I'm Not That Upset?
Well, last Wednesday I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. I am going this Wenesday for my first appointment with my oncologist. At this point, I'm not sure what to be feeling. Most of the time I am ok. I don't feel any different than usual... I feel better than usual. Its almost hard to believe that I have some weird…
Uterine Sarcoma may have spread to my lungs, scared about the biopsies surgery on my lung
I had a Pet Scan. It was all clear except for a small spot on my upper left lung and another even smalper spot on my right lung. My oncolgest sent me to a thoracic surgeon to get a needle biopsies but the surgion said my ribs are very tight and the only way to get to the spot on my left lung is by doing a thoracoscopy with…
Good afternoon everyone! I'm new to here and I am not a cancer survivor, however, I am waiting for results and am wondering if anyone has had any of my same experiances. A little back story on myself, I'm a 25 year old woman with 3 children aged 2, 3, and 4. I have a wonderful husband who is always there for me! I was…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
I was lurking and found it strange that no one has posted in the last few days. Hope all of my sisters are coping well.
Diagnosing Uterine Cancer
I go next week for a biopsy and an ultrasound. I am only 36. I am concerned as of course anyone would be. I am wondering about the early syptoms others had that lead to their diagnosis. If anyone would share I would greatly appreciate it.
Side effect of radiology, fluid between intestine is missing
My mother had uterus cancer operation in 2007 which resulted in removing her uterus. Followed up treatment included radiology for 3 months. After sometime, her intestine started responding very slowly and she started to have difficulty in digestion. Further diagnose showed that the fluid between intestine is missing as…
Living in a small town forever and loss
This can be a good thing and I will say that it has always been true for me. Monday, I lost a friend I have known since 5th grade, to UPSC. We were both diagnosed with cancer and went through our treatments together in 2010, supporting each other along the way. We both got better. I have remained well in spite of my double…
MMMT Recurrence
My Mom was diagnosed with MMMT in Oct 2014 following a laporoscopic robotic hysterectomy that morcellated (and possibly spread) the tumor. After aggressive treatment of 33 rounds of external/internal radiation and 6 rounds of chemotherapy, she had been clear for 2 years. However, over the last month she had been extremely…
Debbie thinking of you
hoping your second round of chemo went better than the first one? Hope you were able to get enough fluids in. Hope the bone pain was not as bad for you. Wishing you a comfortable time until your third chemo. In peace and caring.
Has anyone seen NED the Movie?
I heard about it from a Chemosabe and purchased it via Vimeo. Interesting and uplifting stories about six doctors who form a band and some of their patients. I was surprised at some of the statistics they shared about under the belt cancers. We need to get the word out.
Are there symptoms before a recurrance of
Hi again. I was dx with MMMT uterine cancer in JUNE 2014 and go for my 2nd CT scan after surgery on Feb. 9th of 2015. I am grade 3 stage 2. I had taxol/carbo and internal radiation. Did anyone have any pain or funny feeling in the pelvic and stomach area before a recurrance. The waiting is terrible. I am positive but I…
Officially NED! (after lung mets--"persistent" Stage IIIC2 endometrial cancer dx Jan 2011)
Yesterday I had my fifth CT scan. The second one, in September 2011, had the worst results: it showed several small lung nodules and several suspicious para-aortal lymph nodes. This was after six months of cisplatin and doxorubicin, and I was floored that the chemo hadn't worked. It was then that I started on Megace--and…
Adencsarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth of lsiomyosarcoma
This is what is written on my pathology report and it's scaring me. My oncologist said he feels and data shows I should of chemo and radiation because of this type of invasive cancer even though he said I'm early stage 1a. Plus the cancer spead a tiny bit into the muscle of my uterous. Every other test biopsies came out…
Ureter Stents - My experience
Hello Everyone! Just thought I put a post out there because recently I have noticed that more and more of you are required or in need of a ureter stent so I thought I would share my experience with you. My experience with this started in February of 2014 when my CT Scan showed that I had moderate left-side hydronephrosis.…
Please support me.God bless you
I m very upset.My mother had 1.5 cm nodule on right upper lobe.Doctor did operate her and her biposy came adencarcionma well diff.They were unable to find cancer orgin.she was digonsed 5 yrs uterus cancer and was in remission for 5 yrs. Doctors are not sure it is mets from uterus or new primary cancer.is anyone have same…
Ascites on CT Scans after radical hysterectomy and 8 rounds of chemo for UPSC
Hello UPSC Aunts, I say "Aunts" b/c it is my Mom who was diagnosed with UPSC. It has been awhile since I have been on here but it is CT Scan time again and I am getting a bit anxious for her. Each scan says she has a small amount of possible malignant ascites in her pelvic region that is getting slightly larger. She cannot…
Recovery Time
I am so new to all of this and appreiciate any input you can give me. I just finished my chemo for leiomyosarcoma uterine cancer. I was working a 40 hour week and now can barely make it a few hours before fatigue sets in. I know it must vary a lot, but can anyone share how long it took to get back to a regular work day?
