new here
Hello everyone. I have been lurking for awhile. I will share my story with you. I was diagnosed on 1/16/17, and had robotic hysterectomy BSO full pelvic, paraaortic dissection with 28 nodes removed. Surgical pathology is stage 2, grade 2 all nodes negative. single focus on LVI. I am 51. Recommendation is for pelvic…
Mullerian Adenosarcoma - just diagnosed
I had a D&C a couple weeks ago to take care of some polyps. Today I met with my Doc because he wanted me to come in to discuss the pathology report and he told me I have mullerian adenosarcoma. He scheduled an appointment with an oncologist for next Wednesday to discuss options, prognosis, etc. I'm 37 years old and I'm…
Why PET scans?
I am due for my first mid-treatment CT scan on April 10. Yesterday, I told my doctor I wanted a PET/CT. He said it was not medically necessary from his standpoint. But he said if I was sure my insurance did not place limits on lifetime PETs he would code the script to get the PET/CT OK'd. In my heart, I know the reason I…
Biopsy results came in today
Results of second biopsy came in. They say still complex hyperplasia but they didn't find cancer from the D&C samples. I am glad. But feel sad that others here hear worse news. I keep you ladies in my thought and heart and prayers, especially late at night when insomnia kicks in. I will have a full hysterectomy in the…
Metformin - My 78 year old mother's journey
In the beginning of January 2016 my mother was diagnosed with high grade Serous, endometrial uterine cancer. No metastases were found by scans at this time. Surgery for a full Hysterectomy was scheduled for the middle of March 2016. A bone and CT scan just prior to surgery, revealed the cancer had metastasized to 2…
Biopsy result wait time
I am aware that biopsy results take time. Some are quick but mine seem to take a long time. I know my first round went to three labs and then came back asking for more samples. I'm in that second round of waiting again, they have been sent out from local lab to somewhere else. It seems to me the longer they take the worse…
Thinking ahead for 2d opinion at Fox Chase
On April 10 I will have imaging at the halfway point of my treatment for recurrent endometrial adenocarcinoma. I have not been able to maintain the Carboplatin/Taxol regimen for various reasons. I've had two Carboplatin and three Taxol so far. I hope to convince my oncologist to do a PET/CT instead of CT alone. I am…
Scan? Irm? Pet scan?
Hello Is your scan and irm true? I did a lot of scan and irm with good results but during surgery the surgeon found the disease spread
Information on Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
I was trying to do some reasearch on USPC recurrenece before I meet with my GNY ONCO today and found that a research library that I use for tax also has a research library for medical. I subscribed as a patient for 7 days and have found some great information. Nothing earth shattering or really all that new but lots of…
and now...enter breast cancer
On my last CT, the eagle eyes at Roswell in Buffalo, NY, discovered that "something looked different in my left breast". It has been known that I have PET scan activity "in the mammary chain from metastisized uterine cancer". But low and behold, this small mass was found right next to a uterine metz mass turns out to be a…
New to the Network --- Have a Question
Hi lovely ladies. New to the boards. Brief history on me: I was diagnosed with Stage 3A grade 3 uterine cancer last May. End of Feb (week after my 42nd birthday), I started bleeding profusely. 26 clothes changes in 3 days. I basically would bleed out every time I stood up. Insurance finally kicked in on March 1st and after…
Hello. Just diagnosed with UPSC.
