How many rounds?
Doc says I will be having chemo until it stops working. On round 35. Stage 4. Stopped oxoliaplaten on round 15. Now on 5fu, herceptin and keytruda
ESOPHAGEAL CANCER Treatments in India
Hello All, I wanted to know if someone of your family or friends have a successful Stomach Cancer treatments in India. Let me know how the treatment was and where. Please help. Thanks, Vijay
Throat cancer
I have had throat cancer twice leaving my epiglottis nit working and me on a Gtube for life,so they say. I am hoping there is someone out there that can tell me that the epiglottis can be replaced and eating real food will again be a joy in my life.
Tomorrow will be 1 month since my cancer diagnosis....
Hello all, my name is Jeff. I just joined this network to maybe gain some insight into what to expect coming up. I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on 9/6/2022 and found out that it was Stage IV on 9/15/2022. My first round of chemotherapy started on 9/20/2022 and I am currently going through my 2nd round (of 12…
Back Pain...
Getting some right upper back pain after eating. Is this common after an esophagectomy? Could the back pain be a symptom of an esophageal stricture or dumping syndrome? The pain isn't from acid reflux. I will be seeing my doctor in a couple weeks. Or should i see the doctor immediately...?
Esophageal Cancer Caregiver
Hi. I’m a 47 yo woman who just married my long term fiancé in 6 days last May which was a week after he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. We underwent chemo and radiation in June. Had some bowel issues that arose and had to have an emergency surgery which took a lot to recover from. In September he had an…
Newly Diagnosed
I am 41 years old and they found the tumor in my throat on October 4th. I will admit I am terrified at the thought of chemo and such a major surgery. I have read so many of the topics here and conversations and it does give me hope but also at the same time dread. I do have a wonderful support group, family and friends and…
Home alone
My 68 y.o. brother is finishing his 3rd week of daily radiation and weekly chemo for stage 3 esophageal cancer. It's beginning to hit him hard and he is feeling sick. He drives himself to all of his appointments and lives alone. Should he be alone during all of this? I worry he won't recognize if he's facing a real medical…
4 months into this
Hello I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer stage 4 metastasized June 24 2022. Since then I received the fast track to a PEG tube and have completed 5 rounds of chemotherapy over 10 weeks. Sept. 23rd had a normal bowel movement after tube feeding and have had straight liquid bowel movements ever since. Dr stopped chemo…
Esophageal cancer would like to talk to someone on phone old fashion
I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer jan 25,2022,I have completed all radation and chemo ,I also had covid on top of it,I've lost 65lbs and had a stent placed that made it difficult to eat,I am now starting rehab and starting to get some strength back,I am scheduled for surgery in june,I am 77 years old and have been…
Bowel Movement
Hello I just recently had an esophagectomy and I am wondering is it normal to have trouble using the bathroom??? Can anyone give me any advice on how to have one normally without taking anything such as a suppository,enema or prune juice any information would be helpful
Squamous cell of epiglottis
Hi I'm new I am 9 months out from my last radiation treatment and scanned every 3 months and just CT scan no contrast back Sept 9 all saying cancer free but have had pain in throat and gradually have lost my voice. My. ENT was saying that must be allergies and radiation oncologist saying the same have had two endoscopies…
Depression...I guess
I have esophageal cancer. I was diagnosed in November of 2021 and since then have done chemo, radiation, surgery and I thought I was done. Oh, no. NOW I've got to do immunotherapy for the next year. This was a complete surprise to me and now my emotions are out of control. I cannot eat regularly anymore, no favorite foods,…
CA19-9 rising after EC surgery
Dear all, my father had his ivor lewis surgery 4 month ago to remove EC tumor stage IV with no metastasis. Before this he was on a chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The surgery to remove the tumor went well and tumor marker CA 19-9 was reduced to 70 U/ml. After some weeks, analysis shown that the tumor marker was high to 132…
Dry gagging feeling unwell
Really hope someone can help my dad had an esophagectomy about five years ago over the last year he has had this dry gagging and becomes quite unwell he is usually like it for a few days. His scan shows nothing but this happens randomly any time and seems to be getting worse really hope someone has done ideals. best…
Esophageal cancer stage III
