I am new to posting have read alot but not posted. I was diagnosed with ec stage 4 in November, had 18 chemo treatments and everything shrunk over 60 percent. Am now on a rest for two months until mid August , when I went to Dr at ct reading and he told me about two months off of chemo I said I was having little trouble…
Update on Dad
Hi All, This has been a difficult post to write. In some ways I felt as if I didn’t write this post it wouldn’t be true, but I know in my heart it is time to get those big girl panties out as Moe would say and hold on tight for this part of the roller coaster. Yesterday my Dad got his biopsy results back from Oschner in…
EC and Type II diabetes
My husband was a well controlled by diet alone Type II diabetic prior to his DX of EC. Recent CT scan showed no problems. Doctors feel very good about "getting it all." Another scan in a couple of months or so. Recovery has been challenging but we're getting there. Handling "dumping" and food timing and getting him to eat…
question about theraspheres/ garlic suggestion
My husband has some esophageal tumors (2) in his liver. He is responding well to the oxaliplatin and 5FU and when we saw a doctor at Jefferson hospital in Philly we were told that his tumors are not large enough to use theraspheres yet and that he is still responding to the chemo well. One liver tumor looks like it has…
My brother is coming home from the hospital today
Hi: First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for the prayers. My brother had surgery on 7/22/10 and is being released today. Thankfully he's been doing well. So far, so good. He had a bit of a fever for a couple of days after surgery but Dr. said it was normal to have a slight fever following surgery. He has a big incision…
up date on Greg
I posted that my husband Greg had T4N1 Mo Larynx Squamous Cell cancer.He had 7 weeks of Chemo and radaition , That was March to May 09. Dec 09 they saw something but to small to define Feb spots on his lungs , May 2010 the did byposy and it was the same cancer as before Metastic , So He started Chemo Carbosplatin. He had…
New EC stage 4- overwhelmed with questions-help please.
Hello All~ I'm so glad I found this site last week, but wish I never needed to look. Your stories and info have been so helpful. We found out 2 weeks ago my dad, age 65, has EC stage 4 with mets to the close nodes and then they found a small hot spot on his liver, just after we had our hopes up it was only stage 3. Rats,…
Neuropathy solutions?
Hi All - My Dad has neuropathy as a result of the chemo. The worst part is his legs are numb from the knees down. Some days are worst than others but nothing seems to really treat the problem. We've tried Lyrica, Elavil, and magnesium supplements but so far nothing is working. Any ideas would be hugely appreciated! Thanks,…
Just found out - Husband stage four - need encouragement
We just found out that my husband, diagnosed with EC on July8th, is stage four, with a tumor on his spine that is so close to the nerve it will paralyze him without immediate radiation which starts Tues. We saw a wholistic herbalist who specializes in CA and had been thinking about no chemo after what he said. But the…
Diagnosis of STAGE 0-1A Had the EMR with great success!
Just wanted to share my story of Esophageal Cancer. I'm an extremely very healthy 56 year old female and was lucky enough to have a endoscopy due to very mild heartburn. They discovered a 1cm or smaller nodule that had irregular and cancer cells (February 11, 2009). I went through a lot of horrific and wonderful second…
One year today
It was exactly a year ago when we found out dh had cancer, they had yet to determine it was ec but given where it was we knew. His treatment began the day after Labor Day and continued for 6 weeks, radation every day..chemo on Wed and radiation and Thursday and Friday, fluids and radiation..He lost 30 lbs which he has…
60 Minutes last nite!!
Hi, I will have to look this up but 60 minutes was showing how new cells can be generated with a substance from pig bladders. They said they grew a liver for a mouse. I turned to Ron and said boy wish they could grow me a new esophagus. Then, a dr came on and explained about EC and they showed a man who had EC did not say…
Question after Endoscopy/dilation/biopsy
My mother(46 years old) is a 6 year stage 4 tonsil cancer survivor(as of may). After surgery to remove tonsils, 22 treatments of radiation, and 2 different concurrent chemotherapies, she was given the thumbs up for no cancer. However, she had been severely burnt from the inside out with sores from her lips down her…
back from vaca and have scan results
We had a WONDERFUL time....wonderful. scans were good. Cancer gone from all nodes now we are left w what to do on the liver. Our doc doesn't seem too knowledgable. So I'm here for input;) by the way...layne repelled down a mtn and back up by rope on vacation...so I guess he feels good!!
Father had surgery 10 days ago.
Hi, my name is Joey. My father had just recently had the surgery, not sure what the proper name of it is but they removed some of his esophagus and some of his stomach. He was a stage 1 or 0 if there even is a 0. It had not spread to anywhere else and according to the "docs" it had not gone through the first layer of the…
surgery may be an option now!
