Another newbie here!

PatthePlumber Member Posts: 1 Member

Hey all! I just joined and I know my wife Lin and I are glad to be here.

I was having problems eating on my 75th birthday on 9/17. Somehow, homemade mac and cheese just would not go down! That's not like me — the old person who could eat anything. So, after the usual going to my PCP and having the barium swallow and the initial endoscopy in Syracuse, NY (Lin and I live in Watertown, NY), our Gastro doc found a 2 malignant cm tumor (but no metastasis thank heaven!).

I've been through the visual ultrasound, and now I'm meeting with the oncologist and the radiologist. Thank heavens, my wife is a retired OR nurse from Rochester, NY — she explains to me everything I forget to ask!! But being self-employed sucks — there is ZERO money coming in — so we are trying to find $$ any way we can.

It's nice to meet you all!! Hope someone is from Northern or Central NY!



  • Twine
    Twine Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2 #2

    I'm from the UK and I wish you a good New Year. Keep in touch with people on here Pat and let folk know how you get on in your journey.