I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer stage III at the age of 70 last year day before Thanksgiving. I’ve since had a feeding tube and port put in , had 28 radiation treatments, 6 chemos and eventually the Ivor surgery in April of this year. I am blessed to say that at this moment, feeding tube is gone, I’m eating on my…
Caregiver Journey
Hi - I'm new to the board and glad to have found you. My husband had a total larengectomy last year. Not only can he not speak but also lost his sense of smell and taste. Recently had a TEP implanted, but he is frustrated at not being able to instantly speak and it is quite painful when he does. I've been with him through…
Long Term without a Handbook
It seems like forever, I was diagnosed in 2013 and went through chemo/radiation the first quarter of the year with the inderstanding my treatment wouldn't be complete until I had an esophagectomy. It took 3 years of constriction, aspirating almost weekly, and a daily battle with trying to eat anything, let alone enough…
Throat feels like I'm being chocked
I have problems with my throat it feels like I'm being choked sometimes have problems swallowing of pain in the middle of my chest I had an endoscopy which showed no cancer thank God it just showed that I had some papillomas and they said that shouldn't cause any problems but yet I'm having this issue that seems to get…
On my previous post I mentioned my first Chemo/immunotherapy was last Monday. Actually it was Friday 7/29
Tooth Loss - Stage II Esophageal Cancer and Stage IV Lung
I have stage IV lung cancer as the primary cancer which has metastasized to the brain, spine and ribs. I've been taking Tagrisso for this since July 1st, which has basically eliminated my rib and spine pain. Miracle drug. I know I will never be cured, and there is a high probability the cancer mutates from EGFR to…
really worried
HI I'm a 38 year old male i have type 1 diabetes i have been having pain swallowing off and on now with red meat for about 3 or 4 years now i got pain/discomfort behind behind breastbone cant hardly eat or drink loss of appetite went to er was put in hospital because of Diabetic ketoacidosis last week for a few days in ccu…
My Tale
Should anyone wish to read about my own battle with the Dragon (I call it my Dance with the Dragon... you can dance with a dragon, but one slip and he's gonna eat you!)you can find it online at:http://ngc1514.com/Dragon/ The "D" in Dragon must be capitalized. The page has not been updated since 2007, but many people have…
Scared I have EC
I apologize if this is disrespectful to those on here with a diagnosis, so feel free to not answer. I have extreme health anxiety...but usually when I begin to freak out about something, the symptoms are real. Usually that are exacerbated by whatever caused me to panic, but real all the same. I am a 39 year old woman. I am…
Any possible legal actions against a doctor or Surgeon?
Hello everyone. my name is Gaelan and I just joined, so my profile is still new. My wife and I are both cancer survivors. Mine happend as Lymphoma back 12 years ago, and I went into remission, I've had no re-occurances since then, thank God. My wife was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer 2 years ago and went through a…
Esophageal stent
Does anyone know if an esophageal stent can cause pain and can it be removed safely? My brother had a stent placement back in September but he is having such pain in his chest area, he feels it is the stent. They finally did a catscan on him the 28th but has to wait to get the results when he goes in this Wednesday. My…
Esophagectomy and stomach pull up
My friend was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma esophagus. It is located at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach. He was diagnosed as stage I with no metastasis. so his doctor recommended surgery. The doctor explained the procedure to my friend and he was terrified of the idea of cutting the whole esophagus…
Stage 4 tumor wrapped in my vocal cords
I survived cardiac arrest 6 years ago I was flatlined for 4 min. Only to find out i got stage 4 throat cancer a year ago. I have to have my voice box removed after radiation and kemo failed. Now my only way of breathing is through a hole in my neck. I watch my 4 month old grandson and use a true tone voice aid. I'm…
Three blockages plus cancer
Hi my was diagnosed with three blockages in main arteries of heart last year she survived but her heart functions only 30% two weeks ago my mother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer doctor said can't go through surgery and chemo treatment as her heart only 30 % besides radiotherapy alone have 11% chance to control cancer…
freaking out
Hi all, Well, Lee had an overall good weekend, we even got out for a car ride and a trip to our local apple orchard's gift shop. However...... His feeding tube site has been leaking dark brown liquid, lots of it, he soaked through his gauze pad covering several times during the last 18 hours, and it even soaked right…