Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Biopsy without any bleeding
I'm not complaining, just curious. Had transrectal targeted biopsy (5 sites) with no blood in urine or semen. After all I've read about blood lasting for weeks, has anyone not experienced much bleeding? A pre-cancerous HG_PIN neoplasia was found. So cancer free for now!
Week 6 of 7 SRT complete
Week 6 and 7 I’m told they are concentrating on prostate bed. Only difference is about 3 hours after treatment, I run out of gas and need a 1-2 hour nap Still on same boring diet 😩. No diarrhea. Can’t wait for that first pizza a month from now 🎉🎉 hope everyone has a GREAT weekend I still have 3 more acres of grass to cut…
SRT after RALP - Centering CTscan execution
Good morning, I just had a centering CT scan because I have to undergo SRT (I had a robotic radical prostatectomy in 2019, and the PSA slowly rose to values around 0.200-0.250). The preparation for the centering CT scan included a full bladder and an empty rectum. Everything was OK for the rectum, but, probably having…
I have questions... new member
I am 53 and might be dealing with prostate cancer. heres my story. I have had my large intestine removed in 2008 from ulceritive colitis. I kept having microscopic blood in my urine and still do to this day. Also in past had a growth on my kidney that they did a cryoablation on 8 years ago and followed up with MRI for 5…
Questions about IMRT and Urinary Urgency
I'm currently into my 14th of 40 IMRTs today. In the last few days I've been struggling to hold my bladder while on the machine. Had two incidences of having to stop the treatment for me to get off and pee. I barely made it to the restroom both times. They're very understanding and after I drink some more water and wait a…
The little stuff (hints and tips): life after surgery
How about sharing practical tips for post surgery life. Look forward to reading everyone’s tips. Here is what is working for me 8 weeks out dealing with incontinence. Doing my Kegels and pretty happy with my progress but I occasionally leak or have a small squirt of urine when I cough, sneeze, laugh, stand up, bend down,…
Sbrt question about how low psa dropped
Finished up my 5 doses end of Dec. I was wondering how low did your psa drop to? I was psa 8.5 Gleason 4+3 initially. Went on orgovyx 6 weeks prior to radiation, 4 months total. At last treatment session, psa was 3.8. Next blood work beginning of May. Was hoping for some real life statistics. Thanks in advance guys.
An update and a question on treatment plan
I first posted last month when I was initially diagnosed with prostate cancer. The comments from everyone were very helpful. I finally saw the oncologist this past Friday (3/21/2025). I wanted to give an update on where I stand and ask what you all think of my oncologist's proposed treatment plan (knowing that you are not…
Transperineal Biopsy and ED
I'm a 55 year old male scheduled for a TPB next week for MRI findings of two PIRADS 4 lesions 7 mm each on the right side, but I also have a trip scheduled the week after with a new girlfriend. Anyone have any experiences with side effects after, specifically erectile dysfunction and how long it lasts? Thanks!
Week 5 of SRT
Greetings all Radical robotic Prostectomy 12/8/23. Subsequent PSA’s went from 0 to .42 over next 12 months. Doubling every 3 months So, I just finished week 5 of my SRT treatment. No issues first week. Lots of bathroom visits end of 2nd week at one point I was positive that my anus had blown off and I would see it floating…
New to Reluctant Brotherhood
Thanks to this great forum as I am learning lots about things I wish I never had to learn. 65-yr old living with my wife on Cape Cod. I am recently diagnosed with 7 of 15 cores malignant, (6 cores 3+3 and one 4+3 at target lesion found on MRI, plus two cores list “High-grade PIN”), in left mid core “Perineural invasion is…
New PSA level was only a 0.54 as of yesterday;
Greetings all; I was officially diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, and approximately 3 mths later, prostate cancer. My PSA level went up to over 400 points (yikes), but I absolutely felt 100% normal as if nothing was wrong. Immediately, I was enrolled in Cancer Treatment, with only meds, which was to follow up with chemo…
Thanks all
I want to thank those who tried to help me. I gave my best effort to try to deal with the side effects of treatment from this disease but learned today that ADT damaged my testicles and they are no longer working so I will never recover testosterone. I also learned ADT gave me osteoporosis and heart problems. This is not…
Update on 2010 diagnosis and treatment
In 2010 at the age of 59, I had Da Vinci surgery with a Gleason 4+5=9 and PSA of 9. Post surgical biopsy showed all margins clear with no seminal vesicle involvement and Gleason post-op score was changed to a 4+3=7. Subsequent PSA was non-detectable as tested every three months for the first two years. Five years after…
79 year old with Advanced PC to L-1 & Pelvic
Always have enjoyed the wonderful testimonials from Forums! I Went to ER with Urinary Retention on this past December, 2024. Inserted Cathether due to Very large Gland First Urologist visit confirmed PC, CT couple of weeks later confirmed APC Then PSA with a high Gleason of 4+5.. Had first HT Firmagon injections a month…
When to consider yourself cancer-free post surgery
Some of you US guys may be familiar with Rick Steves, the travel guru. He has the most popular guidebooks for travel to Europe, as well as TV, radio, podcasts, and tours. He had surgery for prostate cancer last October. Recently, he made an online statement saying he is cancer-free, based on his most recent non-detect for…
Decision Time RP or ADT/HDR/EBRT
After waiting 8 weeks for my MRI Fusion biopsy the results are in and not great mostly Gleason 9 (4+9) and one Gleason 9 (5+4). Have Bone Scan and CT Thursday and Friday of this week. Hoping it hasn't metastasized but concerned. I have appointments set up at Memorial Sloan Kettering with Medical Oncologis, Radiaiton…
Options when adjunct or salvage radiation can't be used?
