Mother needing help and support post OP
Hello everyone, My mother in law, underwent EC surgery in May of this year (2010). She did wonderfully. She is currently taking post OP chemo, and here is where she is having trouble. Her weight is becoming alarmingly low. The nutritionist and hospital have told her that if she gets down to 118 lbs that she is goign to…
throwing up
Hi again, I have a question. My surgery was in Feb 2010 (MIE). I have been getting along well except I still throw up almost every night. Some weeks its only 3-4 time a week. Sometimes I know it is because maybe I over ate, but is this normal? Other than that I am doing good. I know I have had problems with my stomach not…
My mom, my best friend, my hero, my rock
***NOT EC but I have posted a few times over here...just wanted to share....much love*** Every day since August 9th, I have sat by her side. Caressed her face, talked with her, laughed with her, cried alone.... I have done her nails, helped bath her, change her, feed her, given her every minute of every day, much like she…
Barrett's is back
I had an esophagectomy 5 years ago and now early stages of Barrett's are returning. My biggest concern is obviously the return of esophageal cancer but I also am constamtly coughing in the night due to acid reflux irritating the Barrett's location. I sleep elevated but have really found no relief. Does anyone have any good…
Experience with Taxol??
My father is starting Taxol next week. Just wondering what the common side effects are. I know everyone is different, but would like some info. on how others responded and what their side effects were. This is the only other chemo drug my dad is able to try according to his oncologist. Everything else will be too…
upsetting news about Ed
Ed has a full blown psychosis over the weekend, doctors believe due to the brain cancer spreading, in the hospital very very sick. We are losing our Ed and we are with heavy hearts tonight after visiting him. He cannot speak nor can he do much of anything else. They are trying heavy duty psych meds trying to calm him down,…
How Long before reality hits you?
Hi all, Seven weeks ago I was dx with EG Stage 4 with mets to liver and rib cage. Have had two rounds of chemo and feeling better. I've noticed that as I've lost some of my hair, and the regimine of chemo 4X a month goes on reality seems to be hitting me more and more. Life will never be the same. Is it unusual for someone…
What now
I should have said Greg Dx t4n2mo . He did the 7 weeks Radaition and Chemo Cisplatin, Then year later it was Metastic to both lungs, He is doing Carbosplatin, The first two rounds the tumors, one gone the other three shrink 30-40% this next two rounds nothing not bigger but not smaller. I am scared he is scared. We are in…
The power of prayer
Hi, Some of you may remember a post I did where I spoke about the power of prayer. I told something that happened in our family that made me a true believer. One of my nieces was living with a not so good guy. We were worried and we were all talking bad about him. Then I sent an email and said lets not talk lets just pray…
Okay I have a couple questions
I am, along with my family putting together a walk for EC on behalf of my father. It will be held in April. Not only is April EC awareness month but its also will be my dad's 1yr anniv. since passing. Now my questions Has any of you put together a walk? Bracelets. I wanna sell bracelets and I rember a post here on them but…
An amazing story (EC stage 4)
I'm not sure if this has been spoken of before, but I would like to tell you about Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos. He was a redemptorist priest who Pope John Paul II beatified in the year 2000. He is one miracle away from sainthood. There is an interview on his website (www.seelos.org) of a woman who was cured of stage 4…
Anxious to Hear About My Father...
Today he gets the results of a bone scan and meets with his "alternative" M.D. doctor to discuss where they go from here and where/who he should see for a second opinion. His current doctor is just not all that aggressive and so they're going to talk about other options and things they can do to keep him going. Backround…
Update on my husband Tom
I have to apologize for my absence from this site. A lot has happened since June 2010/dx EC4b. Tom started his chemo on 6/22 and had the lifeport insertion on 6/25. I am happy to report that he has not had to take any pain medication since 6/24/10. That in itself is a miracle. Prior to that, he had been taking dilaudid or…
When my father was diagnosed with Stage IV EC last December, I didn't know how to act or feel. Riding the wave of hopefulness and realism has been challenging, but with every new turn whether good or bad I have discovered there is always a reason to be grateful. I am grateful to my mother who has provided 24/7 care to my…
My dad gets his PET scan result Monday.
