stage 3 ovarian reoccurance doctor said pain was cancer
My mother in law is fighting stage 3(I do not have the letter) ovarian cancer for the second time in 8 months. She was having a lot of pain, and doctor said it was cancer and that will happen(she had only had one chemo treatment thus far)brother-in-law pushed for help they ended up draining the max amount of fluids from…
pleural effusion question
i've had to have both of my lungs drained several times. i had a semi permanent tube placed in my right lung with a tube hanging out my side (for 2 months) so my husband could "drain me" as needed. that was NASTY. my left lung keeps filling up and now i either have to have the semi permanent tube placed again or they do a…
Almost 4 years and its back - Is chemo worst the second time around
I made it almost four years to the day...went for my check up CA125 - 64 always had been 8. Sent for Cat Scan - spot on liver. Next week going in for surgery to remove the lower part of my liver then chemo again. My question is, I heard that chemo the second time around is worst then the first time. I had such bone pain in…
It has been a while!!
Wow... It has been a while since last time I wrote something!!! Last time I was asking for help for my adhesions problem...today, after 2 1/2 years after my cancer surgery, I am still here, my alternative cancer treatment is working so far, i had to go out of the county to take care of my adhesions, and thank God, I found…
CA 125 up after surgeries
I had two surgeries in three weeks time. First they removed the ovaries and tumor...thought it was benign....long story short..it ended up crossing the line from borderline to malignant. Needed to get full hysterectomy, took omentum, tested lymph nodes, fluid, etc. All came back negative. Doc said no Chemo needed. Had a…
If you don't know what Iscador is, it is made of mistletoe extract. It is used to stimulate the immune system to help it recognize and fight cancer. It is standard of care for cancer patients in many European countries. There are five different types of Iscador, each specific to about half a dozen types of cancer. When you…
Estrogen Inhibitors
I just completed my 8th and hopefully final round of chemo today. So I have a pleasant week to look forward to....(cough, cough, chuckle)! My oncologist is going to be putting me on Aromasin and Megace (estrogen inhibitors) and I would like to know if anyone else has taken this combination and how were the side effects. Is…
New to board - 25 year cancer survivor and disn't know I had cancer at time of hystorectomy! Now it'
Had hystorectomy when I was 24 due to endometreosis. Was told I had Pre cancerous cell growth. I was "cured" after hysterectomy. Now, 25 years later, I have ovarian cancer again, only now it is in my lymph nodes! Cancer showed itself in a lump near my collarbone. After a CT scan, Sonogram of arm (to rule out blood clot),…
Back story...at the time of my surgery, I did not have nodes taken. They sent the suspicious ovary to pathology while I was in surgery and the initial diagnosis was benign. Three days later the final pathology report revealed cancer. My CA 125 3 weeks before surgery was 210. I get a Ca 125 every 3 weeks with my chemo. It…
medicare and me, oh my!
I recieved my invitation to Medicare in the mail. I'm told that I'm eligible because I've recieved SSDI for two years. I want to make the right choices for supplemental and drug plans and I have about two months to decide. I've spoken to my ONC's business office, the hospital business office and was told to speak to my…
Results of Pet/scan----not good
Well my CA125, which showed a 2, must have been a fluke. My pet/scan shows progression. I am pretty much devastated. They are switching me now to topecan (sp?). I will have to do it every week. I just don't know what to think anymore. I wished that I knew what to do. Most of the time I am pretty positive but this kind of…
Lesson learned
Wow......I came upon this site as I sit here recovering from two surgeries that I had in three weeks time. I had a tumor on my ovary and they took both ovaries and tubes and thought it was benign. It ended up having to be tested at three different labs...the waiting was terrible.......and it came back…
Dancing with Stable
Dear Friends, I am happy to post that it appears the cancer stayed stable the past 4 weeks. My tumor markers did not go up :-) I know that doesnt' absolutely mean none of tumors grew but it does mean that it is not making microscopic cancer cells. I had Gemzar yesterday and started back on the Nexavar this morning, the…
New to Board; about to start chemo
Dx in Dec 2011 Stage 1C; Grade 3 cancer. Had full hysterectomy via da Vinci Robot method. Surgery really easy; recovery really easy. Don't feel sick at all. Doing 6 conventional treatments due to safe not sorry decision. Would really appreciate knowing what you went through with chemo. I have all the data to study from the…
Turned the corner
I have finally turned the corner from my April 4th surgery. The incision open wound in half the original size since the reopening but looks good and healthy at the twice a day dressings and packings. Home health nurse comes once a day for on change and I go to Dallas to see the surgeon once a week, a 630 mile round trip. I…
Has anyone had adhesions develop after their de-bulking surgery? If so, what symptoms did you have? Do adhesions show up on CT scans?