I am almost 5 months out from radical prostatectomy. 1st PSA at 3 months was 0.39 (quite high) and 0.40 at 4 months. This suggests a doubling time of about 27 months, although that can change over time. I was Gleason 3+4 (40% 4) with cribiform pattern. The margins were positive at both sides and the base. He only took out…
52yo Gleason score of 3+4 in San Diego
I have a follow up call from my doctor about treatment, surgery, radiation or continued surveillance. I'm a firefighter and in good health, workout almost every day. Anyone receive treatment in San Diego? I've read about other protocols; anyone try them during active surveillance? Thank you in advance for any response.…
4+3 with possible Seminal Vesicle Involvement
Hi - 55you with Gleason 4+3 with a primary lesion on the left, and other positives on the right. MRI indicates abutting the capsule, but clear Seminal Vesicles. Pet CT shows "No other abnormal uptake to suggest tracer avid metastatic disease" BUT "Suggestion of bilateral foci of uptake in proximal seminal vesicles not well…
Concerning follow up PSA test. I'm worried this could be bad How concerning is this.
40 year old male. Last year and a little before I had some macro (a hand full of times over about a year) and micro hematuria. I haven't had any visible blood since. About 6 months ago I went and had an ultra sound, blood work, DRE, and a cystoscopy. My PSA was 3.2ng/ml and my prostate was slightly enlarged but otherwise…
Now what?!?
I had radiation for G7. Doctor wanted six months of ADT. He told me it would wear off. It's now six months past the last time I took Orgovyx and my T only went from 7 to 26. My doctor said I'm the first patient under 60 he had on Orgovyx who did not get their T back. I don't trust him. Now he wants to do a cardiac workup,…
Gleason 8 with PNI
Hi all. I have been diagnosed with Gleason 8 and PNI. I am scheduled for PMSA Petscan and Exactscan in two weeks to see if and where the cancer has spread. The cancer is too big for prostatectomy (unless it can be shrunk) and will get recommended treatment once the tests are done. Anyone had similar diagnosis and any tips…
Can’t decide course of treatment… help!
Hi everyone- I’m writing as support for my husband who was recently diagnosed with PC. So much info has been thrown at us yet at the same time it feels like this treatment decision is just up to us without much guidance. The “gray areas” are killing us. My hubby’s info: 68 years old, very fit and active (runner, physical…
I'm a 65 year old recently diagnosed. My PSA was 5.34 in April and my urologist recommended an MRI. MRI in June showed showed prostate volume 38cc. T2 hypointense lesion involving the the left posteromedial mid gland peripheral zone measures 0.3cm and demonstrates focal restricted diffusion and low ADC with early focal…
BCR what to do? Prostate cancer feedback
Hi, I was diagnosed in Nov. 2002 with Grade 1 Gleason 6. Had RP Feb 2003. For 10 years my PSA was 0. In the 11th year my PSA went to 0.3 then dropped to 0 a year or two latter. Started going up again. The last 9 years it was stable at 0.3 ish up and down 0.34, 0.36,0.3 etc. In 2025 it went to 0.48 then down to 0.42. PSMA…
Very Slight increase in PSA
I had a RALP in 2018. No problems, PSA was low to begin with. I just wanted the cancer gone. PSA tests periodically since all virtually undetectable. First positive reading was in September of 2023, when it was, .04. Noted, but no big deal. September of 2024 .06, then today, February 2025 .09. Question. Do these numbers…
Advice needed
First off, I'm shocked to be here. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I'm here for support to my husband and to gather information. A little history: My husband is 52. He had a physical a month ago that showed a PSA of 4.1. The doctor sent him to a local urologist. The only symptom I've noticed is going to the…
Prostate cancer and heart condition
I am currently taking Orgovyx which has lowered my PSA to 0.009. However, I found out I should also be taking an androgen receptor inhibitor (my urologist prescribed Xtandi) along with the Orgovyx, but things have become more complicated as I discovered I also I have a heart condition (my cardiologist told me I had a minor…
Prostrate Treatment effects
I had a Brachy Therapy in 2006 performed by a team at the Sunninghill Hospital in Sandton Johannesburg. In 2006. In 2020 my prostate specific antigen reading was 18.1. My GP found this on a routine examination. Sending straight to my Urologist. He said it was necessary to have an Eligard 45 injection to stop and cells…