Second endoscopic procedure
Eight weeks in to Stage IVb chemo with a 30% reduction in tumor size I've developed acute pain at times when eating or drinking at the location of the tumor. Oncologist has theories but has scheduled another endoscopy to confirm basis of problem. Has anyone else had similar problems? Like I said, it comes and goes and does…
Just wanted to post a update
Its been awhile sinse I posted a update on hubby. He is doing well. He is currently in treatment as out patient. We go two mondays then off a monday. We have completed two of these rounds and ready for a week off. He is tolerating it well. We did have low blood counts one week, but they bounced back so chemo resumed. He is…
A huge "thank you" to all
To all my friends and especially Willam: I want to thank you all for everything you have done throughout this horrible year. I read each and everyone of your posts and especially yours William, a big thank you to you for everything, especially keeping Ed and my Mom's tribute for one year. What can I say? I have endured a…
Chest still numb-Surgery 6 weeks ago
Well, we are 6 weeks out from surgery, Ivor Lewis-Minimally Invasive-Robotic Assist. Doing well, and few eating issues. My husband still feels numbness in his chest and in both little fingers. Has anyone experienced this? And does the feeling ever come back? He also has quite a bit of pain in the right chest area where…
another sad update
another very sad day for us. My mom passed away last night at the same hospital as Ed did last week from complications from copd, her kidneys shut down. It is another very very sad day in our lives as we prepare her funeral today. My birthday is also today, not much in the mood for birthdays. I will miss her so much, I…
Update on Mother and Mother In Law
Just wanted to thank all of you for your support, my Mother, my best friend lost her battle w/SCLC w/mets last Thursday... My Mother In Law, who was dx with esophageal cancer late June, will go under the care of hospice, her treatments are not working...she has went from 129 pounds to 83 pounds in this short time....…
Esophagus will not stay open...suggestions?
I am a 4 year EC survivor. I had chemo/radiation followed by an esophagectomy in Dec. 2006. I have done well overall, but have been having great difficulties keeping my throat open, lately. I have a bougie dilator at home but cannot get it through both strictures. My endo. doctor is frustrated, and I am frustrated with…
Pet scan update on my dad
We got the results of my dad's PET scan last week. It's taken me some time decide how I feel about it. I wasn't there to hear it from the dr and able to ask questions. Dad is stage 4. After 2 rounds of chemo and 2 months they said there is little change so they are calling it Stable. The primary tumor had grown a little in…
Mom has been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer
Hello, I am looking for any information/tips and especially inspiration. My mom (age 54) for the past three months my mom has been having trouble swallowing her food (she said it felt like food was getting trapped in chest area). She went for a scope last Tuesday (June 8/10). The doctor told her that he found a mass and…
Nebraska Connection Roll Call
I see there are a few of us from NE. Anybody want to do a little roll call? I've kind of felt alone out here, you know the middle of nowhere with only cornfields and no indoor plumbing, ;-) Just kidding. But if you have traveled and told people you are from Nebraska that is their impression. I'll start, My name is Deb. I…
New Member-March diagnosis-August surgery
I have been reading advice on the site for some time, and decided I needed to quit being a "Peeping Linda", as William would put it and be an active participant! My husband, Bob, age 56 at diagnosis of esophageal cancer March 31, 2010. Originally diagnosed at stage 2-3 due to the fact that they couldn't get the ultrasound…
Esophageal Cancer News Erbitux® May Improve Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus Researchers from Germany have reported that Erbitux® (cetuximab) improves response rate, time to disease progression, and overall survival of patients with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma receiving Platinol® (cisplatin) and…
Help Please
My Dad (62 years old) was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer August 13th 2010(Stage 3). He has just finished his first week of Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy and it did not go well. The doctors did blood work today and he was in kidney failure so they gave him fluids. I am not sure what I should do to help him thru this…
Good CT Scan results
Good news yesterday! First CT Scan results after two rounds of chemo showed no further spreading and a 30% reduction in tumor size. And gained two pounds! This does wonders for your spirits and according to some lore I've read from you wonderful people signifies a birthday of sorts for us. I just wanted to share some good…
Doea anyone know of this surgeon?
William, I don't know if maybe you can find the answer to this but if anyone can, I suspect you can. You have mentioned many times that the surgeon that did your MIE surgery was in Pittsburg, and he is one of the best. You also have mentioned some other doctors that he had trained in this proceedure. One of the surgeons…
False positive lymph nodes...anyone have any experience with this?
