such hope that was more that could be done. He started Folfox chemo and unfortunately it did nothing. His blood stopped clotting, he got an infection, his cancer spread to his liver…
Who I am
Hello everyone, My name is Rob, I'm 52 and just learned that my brother Jim, age 63 has been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma with circumferential esophageal mass measuring approximately 43 x 58 x 71 mm (AP, TRV, CC) of the distal esophageal junction with 2 enlarged perigastric lymph nodes. He has had a PET, CT, and endoscope…
Delayed Nausea reaction
The folfox got reduced by 25% last round (round #3) and for the first five or six days, we thought we had it made. Dale had no nausea and felt much stronger. Then the nausea hit, and it has been intractable. We are going back to Tulsa for round #4 today. Is there anything that I can ask for that would help the terrible…
thank you so much
I wanted to thank all of you who have written to me under my post this week. It has been a difficult week since hospice has entered our home, our privacy is now lost, we are trying to get a schedule in our life, Ed has been in bed since the weekend because he fell, so things are very very different for all of us. I have…