Did anyone present with pain like mild cramping several weeks after hysteroscopy biopsy? Have Endome
Hi everyone, Thank you for all of the help I've been given here. It's a comfort to hear other's experiences. I'm wondering if anyone had mild pain or cramping after hysteroscopy that lasted for a month. I have very mild cramping and a feeling of fullness or pressure like when you are getting ready to start a period that…
CAt scan results 3 months after SBRT
i went to the patient portal and got my CAT scan report from 1/2/15. It said that the right paratracheal node measures 1.7 X 1.2 which previouslymeasured 3.4 X 2.7. My previous report said the node was 4.1 X 3.6. What great results from the SBRT. However it also said" in the right upper lobe with volume loss suggestive of…
First MRI scan results post Cyberknife
Well, ladies, the first results are in! My oncologist rang me today and told me the tumour has shrunk (was 4.1 x 3.8 x 2.8 cms now is 3.6 x 3.7 x 2.0 cms). This is very good news. We weren't expecting huge shrinkage, as the tumour is mixed up with scar tissue which will never disappear, but any shrinkage is a good sign…
Estradiol Pills
Hola, Last week, my gyno/oncologist sent me to a gynocologist. I have been having vaginal inections that are not, according to him, related to cancer. So I went, and the new doctor is a friend of my gyno/oncologist. The new dorctor recommended Vegifem, which is estradiol pills. He called my oncologist, and he said iit was…
Stage1a tratment
Hello all i posted my doctor staged my cancer is one A he does not plan to follow up with chemotherapy or radiation is this the typical course I am worried about a recurrence thank you
The Emperor of All Maladies
http://cancerfilms.org/ PBS has been making and will air this film March 30, 31, April 1. I read the book about 3 years ago and found it fascinating. Some of you may have read it also. It is indeed the biography of cancer - past, recent past, present, and future. I'm setting my recorder because I don't want to miss it.…
Any one out there being tested for CA 19-9 in addition to CA 125? For people with mets/progression/
Due to rising protein and glucose levels I am now being monitored for this as part of the boards they test every three weeks prior to avastin. (For those who don't know I am living with advanced stage UPSC that has Mets and is considered progressive and am chemo resistant.). I think this is related to the Avastin potential…
Thank you DoubleWhammy, Hybrid, Hopefull & Pinky
I got a call from my doctor's office for a recent polyp biopsy and they told me it is negative! I can't believe it. I want you to know how much I appreciate your advice. And I know that when you answer posts, you're not just helping me but so many others that are scared and looking for answers. I will pray for you all that…
Pelvic floor therapy
Barb mentioned pelvic floor therapy on another post. Thought I'd give it its own topic since I'm being selfish as I've just started it. My gyn/oncologist referred me to a urogynecologist because I have stress incontinence since my hysterectomy. I so agree with Barb that the exam was uncomfortable and long, but I sort of…
Info about Polyps
Yesterday morning I had a uterine polyp removed that I didn't know was there. The doc was trying to do a uterine biopsy when he spotted the polyp and immediately took it off. I had some spotting with brown blood throughout the day yessterday. Now, this evening, i'm bleeding bright red watery blood. Does anyone know the…
Anyone with UPSC Stage 1A who chose not to have Chemo?
Hi! I was recently diagnosed with UPSC and am 4 weeks post radical hysterectomy. My pre-op CTs were negative as we're all the lymph nodes, and other biopsies done at surgery. I had had a D&C and polyp removal 1 month prior to hysterectomy which established the diagnosis. Originally my surgeon interpreted the research for…
Darn Labs..it's MMMT
Hello All. I was just diagnosed with MMMT plus another stupid but less aggressive uterine cancer from my November 6th hysterectomy due to bleeding and other crappy stuff. My delightfully cute gynocological oncologist is setting up my chemo treatment as I type this and will find out what that is all about on my Dec 4th…