my small intestine formed a fistula out an old incision. Was transpoted from N.H down to Boston for a specalist to take over care. Saw him friday and he decribed the surgery to me and said it was a very serious operation and it could kill me. So needlous to say I hav been a basket case and my family too. All I have done is…
my small intestine formed a fistula out an old incision. Was transpoted from N.H down to Boston for a specalist to take over care. Saw him friday and he decribed the surgery to me and said it was a very serious operation and it could kill me. So needlous to say I hav been a basket case and my family too. All I have done is…
my small intestine formed a fistula out an old incision. Was transpoted from N.H down to Boston for a specalist to take over care. Saw him friday and he decribed the surgery to me and said it was a very serious operation and it could kill me. So needlous to say I hav been a basket case and my family too. All I have done is…
Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm leaving the group
Hi everyone, I was going to stay on group & keep posting, but unfortunately, I've gotten very few responses to my postings. I miss Nancy dearly as we seemed to have alot in common and as sick as she was, she always corresponded back and forth. But, I guess not everyone can relate to everyone's questions. I am holding my…
Lighten it up on your next CT Scan
Hi! Ladies I'm not trying to minimize the seriousness of our disease...but I try to find something humorous when I really nervous and scared. On my last CT scan, they had me remove my clothing just from my waist up and gave me a lovely gown(you've seen them....gorgeous huh?) They let me keep from waist down on what I wore…
I see a light at the end of the tunnel hope it's not a train lol
I met with the nurse from Pallative nurse today and she has already gave me the name of a new pain doctor who specializes in cancer pain. I finally feel like someone is listening to me I am really hoping this works out. I meet with the new doctor on the 31st and already talking about taking me off of the morphine and…
Hi Ladies, Do any of you bake with Stevia? I asked my nurse practioner about it yesterday, and he was unsure. He said he has heard good things about it. I was just wondering if any of you had any insight? Thanks. Carla
My CT results
I was told by my oncologist that I had to complete 3 cycles of chemo before going for a CT scan. I did complete the 3rd cycle of Alimta and talked to my pcp this week. My PCP decided that he would order the CT scan for me and I went yesterday. He called me late yesterday and unfortunately the results were not good. There…
I threw a pity party last night
and you all were almost invited but I decided to wait until I was a little less emotional to share my feelings. I previously posted I was bummed with my CA 125 result and appreciate all your supportive and reassuring responses. I know going from 5 to 8 is not much but like one of you said it is the upward trend that…
So many new names....
I see so many new names, and I just want to hug all of you! I've not been very active on any of the support boards lately. After I went back into remission, my dad became ill and passed away. At any rate, I was diagnosed in 2 years ago this month, had debulking and chemo. Declared NED in July 2010. Recurrence to the brain…
you mean what I feel really does matter
Anne Behymer Ok I am in pallative care but not because I am near the end. I have been having so much trouble with the pain that I am no longer living my life. The pain dictates my days and usally it stay home and try not to move. I have for three months been working with a pain doctor (really three) at AZ pain center with…
Hi Tina
I noticed your reply post about topotecan and wanted to shout out a "hi" to you. I might have missed posts from you, but I haven't come across one lately and it's great to hear that you are doing so well. Here's hoping your results just keep getting better and better. (((HUGS))) Maria
Cyst grew, so take out the ovary?
Hi. I could use some advise. I am post-menopausal, in very good health, but I have three cysts in my right ovary, one grew from one ultrasound to the next six months later. Oncologist GYN said take the ovary out six months ago, but I wanted to wait. The GYN gave me another blood test and then said he agreed, dont take it…
has tototecan worked for anyone?
i had my first recurrence for stage IV in october after a 10 mo remission. i finished a once weekly topotecan chemo for three weeks, then one week off, and now i'm in the middle of my second round. my ca125 was in the high 400's and is now an alarming 1078! the oncology nurse was kinda encouraging when she said that this…
Good morning
my precious teal sisters. The pity party is over. I decided to give myself the weekend to mope and put my CA 125 result in perspective. You all kept me afloat these last couple of days. As I stated I tend to overreact but knew I would come to my senses in time. When I tried to talk to my son, he took the father-figure…
Anyone have trouble losing weight after treatment?