Doxil To Be Available Again
Doxil to be available again, according to U. S. A. Today article: http://yourlife.usatoday.com/health/story/2012-02-20/Replacement-found-for-cancer-drug-Doxil-in-short-supply/53181806/1
side affects to gymzar
Im in my 10th year of ovarian cancer. I've many reacurrances. listen hair 5 x. i have a very positive attitude most of the time.
Counterfeit Avastin
Post from Inspire....13 years NED
This was posted on the Inspire board. I know who much everyone loves to read these. She said, "I was diagnosed at Stage III-c on May 17, 1999. I am nearing my 13 year anniversary - dancing with NED - no recurrences. Thank God!"
Still dancing with NED two year anniversary today
Exactly two years ago today I received my last chemo treatment. I am still dancing with NED, No Evidence Of Disease. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I am feeling great and have all of my strength back now, have all my hair back also. It is so good to be alive and to be well. I count my blessings each day. Thank…
Hope springs eternal
So, an update for all of my dear friends from when I began this journey in January 2010. My Ca125 when I was diagnosed in January 2010 was 9824 or thereabouts.... today it is 11. I have survived the initial debulking and 6 rounds of carbo/ taxol. I was declared cancer free with a CA125 of 14 or so in August, 2010. Nine…
Weekly cisplatin and daily oral etoposide is highly effective in platinum pretreated ovarian cancer
Pretty promising research. May be a good option for those seeking new treatment options... http://www.nature.com/bjc/journal/v86/n1/full/6600002a.html Abstract We investigated the potential of weekly cisplatin and daily oral etoposide followed by oral etoposide maintenance therapy in patients with platinum-refractory…
so good news after waiting 7months good news
I just want to thank you all for you prays, you know that I applied for AHCCS in August as soon as I was out of work. When I went into the DES office they would not even interview me becuase I had not children. Then about two weeks later I get another application stating I am eligable under the disability close they wanted…
recurrent ovarian cancer
Just wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect. My mom Stage 3C ovarian cancer survivor is now recurrent cancer for the second time. She wants no more Chemo. She is 80 years old I'm not sure if I agree with this decision, but I will respect that it is hers to make. I'm just not sure what will happen here. I know we…
Happy second birthday
On Sunday I celebrated my second birthday since my dianosis. I invited 20 of my closest family and friends to a ladies' luncheon. This included my ninety-five and eighty-five year old aunts. On the invitaton I stated "no gifts please, just your presence." I received many cards, plants and balloons. I know some people feel…
Inhibin Markers
I am posting for a friend - but am a 1 year breast cancer survivor myself. My friend is having Inhibin markers checked and her levels are rising. Does anyone have information on what numbers are high for inhibin? Is this a reliable marker? Are high levels typical of a reoccurance or can they be evidence of something else…
Chemo not working and ca-125 up
I just found out today that my CA-125 has gone from 35 to 101 in 3 weeks. I just had my 6th round of taxotere/carbo for 2nd recurrence and it's no longer working. I was hoping to get some remission time from that combo as it always worked in the past. Will meet with my oncologist next week to discuss options. Possibly a…
Officially Two Years NED...
This month is my two year remission anniversary. (Diagnosed Sept, 2009) I saw my doctor yesterday and he has promoted me to checkups every six months. I still have to have my labs run monthly, for the clinical vaccine trial in NYC, and they do a CT scan every 3 months, as well. My CA125 is 16 and my pelvic exam was normal,…
new frightened
My CA 125 is elevated. There is a history of ovarian and breast cancer in my family. My CT Scan is tomorrow. I am so worried