So the doctor explained everything. The tumor is still the same size, but much of it has died. The lymph node has shrank a ton and looks dead. They are trying to get the surgeon to reconsider surgery (they ruled it off immediately because of dad's history of stroke, seizures and sleep apnea). The surgeon is suppose to get…
MAJOR Turn of diagnosis for my Father...
OK...some amazing, almost unbelievable news concerning my dad's stageIV EC cancer diagnosis! He went to see this other doctor who is an MD, but also has 3 or 4 other degrees in biochemistry, physics, and a couple of others. She has been looking at my dad's biopsy reports and scans and through her analysis is 98% certain…
Dads EC
My dad is a 56 year old man with EC. He has been in the hospital for around a month. He gets severly dehydrated and therefore his blood pressure drops alot. He was in skilled care for a few days until he got rushed by ambulance to the hospital today with his blood pressure at around 70 over 50. They put him on IV fluids to…
New and Scared
Hi, I am new here. I was diagn with EC the past march 23th. According to CT Scan, the size of the tumor is 6cm X 5cm large no metast. Biopsy done the past 19th, states mucuosa squalmus carcinoma in si-tu. Doctor at UCLA believes that my cancer is more advanced due to the size of the tumor, so he ordered PET Scan this…
My 60 year old dad was diagnosed with Esophogeal cancer yesterday
We were made aware that this could potentially be cancer on Friday, July 16 following his endoscopy and Barium test. The symptoms leading up to this were difficulty swallowing begining in March, aversion to more acidic foods and solids due to difficulty swallowing, and dramatic loss in weight due to his reduced intake of…
Really stuck here, need advice.
Seems hubby and I are about to take a turn in our journey, but not sure the direction yet. Communication from the doctors has seemed to stopped here and its been a battle. Since last PET on the 30th of June I get the feeling that my husbands health care team is done with him, but no one wants to fill us in. We have went…
Dad diagnosed with T3N1 Esophageal cancer but now Back Pain
Hello All- I have been reading your stories for a few months now but have never posted. My Dad was diagnosed with EC in April of this year. He just completed his radiation and chemotherapy 2-3 weeks ago. He will be restaged on August 3rd and hopefully a surgical candidate at Sloan Kettering (i.e. Dr. Inderpal…
dad's update after treatment
So dad had his petscan Monday. We went for an anesthesia assessment and the nurse was like, "Oh, your results are up", and told us everything. After all he went through, the tumor didn't shrink AT ALL... but the SUV went from 10.2 to 6.2. The infected lymph node still shows up as non-FDG-avid, but shrank from 11mm to 8mm.…
Robert's finally got home but with complications
Well after 10 days in the hospital, Robert finally got to come home on July 9. He developed jaundice and they are still keeping an eye on his liver. But the day he was discharged we noticed draining from his abdominal incision. The PA looked at it and right away knew she had to open up the incision due to the severe…
Hello all my CSN friends, I don't post much but wanted to celebrate the one year anniversary of Jeff having the IVOR LEWIS SURGERY. Yes for the ones wondering I was like you, I was scared, and didn't know what to expect, i was petriffied, and starting wearing my BIG GIRL PANTIES!!! Wow!!! was this a journey to remember.…
Seeking a Second Opinion. Ideas on TOP hospitals?
Wanted advice, thoughts about hosptials around the country to get a second opinion? I'm looking at MD Anderson and Sloan-Kettering. If any of you have experience, knowledge of places to go, please share. I'm trying to gather information for my mom and we are going to sit down with my dad to discuss getting a second…
One year today
It was exactly a year ago when we found out dh had cancer, they had yet to determine it was ec but given where it was we knew. His treatment began the day after Labor Day and continued for 6 weeks, radation every day..chemo on Wed and radiation and Thursday and Friday, fluids and radiation..He lost 30 lbs which he has…
Hello All, I'm new to this board. Looking for support as my father got diagnosed with stage IV EC with liver mets and extensive lymph involvement. He's 69 and in good shape other than the cancer. He was diagnosed March 13 of this year. He's gone through radiation and is currently on his 3rd round of chemo. He had scans…
Hi. I've been reading the posts and I can't tell you how much they have helped me. I was diagnosed in November with stage 2B or 3A Esophageal Cancer, just as I was beginning to recuperate from Cerivical Cancer surgery in June. The tumor was 8 cm, and it had become almost impossible to eat or drink anything. In January I…
accidentally got a report from a nurse...
So dad had his petscan today. We went for an anesthesia assessment and the nurse was like, "Oh, your results are up", and told us everything. After all he went through, the tumor didn't shrink AT ALL... but the SUV went from 10.2 to 6.2. The infected lymph node still shows up as non-FDG-avid, but shrank from 11mm to 8mm.…