Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Seeking guidance for Cervical cancer stage 3
I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer i completed definitive chemoradiation followed by CRT on sep 1 2023. then I underwent a cystoscopy and cervical biopsy on june 2024. which revealed moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. I recently underwent robotic surgery for stage 3C cervical cancer, successfully…
fallopian tube cancer
Diagosed with fallopian tube cancer 11/25/08. Surgeon removed tubes, ovaries, utereus and followed up with 6 sessions of chemo. Last CT Scan was good CA125 was 2 Follow up CT in 6 months. Anyone out there with this disease, how long ago was surgery and treatment? Can find LITTLE information regarding this form of cancer.…
Cervical Cancer and Fatigue
I was diagnosed in April with cervical cancer. I've noticed that I get tried easily and now the past few days my body hurts. Today (5/9) I woke up and my whole body hurts. I'm normally very active and always on the go. I decided to run some errands yesterday and mow my front yard. I felt good till the afternoon when I…
Vulvar Cancer 2024
my mother who I care for underwent reconstructive surgery for this type of cancer and would like to know if anyone can relate and we can connect and my mother can connect with someone who has suffered the same change she has please reach out [Edited by CSN Support Team]
EMPD Extramammary Vulvar Paget’s Disease
Is there anyone out there with EMPD??
Vulva Cancer survivor
I am looking for other woman that have been through what I have been through. Let me begin from the beginning. When I was 38 my periods just stopped. I just figured I was going through early menopause. Well.in December of 2021 when I was 39 I found a lump. I was freaked out a little but kind of put it out of my mind. It…
Cervical cancer stage 4B
I was diagnos CERVICAL CANCER Stage 4B last 2021 at the age of 25 .. i been through a lot of fights, having all treatments and complications ..its been 4 yrs but im still in pain and getting worst.. cant afford having back in fort in my dr. because i cant proceed to what my oncologist advice due to lack of finances 😔 , Now…
Penguin Cold Caps and Hair Loss
Anyone here about the Penguin Cold Caps? I was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in April 2012 and had a partial hysterectomy. I underwent 6 weeks of radiation and 6 sessions of chemo. In August 2012 I found a lump on one of my scars and turns out I had to have surgery 2 weeks ago. The cancer was there again. I know have to…
These forums only succeed in making me angry, because there is no help for vulvar cancer in my area except surgery then no support after... not even reliable surveillance for recurrence. One surgery was left incomplete resulting in a new tumor which was misdiagnosed as a genital wart and lichen simplex was misdiagnosed as…
Positive Margins
Two days after wide local excision to remove vin iii lesions, someone from my doctor's office called to tell me the patholgy report says margins are not clear. But, the girl said, the doctor says don't pay attention to it, because he ablated (?) tissue beyond the area excised. Honestly, I'm a bit ticked off that the doc is…
VIN 3 diagnosis & no HPV
Hi, I'm new here. I spent a few hours reading posts on here and countless hours on Google. I wanted to see if anyone else has a similar experience as I'm losing my mind. I'm 43 - I've never had an abnormal pap. Negative for all variations of HPV. About 9 months ago I noticed a small fleshy colored growth on vulva area. I…
VIN 3 - Partial Vulvectomy
I read these message boards before my surgery and I'm here for a little support. VIN3 doesn't seem to have much resources so like many women I thought this may be a good place for support. I'm early 40s, no HVP, never abnormal PAP, same partner for 20 years. VIN 3 was removed by partial vulvectomy. Home the same day.…
Endometrial cancer
Just got biopsy results endometrioid Adenocarcinoma FIGO 11 not sure what it means waiting to get appt with surgeon.