My dad, Ec 4 mets to the liver, was diagnosed in mid July. This was his first scan since starting chemo. He will get the results on Monday at his oncology appt and is scheduled for chemo. I'm having a little "scanxiety" but not too much. When he had his stent put in 3 weeks ago the surgeon told him the tumor was larger…
Newsweek article on curing cancer
All, Below is a link to a Newsweek article titled --- Curing Cancer What treatable tumors can teach us about improving the odds in the deadliest cases. An interesting article that talks about genetic testing of tumors to treat cancer --- (for instance I believe that EC patients should get their tumors tested for the HER2…
Update on My Father
Hello All, It's been awhile since I've posted about my father. And I guess that's a good thing, since few things have changed. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 EC with liver mets back in March. He went through about 4 rounds of chemo (don't remember which ones) that shrunk his liver mets and effected lymph nodes. He…
Tear in the windpipe or airway
Hi everyone, Has anyone had this problem? My brother had his surgery (IL) In April 2010. They had to go in and stretch his esophagus 6 times since then. The problem is after the last one he got real sick and went back in the hospital and they found his food was going in his lungs. After two weeks in the hospital he is home…
New diagnosis questions - my mom
Hello, this is my 1at time on one of these but looking for some guidance. My mom had epiglotis cancer in 1983. Cured and in the last year her voice has been going. ENT doc did exploratory surgery yesterday and found lesions that are cancerous on her vocal chord. She's stage 2. What concerns Me and where I need help is…
PET results
We had very good news from the newest PET scan. Jim's radiologist says the results were MUCH better than he expected. The largest liver tumor (which had the chemo-embolization) was dying and the bottom of the tumor which has another blood supply was also necrotic, as were the two smaller tumors. He is still having another…
Hi all- I know I have read many times about dilation here and that it is a common procedure. Lou is scheduled to have it done next Tues. He was having difficulty swallowing again the end of June. Had an EGD. Dr found a fungal infection, a narrowing and ulcerations. Dr said he gently pushed the scope through the narrowing…
In memory of my father
Hello. My name is Melissa and my father was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer - Squamous Cells on August 9, 2010. Unfortunately, he passed on Sunday, August 29th at 54 years old. I found this forum when he was first diagnosed but was always at the hospital or making calls to get him second opinions. On Friday, August 23rd,…
Xeloda? Another round of new chemo-- what to expect?
hello again to everyone. I have been reading the boards, but been busy trying to care for hubby and keep up FT job, too. After all his rounds with EC mets to brain, he finished whole brain radiation end of July. Now he is starting his second bout with chemo for the "spots" that showed up in the previous scan. This time…
Hernia repair
Even though it's not recommended for cancer patients, Jim had hernia repair surgery yesterday and came through with flying colors. No pain, very little swelling, not even discomfort today. It was a good thing we had it scheduled because it was beginning to strangulate and we would have had an emergency situation to deal…
An update on Ed
It has been three weeks yesterday that Ed went into Hospice Care. Today a hospital bed is being delivered to our home, watching our bed be broken down last night made me think how the end is coming and it brought tears to my eyes once again. We are getting closer and closer and it is getting scarier and scarier. I saw…
News to Share
When last I posted, my husband Kevin's cancer had recurred only 4 months after his esophagectomy. After spending the summer undergoing aggressive radiation and chemotherapy, I am so happy to report that he is once again cancer free. It is my hope that we can offer encouragement to those who are in the thick of the fight.…
Tumor did not shrink!
Hi, My BIL finished his 28 rounds of radiation and chemo. Since all of this started in June he has lost 17 lbs. He is 6'2" and was already under weight before treatment began. He has not been able to eat anything solid, food wise. He takes boost, ensure and protein with whey made into milkshake with ice cream (yogurt). He…
Esophagectomy - How will it feel after recovery?
I will be having an esophagectomy in September. I've been wondering about the physical sensations after recovery. Are swallowing and eating the same? Do you feel like something is missing? Any problems speaking?
many questions answered, thank you!
I did have alot of questions when I first came to this site. I will have more I am sure before our journey is through. Michael(my hubby)had a 4 inch long tumor in his esophagus(was not told what stage it was and did not ask). The PET scan showed no limp nodes involved and his doctor(Dr Louis Jacques Fairview Hospital,…
How do we deal with Ed?
Well I am at my wits end with Ed, he seems to be getting more mad and nastier by the day. He has now started to tell Diana to get out of his room, rolls over and gives her his back when she goes in and tries to talk or watch tv with him. She is feeling hurt, I can tell by her face and I have started to tell her to "stay…