Stage IV first week of chemo
This is my first post to the forums. im grateful to have found this board. i just wrote our story in the "About Me" section. My husband was recently diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer and had his first week of chemo which after two relatively benign days went downhill fast. He has already decided not to take another…
Esophagectomy or Chemo?
My 74 year old dad was just diagnosed with Stage 1 esophageal cancer. He is having an esophagectomy on Tuesday the 8th. He is very healthy otherwise, works out regularly and eats well. We live near Pgh. so we will be having Dr. Luketich's team perform the surgery. Our surgeon said that this is the way to go. He does not…
Loretta is Home
To all who ever benefited from Loretta’s postings, and I know many of you have, our dear friend has gone on to be with her Lord and loved ones. Her Homecoming day was yesterday morning, 3-5-19, around 1:30 AM. She is at peace and at rest, and enjoying her rewards. This Bible verse is most fitting: 2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have…
Stage IV 8 weeks post Esophagogastrectomy what to eat?
Hello everyone, this is my first post and looking for some advice for my Mom who was diagnosed with Stage 4 andinocarcinoma at GE junction Last Sept. She underwent presurgery FLOT chemo for 8 weeks and surgery was performed at Lehigh Valley cancer institute on Jan 18th. Pathology confirmed that chemo didn’t work (no dead…
Anyone know Dr. Ajani at MD Anderson in Houston, TX
I just want to know for my mom if this doctor is a keeper or if his hideous bedside manner is a run don't walk scenario.
Sending back a private message
Anyone having a problem answering a private message with that stupid code at the bottom.? Every time I answer type in what I see same numbers & letters they say it wrong. It is so frustrating!
Excessive mucus & foaming phlegm
My husband has been diagnosed with stage III Adenocarcinoma. He has not started his treatment plan yet. But is having excess mucus & phlegm. Just was wondering any ideals on how to maybe help him with this. Any ideals on how to control or even slow this down? Thanks
Esophagectomy after complete response
Hello everyone. I'm a 53-year-old female and I was diagnosed with stage 3 EC with nearly 2 in. tumor just above the ge junction in early April of this year. I have undergone 2 chemo sessions of Cisplatin & 5-day 5FU treatments each session and 25 radiation treatments (simultaneously). New PET scan indicated "no evidence…
Update---Got my Treatment Plan
Hello, I've gotten my treatment plan after surgery. All tests are showing that the surgery removed all of the cancer from my lung, so real chemo won't be prescribed. My doctor wanted to put me on a couple of HER2 drugs to ward off another recurrence. Herceptin, which i received for a very long time and a new HER2 drug.…
Krista diagnosed - looking for help/guidance
Yesterday, May 7, 2019, my wife, Krista, was diagnosed with squamous-cell esophageal cancer. She had an endoscopy at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA on May 2 due to difficulty swallowing food. Her GI (Dr. Wohlman) found nodules and did a biopsy, which confirmed cancer. Overlake is working to get approval from Premera for…
Update, good news
Today, my husband (age 72) had another clean CT scan. Last December 6, 2017, endoscopy showed a "fumigating bleeding 5 cm mass of malignant appearance in the GE junction. He was staged T3,N0,M0 (Stage IIb). Today, 18 months after diagnosis, my husband appears to be free of cancer. He didn't undergo "curative" surgery.…
Tear Duct Pain
The start of this mop-up chemo really hit me emotionally. I have never been one to cry much but the tears just kept coming after this first session. My eyes really hurt when I cried and all I could do was laugh at how ironic that was...can't even have a good cry without the chemo coming into the mix of tears, lol.…
Update & Farewell from Loretta Marshall~It's time to "WALK AWAY"
February 23, 2019 Update &Farewell letter to all my friends here on the CSN site Hello to all dear friends dealing with a cancer diagnosis- As you can see by the date on the bottom of this article by MAYO Clinic – February 20, 2006, I have kept this on file since then. And rightly so, since my husband, William Marshall,…
Blood Sugar issues
I had surgery for my Esophageal Cancer in October of 2017. Like others, I have had issues with gaining weight. I have also had blood sugar issues. I have spells of dizziness and other symptoms. I did not have these issues before surgery. Has anyone else experienced this?
Paul, Protonix
Paul, I've been on Protonix for about 8 1/2 years, and now I here the side effects aren't that good. My pharmacist told me of a natural medicine to take its place. Do you know if any other members has had a problem with protonix?
