Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Looking for Kaiser MDs, Bay Area if possible
Hi, My husband, Jim has 4+3 Gleason score, PSA 10.4 (11/2024), PSMA PET is negative for spread, MRI showing the tumor is on the left side and "extracapsular". The treatment options presented to Jim are surgery or ADT/brachytherapy/external beam radiation. I've seen posts here from 2010 and 2014 naming some surgeons at…
67 years old Gleason score (3+4) next
Signs of Life
Nearly 16 weeks since RARP and last night out of nowhere there was “a sign of life” as far as the ED is concerned. How or why I don’t know but suddenly had the closest thing to an erection since before surgery and there was pretty good sensation with it. Taking this as a good sign. Incontinence is greatly improving and…
Proton vs IMRT
I know many of you have seen the results of the Partiqol study comparing IMRT to Proton. Generally the take away is that the treatments are equivalent. I agree with that assessment . I was reviewing some of the details in that study and the thing that really struck me was how good both treatments were. I personally think…
Radiation Proctitis Argon Plasma Coagulation treatment
I had radiotion treatments that ended in may of 2017, Started seeing blood clots in my stool. Turned out to be Radiation Proctitis..During Sigmoid oscopy they were able to see the bleading and there was a lot of damage and the Dr he basically lasered the whole area. I saw the photos... Has any one had any side effect from…
Biopsy without any bleeding
I'm not complaining, just curious. Had transrectal targeted biopsy (5 sites) with no blood in urine or semen. After all I've read about blood lasting for weeks, has anyone not experienced much bleeding? A pre-cancerous HG_PIN neoplasia was found. So cancer free for now!
Urinary Retention from Radiation Therapy
I'll be heading for 5 weeks of Radiation Therapy soon. Having had a bout of acute urinary retention (not being able to pee at all) after my IRE ablation procedure, I'm paranoid that it may happen again with the RT treatment. My doctor thinks it unlikely. He claims the radiation is much less likely to cause the kind of…
First Transrectal Biopsy
I'm scheduled for my first prostate transrectal biopsy on Monday morning. I made the appointment months ago, but it’s been on my mind ever since. As an older man, I feel pretty anxious about everything, from the prep to the procedure and the results. Any tips for easing my nerves?
newly diagnosed prostate cancer
I am 71 yo male in fairly good physical shape. Had an MRI done after an elevated PSA of 11.3 on early January 2025. The diagnosis as per UCLA was a Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer. I am scheduled for a biopsy on February 11th. I have visited with several different urologists to learn about my options. I am also looking…
What do you wish you'd asked? + ED after more than 3 years
Hi all, I'm 56. Was diagnosed last year Gleason 3+3 and chose active surveillance. That has progressed this year to Gleason 3+4 in 2 cores with some cribriform patterning. Decipher is 46 with intermediate risk. I have to choose a treatment and hate all options. I find that doctors don't give you the whole picture and I am…
Pathology Report Question
Good afternoon, My father had robotic surgery to remove the prostate following a PIRAD 5 Prostate MRI (No lymph involvement) and a postitive biopsy showing Gleason 3+3 and Gleason 3+4. Surgery on 9/23/24, deceived the unfortunate news last week that there were positive margins. Conversation with the surgeon was a 2 minute…
finished radiation
i had prostate surgery in may of last year and then radiation and finished that in novermber just had a psa score taken and it came back at 0.25 do i need any further treatment
I'm a 65 year old recently diagnosed. My PSA was 5.34 in April and my urologist recommended an MRI. MRI in June showed showed prostate volume 38cc. T2 hypointense lesion involving the the left posteromedial mid gland peripheral zone measures 0.3cm and demonstrates focal restricted diffusion and low ADC with early focal…
Gleason score of 7
In 3 of 12 biopsies Dr wants to remove prostate ? Should I ? Or better options ?