The PET scan impression: Interval development of moderate increased glucose metabolism in left hilar and subcarinal nodes suggesting recurrent neoplasms. The oncologists interpretation..... This PET scanner is extremely sensitive ...only three others that good in the world. I think it is just picking up inflamed lymph…
What a wonderful site
What a wonderful site. Daily I am amazed by the compassion, understanding and helpfulness that is offered to frightened posts from patients and/or their caregivers, still in shock from the diagnosis or suffering grief from the loss of a loved one. I know it has been of great benefit to us. If you are a caregiver you might…
New chemo plan
Hi all- Sorry I haven't updated since my worries with Lou's dilation 2 weeks ago. The dilation went well. The doctor was quite pleased that Lou's esophagus was not brittle and it stretched well. He will scope again next month to see if it needs more stretching. That was a good news day.....we were relieved. The next day we…
Ed passed away
With a very heavy heart I lost Ed yesterday at the hospital, he passed away at 12:15 PM. He had been in the hospital for two days. Diana and I had just visited him, went upstairs to the caardiac floor to visit with my Mom and the nurse called me and said he just passed away. Services will be held this Saturday. Although it…
SirSpheres in Colorado
Well, we are in Colorado. Our doctor is really amazing, he actually prayed over my husband--now that is humility, when you know that you are only the tool and God is the healer. We could not get insurance to cover the spheres, but we know Layne needs them. Therefore, we self paid by scrimping, saving, begging, pleading and…
discouraged about using this site.......
I was so excited to discover this venue and have day to day interaction with others going through what I am. Unfortunately, my few posts have not resulted in one personal reply so it feels like I'm talking in an echo chamber. If this doesn't change, I don't think I'll continue participating. Perhaps it's a club with closed…
lost health insurance - checkup how often
EC stage 11, did the chemo and rad then I had surgery at duke on Feb 2010 and I Had one cat scan in July 2010 that look good. I am losing my health isurance the end of this month. How often should I go and get a scan, can't afford often. Do think it would be ok if I don't go. What check or blood test could I do or should I…
Update on Diana and I
We had Ed's memorial Saturday, it was beautiful. Diana and I are doing ok. I think there is some sort of relief within both of us that he is at peace now. It was a long, horrible year for all three of us and I believe that God decided to take my husband because none of us could go on any longer, especially Ed. I want to…
Ed's memorial today
well William, I just read your very lost and somtimes funny, sometimes sad, posting to me. We buried our Ed today, we had his memorial this morning, many many people were present, the one person who was not there was my Mom, who is in the hospital unable to attend. I thought I would have very mixed feelings the day I sat…
Update on Mom Ginny
Hello EC family Thank you for your replies, thoughts, and prayers. As of Friday we found out that mom's leg test results were that she has P A D. This is peripheral artery disease. This is common in diabetics. So....first things first. Catherization done to see if there are blockages in her heart. If so, bypass surgery.…
Needed Prayer for my Mom
Hello my ec family, This is not concerning ec, but I am reaching out to all of you here to ask for daily prayer for my mom. She has been diagnosed with a leaking heart valve. She is 67. She is also a diabetic. The cardiologist is recommending a catherization to see if there are any blockages, and replacing the leaking…
My Father-in-law
Hello everyone. What a relief to find this site. My Father-in-law was diagnosed with E.C. stage 4, last week! It took almost a year. He's 67 years old. I'm not faulting Kaiser Medical, but the process does seem slow. He had a PET scan Saturday and will know the results at his appt. this Friday. Does anyone have experience…
CT results NEC
My husband had his CT scan yesterday. His first since his IL esophagectomy. The report said, "No evidence of cancer." Yay!! His oncologist said he looked a thousand times better than when we last saw him. That is not to say everything is smooth. We still are learning what and how to eat. Regularity issues. Shortness of…
Has anyone heard of MMS? Jim Humble came up with this to cure people in Africa with Malaria. However, he has found that it can cure many other ailments, including cancer. It is worth researching and checking out. http://jimhumble.biz/ P.S. My hubby is still recovering from his esophagectomy last Dec. '09. He is back to…
Jim had his second chemo-embolization last Tuesday. Had no side effects for the first 24 hours, then they kicked in! He's been nauseous and feels like he has a BAD case of the flu. We had a prescription for Phenergan, but that makes him loopy, so he's only taking 1/2 a tablet at night and last night we cut that in half.…