EC - T4 N1
Hello everyone, I am new to this group and I'm not the one with EC, it's my 65 year old brother. He was diagnosed in September, 2018. His diagnosis stated "A mass was found in the lower third of the esophagus.Two paraesophageal lymph nodes were visualized proximal to the mass. This was staged as at least T4 N1, cannot rule…
So, I had another appointment with my oncologist this week. It was a bit of a letdown as we mostly rehashed information I got at my appointment in February. The nice thing was when my wife asked her, "So then, he's doing good?" the answer was, "No, he's doing great." So she's happy with the results of the surgery and my…
Excessive Saliva and TWO stents left in stomach
Hi Folks, This is my first post and first experience with any kind of online support network, thank you for being here. My father has EC, and had a stent inserted to help him take food orally. This 'migrated' down into the stomach in a few days; docs said ok, no problem, it will be ok in the stomach, and they inserted…
what do elevated levels of ggt nt-bnp and cea together indicate
I recently took a blood test that showed elevated levels of ggt nt-bnp and cea. I took the cea test again and it went from 12 to 19. I have not retested the others. What do the three of them together indicate? Does anyone know? I am having an endscopy and colonoscopy this Monday.
Ayurvedic Cure- ray of hope
Hi, I am mishti and I am from India. My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 mid range esophagus Cancer in Feb 2011. I got in touched with one of individual who was suffering from brain cancer. After getting range of treatment from chemo to radiation, he went in for ayurvedic treatment in Varansi , India and find remarkable…
An Unusual Case of Small Cell Esophageal Cancer
An Unusual Case of Small Cell Esophageal Cancer My mother was feeling unwell, and we were forced to have her admitted to hospital because her sodium level was at 120, while a normal level is between 135 and 145. After a number of tests and days spent monitoring and regulating her sodium levels, she was diagnosed with…
I hate this cancer
Hello there. I am usually on the kidney cancer discussion board since having a tumor removed back in January. Cancer has effected my life so much. My Mom passed away from small cell esophageal cancer. She had acid reflux and swollowing problems for awhile and it took awhile for the doctor to take her seriously and do and…
has anyone seen dr. peter enzinger from dana farber in boston, ma???
We are about to make an appt to see him. wondering if anyone else have seen him and what they think. please let me know. thanks linda
ED -aka DeathorGlory - Today is the day!
Well, Ed - My calendar says it's February 4th. Sure hope by now that you have had surgery and that surgeons have correctly identified the problem you are currently wrestling with. As always, especially we Stage IV cancer patients, are hoping that this is "something you can live with." You've been battling this since 2008.…
FolFox Chemo Treat
My husband was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He has an 11 centimeter tumor at the base of his esophagus. Some lymh nodes are involved but no organs. Today we learned he should start FolFox chemo treatments next week - 2 days of chemo every other week. He may also have the Her2 protein which the oncologist…
Anyone used Dr. Wei @ UAB for Ivor Lewis
Hello! My husband was diagnosed with EC on 12/10/2018. He is nearing the end of chemo and radiation next week. Has anyone used Dr. Wei at UAB for the Ivor Lewis procedure?
Need Input
My husband had a PET scan yesterday as followup for the initial radiation/Zeloda regimen. Our onc told us there was "good response" on the primary tumor. However, there are now two Supraclavicular lymph nodes that look to be involved on the R side. It also showed sinusitis on the L side. He has had a miserable cold since…
Uncle Mike~Stage IV Esophageal Cancer~helpful references & info 4U
Dear Uncle Mike You’ve obviously come to a good site to find out more about your cancer. You state that your diagnosis is Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. However, you are talking about having surgery! Usually Stage IV EC patients are treated palliatively, with chemo and/or radiation. So I’m wondering if you have had a SECOND…
Has anyone NOT had an Esophagectomy after Chemo and radiation?
I had the cancer removed and have completed my radiation and chemo. I am scheduled for another PET scan next week. Every bit of internet research leads me to the Esophagectomy so I'm just wondering is this surgery the only option? I will see the surgeon again after the PET scan but I don't think there is a surgeon in the…
New Diagnosis
My dear 70yo Mum has just been diagnosed with EC (adenocarcinoma) but we won’t get all the staging details till Wednesday. I was starting to only think the worse thanks to google, but thanks to your hopeful stories, I’m starting to breathe again. i thought because she had symptoms that it automatically was a dire…