Hello, I am 62 and was just diagnosed with UPSC last week. This Thursday I am scheduled to have a PET scan to determine if the cancer has spread outside my uterus and what stage the cancer is in. Then the following day (3/17/17) I have my 2nd meeting with the oncologist to discuss the results of the scan & possibly get a…
Staging uterine Carcinoma
Staging uterine carcinoma - UpToDate 3/17/17, 10:06 AM https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image/print?imageKey=ONC/51307&topicKey=ONC/16721&source=see_link Page 1 of 2 Official reprint from UpToDate www.uptodate.com ©2017 UpToDate ® ® Staging uterine carcinoma* (TNM and International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics…
Fertility-preserving options for endometrial adenocarcinoma in 36 year old
I was diagnosed this week with endometrial adenocarcinoma, figo grade 1, arising in a background of endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (atypical hyperplasia) from D&C. I am 36 and got married 6 months ago and have been trying to get pregnant; neither of us have ever had children and I've never been pregnant. My BMI is…
Post Whole Body Hyperthermia
Thought I'd post an update. The WBH went well. Basically I stripped down and climbed into a unit that looked something like a cross between a waterbed and a tanning booth. At first it felt pleasantly warm as they hooked up the various sensors, but the longer I lay there, the happier I was to be put out. And I went out…
Adjuvant treatment of high-risk endometrial cancers
Adjuvant treatment of high-risk endometrial cancers - UpToDate 3/17/17, 10:04 AM https://www.uptodate.com/contents/adjuvant-treatment-of-high-risk-endometrial-cancers/print?source=see_link Page 1 of 12 Official reprint from UpToDate www.uptodate.com ©2017 UpToDate The content on the UpToDate website is not intended nor…
Approach to Adjuvant Treatment of Endometrial Cancer
Approach to adjuvant treatment of endometrial cancer - UpToDate 3/17/17, 10:03 AM https://www.uptodate.com/contents/approach-to-adjuvant-treatment-of-endometrial-cancer/print?source=see_link Page 1 of 11 Official reprint from UpToDate www.uptodate.com ©2017 UpToDate The content on the UpToDate website is not intended nor…
Scanner perfect... Miracle? 16/03 news about irm
Hi, I have adénocarcinoma endometrial with metastasis in abdomen.i had 3 rounds of carboplatine and taxotere and i had à scan. Scan is perfect. No evidence of metastasis in the abdomen. I am very surprise. My doctor give me a irm to confirm. Did anyone here have metastases that disappeared with chemotherapy?( Just 3…
Mom diagnosed with UPSC
Hello everyone, I have been a passive follower of this forum for about 3 months now. I have decided to post about my mother's fight against the disease. A little bit about myself and my family. I was born and raised in India and I am currently in the US doing my Pediatrics residency training. I will be graduating this year…
I'm new here, saying hello
I will preface this with the statement that I am not officially diagnosed. But I wanted to share my story, and ask for support. I am a week out from turning 49. I have regular cycles every 28days give or take a few days. I don't have any of the high risk factors, not overweight, not post menopause, no smoking, no drug…
waiting for results -question
Hi all, I'm waiting for results of my hysteroscopy and d&c from last Wednesday. It's making me a bit crazy! I have a question though. If there is no cancer, should I ask for a referral to a surgeon anyway? I feel like this scare is enough for me to go get the hysterectomy I've been avoiding for 15 years. I have severe…
Biopsy results are back
Got off the plane this morning to find a voice mail from ommmy Onco's office to call them for results. The biopsy does show that the lymph node contains UPSC. Not sure what next steps are other than meeting with the ONCO on Friday to discuss what next steps may be. ACK!!! Damn cancer...
Clear cell endometrial cancer found during hysterectomy
Hi everyone. So glad to have found this forum. I just turned 46 and had a complete abdominal hysterectomy two week ago today, to remove a large benign tumor and a fibroid. Unfortunately, some very rare clear cell endometrial cancer was found. The surgeon explained that she removed everything that she saw, and did some…
Waiting for Whole Body Hyperthermia
Greetings from Germany. Well! I've been here a week and today I will be getting whole body hyperthermia. Up to this point, my treatment has consisted of local hyperthermia every day, targeted at the areas where lymph nodes lit up on my scan Along with infusions of vitamins C, Bs and other supplements to strengthen my…
waiting for results -question
Hi all, I'm waiting for results of my hysteroscopy and d&c from last Wednesday. It's making me a bit crazy! I have a question though. If there is no cancer, should I ask for a referral to a surgeon anyway? I feel like this scare is enough for me to go get the hysterectomy I've been avoiding for 15 years. I have severe…
For the last week or two I have been finding post from a group called Cancer Tudor on my,Facebook page. The have been posting advertisements for hyperthermic treatments available in the USA. I have no idea of the reliability of these adds or these places, but did think it was interesting.
Lymph node biopsy and recurrence
At my 3-month checkup I told my oncologist about a lymph node in my groin that felt swollen. He examined it and told me I need to have it biopsied. The biopsy will be done in 2 weeks (3/17). Has anyone had a similar experience? I'm just trying to steel myself for what's coming. Any possibility this can be lymphedema from…
I don't know how I missed your earlier post. And I did not see it on the breast cancer board, either. I'm so sorry to hear you are now facing Stage 4 breast cancer. I am a healthy survivor of both. I assume you have had your scan now. I'll be on the look out for you on both boards. Suzanne
My dance with NED may be over too
I am undergoing some pre-surgical testing for a reconstruction procedure (DEIP) for my left breast as the surgery is currently scheduled for April 26, 2017. I had an abdominal CT angiography a couple weeks ago to ensure that the vessels needed for the DEIP procedure are healthy and to determine exactly where they are.…
Diet during treatment?
Ladies, would you care to share what dietary intake you have found useful to you while undergoing treatment? Be it to keep up protein levels or blood count?