Loss of vagina and reconstructive surgery
I actually have rectal cancer but it grew quite large and has invaded the vagina. I will be losing most if not all of my vagina.This has thrown me for a loop. I find it easier to face the loss of my rectum and a likely permanent ostomy. I was hoping there might be someone here who has faced the same thing. I was also…
Wide Excision of vulva with CUSA
Hello, I’ve read the posts on this board, and it seems no one is active anymore? I have been diagnosed with VIN2. I have surgery scheduled 7/25/22 which is two days before my 51st bday. I would love to hear from someone who has had a similar experience, guidance, encouragement. Anything. I know I need to ask more questions…
Cervical cancer
I have just recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer and I am very scared for what is to come.
Stuck In Limbo-Freaking Out
I had a CT scan 2 weeks ago due to bowel changes and pain in the lower left quadrant, definitely waited longer than I should have to go get it checked out. This scan showed I have a 8.7cm x 8.3 cm solid Adnexal Mass on the left side, and a 5.5cm thick-walled cyst on my right ovary. Went to my Gynecologist and she has me…
Just Home from VIN II/III Laser Ablation (PlasmaJet) Outpatient Surgery
Greetings to those who have posted in the past and not heard much from others about this condition (Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia / Lichen Sclerosus), the surgery and the aftereffects and next steps. I'll start with, briefly: yesterday (2/8/2024) I had laser ablation outpatient surgery for VIN II/III, diagnosed after my…
Hi, I'm new and from the UK but unfortunately there is not much in the way of support for this specific condition in the UK. I was diagnosed with VIN 3 in December and am currently being treated with Aldara cream. Sometimes it really gets me down and I feel like I'll never be normal again! Just hoped that someone who is…
Endometrial cancer
I had endometrial cancer that metastasized to my lung. I just started Everolimus and Letrozole. What is the longevity for me?
Cervical cancer
Hi. I was told 12/1/23 I have cervical cancer and to go to a gynecologist to find out what stage I am. I’ve been extremely terrified given I have a 3 year old. I only went to the hospital due to severe pelvic pain and shortness of breath. I’ve been having these pelvic pains for over 2 weeks along with getting my period a…
uterine cancer
has anyone ever taken Progestrin for a treament for a grade 1 uterine cancer?
Vulvar Cancer
I was diagnosed with stage 3 vulvar cancer a few years ago. Wanted to start a discussion with anyone about this, as we are a rare group and Id like to know your story.
Vulvar cancer
I have just been diagnosed with vulvar cancer. Going for pet scan this week for more info. I am in pain and very difficult to sit. I’m sure surgery will be done & wondering if this pain or the pain after surgery will be worse. Urinating is torture right now. Lidocaine not much help, I use a squirt bottle and that is…
Anyone have a cervical cancer recurrence 9 years later?
Hello all! I used to be on the older CSC network discussion group when I was diagnosed with Stage 1B Cervical adenocarcinoma in 2014, had a radical hysterectomy and that was all that was needed. Then I got breast cancer (2021), early stage, with bilateral mastectomy and that was all that was needed. THEN I started having…
Radiation and catheter
Hello I am undergoing radiation and chemotherapy for colorectal cancer that's actually in my vagina which is very rare I have found out but nevertheless I am receiving radiation to my pelvic and abdomen starting my fourth week I begin to get severe burns in the genital area I have tried all kinds of things to stop the pain…
Hi I'm in Northern Ireland and trying to find out dosage of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. Can anyone please point me in the right direction??
Elderly on CarboTaxol
Hi, I used to be an RN in an oncology and hospice unit. I know what chemo Can do. I’m scared as I am faced with helping my young 87 year old mother (she’s super active). We are trying to decide if we should not get any chemo at all and just let her live out her life in peace and happy or if we should go with the port and…
Permanent hair loss due to Taxotere
I’ve just signed up on this sight, so forgive me if I’m not going about this the right way. I’m 73 years, diagnosed with stage 3 endometrial cancer in October of 2022. Had a total hysterectomy in November and began chemo in January of this year. I did half the chemo, paused that and had 32 radiation treatments, then…
Has anyone out there been diagnosed with Bartholin Gland Cancer / Vulva Cancer?