I joined weight watchers on 9/06/2011 and to date have lost 8.8 pounds. I am a lifetime member as I reached goal in 1984. I put the weight back on, lost it again and have been far from goal for many years. I have tried every diet known to man and always lost weight as long as I stuck to it. This time it is so different. On…
My mom wants to go off of chemo
My mom has been on chemo for almost 4 months. Her ca125 level is at 30 and her oncologist is going to do a pet scan next thursday. He sais if it comes out well he will give her a break from chemo. My mom wants to stop chemo permenantly and try and treat herself with an alkaline diet. Has anyone treated themselves…
Can this be true????
Today I was scheduled to get my normal, every three week chemo infusion. BUT, I didn't get it. I always meet with my doctor first to discuss all the blood tests and then I go to get the chemo treatment. ALAS, my CA125 was a 2. Heck, I don't even know what a 2 is. I said to my doctor, Did someone make a mistake?. He said,…
Hello everyone
Morning to all on the group. Hope everyone has a fantastic day. I do not come here each day, but I love you all and consider you all part of my online family. God bles all of you Hugs Lynda
Can you have bowel issues without reoccurance?
I just had a clean CT scan 6 weeks ago and my CA125 was 14. This last week I have had to use laxatives with little result. Normally I use lomotil once in a while but never need laxatives. Could something be growing that fast or could it be the beginning of an obstruction from scar tissue or some such thing? Has anyone else…
I always wondered
why they call cancer a battle. Now I know..every battle brings victories. We have won so many tough ones but I just want to win the war!!!!!!!!!!! Just say'n...val
blue toes
I have neuropathy really bad in both feet and a little in my finger tips my question is has anyone had their toes turn blue from the neuropathy. If so what happens I am worried that I will lose those toes if I don't find out what to do with them. Anne P.S. it is the two toes next to the big toe, oh my the way my two big…
My CA 125 result finally came in the mail
and it is 8. I am happy and don't mean to complain when others are going through so much but it is disconcerting that when my treatment ended in 11/2010 it was seven and stayed that way a couple of times then went to 3 for a couple of times. The previous one in October was 5 and now it went to eight. When I saw my gyn/onc…
IP access difficulties
Hello. I was just wondering if anyone had difficulties with access to their IP port. I was supposed to have chemo through it yesterday However 3 nurses couldn't get it accessed. Just curious if anyone else has experienced similar problems?
lymph noces
Hi All !! just checking in. I had ct scan, bloodwork and onc appt all this week. My ca 125 is 19. The onc has been watching two sets of lymph nodes on right and left side. The left side has shrunk. The right side has remained stable for the last 4 months. Onc said nodes were way down by my liver and closer to the back. He…
Finished my treatment today
Hi all I came back from my LAST CHEMOTHERAPY TREATMENT, Im just can not believe this, i have been waiting for thi moment. Im so happy and I need to get a CT scan in three weeks, I am feeling ok, I wonder what is next?
Dr's telling me to give up chemo
if two or more of my ca125 comes back higher. My ca125 is 464 after 7 rounds of topo, Have had taxol/carbo,remission-ned for 9 months, then gemzar numbers clmbed went onto doxil numbers climbered to 935, went back on taxol, numbers came down in the beginning and climbed to over 3000, after one treatment of carb numbers…
Need Suggestions for Neuropathy Relief
I have had 14 rounds of taxol, 4 rounds of Taxotere and 18 rounds of Carbo over the last 8 years and I am finally feeling the effects of neuropathy. It is suttle and comes and goes. Mostly in my hands, but sometimes in my feet too. Cold weather definitely makes it worse. What are you taking to prevent the further effects…
State Disability, Social Security, Social Security Disability
Just thought I would pass this info on to anyone who might find it helpful. I may have mentioned some of this before. My last day of work was 2/26/2010. I was ill but didn't know the horrible truth yet. After literally begging my doctor for more tests I was given the CT scan which forever changed my life. I applied for…
Hello, New Here
I've been reading here for a few weeks, and I have learned so much from you ladies I've decided to join the discussion. Until now, there's been something scary about writing about my disease, you know? So here I am, to share and to learn. I was diagnosed this past summer, Stage 3. I've completed six courses of chemo (Taxol…