Advice needed
First off, I'm shocked to be here. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I'm here for support to my husband and to gather information. A little history: My husband is 52. He had a physical a month ago that showed a PSA of 4.1. The doctor sent him to a local urologist. The only symptom I've noticed is going to the…
Catheter and Cystoscope
I need some advice. After spending a week with a catheter due to blood clots in my urine, it was removed and followed with a cystoscopy. Before the catheter was placed (after three attempts), I was able to urinate. However, now I’m having difficulty urinating—I feel a frequent urge but can only produce a trickle. I also…
Working out
I'm coming up on two months after my Prostatectomy and I see my Urologist on Jan 10th, 2025. My questions for you guys. 1. Have any of you been riding your bicycles any issues? 2. Do Any of you ride dirt bikes with any issues? I've only been walking and NO GYM at all! Note: I'm 66
Proton Therapy Study Results for Localized Cancer
Since I plan to pursue radiotherapy if & when I have to step off of the AS track, I keep up with the research on efficacy of different methods. Here's the results of a recent randomized study comparing Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) and Intensity Modulated Ration Therapy (IMRT) which uses photons, for localized cancer.…
Husband diagnosed as intermediary unfavorable
We are looking at treatment options and leaning toward surgery. He is just now 65 and fairly active and healthy. We are in Texas and have access to MD Anderson, which is great and Medicare…. Just. We have read/heard alot about ivermectin. Has anyone done any natural treatments or do you have advice. I want to move forward…
Latest Check-up Results
I had my 3 month checkup today, and the good news is that my PSA is still undetectable, but my Testosterone has only risen to 26. But, by far, the most important test result is that my PSA is still undetectable. Life is good. My Related History and Data: Post-Robotic Prostate Removal Surgery Pathology Report A. Lymph…
Post AMS 800 recovery pain
I had the AMS 800 implanted on January 14 and it is now January 31. My perineum incision healed well but my incision across my lower stomach, though it looks good on the surface, gives me shooting pains if I do anything other than lay on my back all day long. Is this to be expected? My surgeon said I should walk but that…
Latest on IRE Nanoknife Focal experience
Thought I'd start a new post and update my Pca journey. Condensed history: First diagnosed November 2023 with 4+3=7 tumor within gland. Confirmed by 2 biopsies, bone scan, and PSMA PET scan. No metastasis. After local urologist suggested surgery or radiation I got a second opinion from Fox Chase Cancer Center in…
A newer phase in my Systemic treatment now with metastasis in bone
To all in this forum and particularly the old members that have help me along the years in understanding facts on PCa issues based to their experiences, or suggestions to my case. It has been 18 months since I dropped a post in the forum (July 2022). I felt that I have failed those that were used in receiving my prompt…
Treatment Options
New member: 73, living in Texas, diagnosed Thanksgiving week 2024 after significant PSA increases (2>4, 4>6) in the past two years. Biopsy showed two lesions in the prostate, Gleason 7 (3+4 and 4+3). PET scan followed, revealing three spots in the prostate and activity in right and left iliac lymph nodes. Diagnosis…
Relugolix (Orgovyx) before Abiraterone (Zytiga)?
After a PSA doubling in three months and then an early January PSMA PET scan which first indicated metastatic Pca, my Fox Chase Surgeon immediately prescribed Bicalutimide (Casodex) and arranged a fairly quick mid January appointment with a medical oncologist. She took me off the Bicalutimide and prescribed Relugolix…
What if radiotherapy fails
Just about everything I've been reading indicates modern radiation treatments properly administered are statistically superior to Radical Prostatectomys concerning quality of life issues. Sounds like they're equally effective. I've now been advised by two different radiologists that 5 weeks IMRT is a good first course of…
Pads and chaffing
Three months post op. About a month ago I switched from the full Depends briefs to the Depends Pads. I am using 2-3 pads a day which aren’t completely saturated when I change them. However, in the last couple days I’ve noticed the pads seem to be chaffing both sides of my straddle/groin. Anyone else had this problem and…
For men in their 50s or 60s who chose brachytherapy or external beam
I'm 56 but one of my lesions is near a nerve and I don't think surgery is going to both preserve sexual function and get all the cancer, so I am leaning towards radiation. Yes yes, I know I might die sooner. For those in their 50s and 60s who chose radiation, did you choose brachytherapy or external beam, and why? How…
85 Year old with metastatic prostate cancer... chemo or hospice...
Hey i had been on here awhile back about our 85 year old dad who has prostate cancer that metasticized and was also in the bone... Since then it has spread to the liver and lungs... He still drives, plays the guitar, cooks, cleans and is very full of life... The doctor has now told us that the only choice left is Chemo...…
Thank you all
Thanks tom all of the men on here who went through some type of treatment and who are always here to share their views and to share their opinions. Recently, my older brother is having an issue unfortunately with his pancreas he’s going in for a biopsy on February 11. I posted, asking dor some advice in the pancreatic…