Stuck In Limbo-Freaking Out

I had a CT scan 2 weeks ago due to bowel changes and pain in the lower left quadrant, definitely waited longer than I should have to go get it checked out. This scan showed I have a 8.7cm x 8.3 cm solid Adnexal Mass on the left side, and a 5.5cm thick-walled cyst on my right ovary. Went to my Gynecologist and she has me scheduled an MRI for a little over a week from now(scheduling is hell) and an oncologist for the week after.. My CA-125 numbers were just above normal, but I have been having pain for over a month now which has officially hit the excruciating level, and the bloating and tightness just keeps getting worse..

My maternal grandmother died of some form of gynecological cancer 50 years ago, by the time it was found it was everywhere..

I really don't know which is worse, the pain or the fear of not knowing.

Any comments / advice is more than welcome.



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,542 Member

    I'm sorry, I am a visitor from the Uterine/Endometrial page, but I wanted to send you warmth thoughts as you wait. Waiting is the hardest part. I would say should it turn out to be cancer, please ask to work with a GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGIST.

  • InkedUpAllie
    InkedUpAllie Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you for the warm thoughts. The oncologists I am scheduled to see is a Gynecologic Oncologist, luckily, I have the BEST Gynecologist directing me which path to take during this period of time.

  • Susan13a
    Susan13a Member Posts: 7 Member

    You are not the only one. My tumor was found in a CT scan performed to clarify why my UTI had not cleared up with 3 antibiotics. They found a 12.5 cm tumor. It was so huge they didn't know where it was coming from. It took a little more than a month to get a firm diagnosis. The tumor had invaded my vagina so they thought it was gynecological but it turned out to be rectal cancer. That month of waiting on scans and diagnostic testing was the worst. No where to get support because I didn't fit into a category. I was terrified and freaking out on my own. Just hang in there you will get answers soon. I'll be sending you love and good wishes