Seeking guidance for Cervical cancer stage 3

I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer i completed definitive chemoradiation followed by CRT on sep 1 2023. then I underwent a cystoscopy and cervical biopsy on june 2024. which revealed moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. I recently underwent robotic surgery for stage 3C cervical cancer, successfully removing the main tumor. However, a PET scan revealed one lymph node with active cancer, and I’m currently on chemotherapy.

What additional treatment options might be available for me? Any insights or resources would be appreciated


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,542 Member

    Hello, Ivy. I am sorry no one has responded, it is a little quite on the cervical cancer board. I am not sure if you have had any luck finding anyone to talk to, but I would suggest checking out the SHARE Cancer Support site. It is for women's cancers and you may find others who can help. Here is there site:

  • localvert1202
    localvert1202 Member Posts: 1 *

    When you say they removed the tumor does that mean you still have part of your cervix? I was told by my doctor after multiple leeps that it was best to take the entire cervix. They thought they had gotten my tumor each time and reported clear margins but it always grew back. Hope this helps. Positive vibes that they get it all.