Extreme Back Pain
Hi, as many of you know I had ovarian cancer, surgery Jan03 and chemo through July03. I then dealt with 2 lymphoceles, that filled most of my abdomen. They would get so large that I looked pregnant - finally a drain was put in and twice a week they did chemical washes, November they pulled the drain... it was getting too…
my research
Hello Everyone! I am doing my own amateur *research* on the types of medicines and chemotherapy people have had or are currently taking. If you wouldn't mind giving me the names and even the dosage, but I will settle for just names of meds, I would really appreciate it! Please dont worry about spelling :-) You can email me…
Survivors who had children?
Hi all- I had a laparotomy six weeks ago to remove my Stage I ovarian cancer. I had my right ovary and tube removed, but they were able to leave everything else. They did extensive staging, and everything else came back just fine. Because they caught it so early I do not need to have any further treatment right now. My…
new meds for ovca? clinical trials?
my sister is stage 4 with mets is on round ? of chemo has been receiving trmnt for three years , running out of options, nausea and diarrhea constant any ideas new out there, i need to help her but i cant seem to,
Health insurance coverage
Hi I am new to the site, dx January with Stage 1C ovarian cancer. My Highmark BC/BS coverage is excellent so far. Does anybody have any info on what happens if I ever have to switch carriers for any reason (like my husband gets a new job)? Rosiegirl
In remission...but now my liver's acting up!
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a year and a half ago. They thought it was just an ovarian cyst, but turned out to be stage 1 cancer. I had 6 treatments of chemo...Taxol and Carboplatin. I have sailed through everything, and now at my last check up with the oncologist, he says my liver enzymes are six times the norm!…
fad treatments.
I read alot of fad treatments. I think it was last yr or may be 2 yrs ago that organ juice. that can prevent ovarian cancer. does that have fact or is it false?
CA125 results
Hello everyone, I got the lab results in the mail and they went up some more, but are still in the normal range. If you remember they had tripled in a 3 month period and the docs wanted me to stop for another test. In a 3 week period they only went up 3 more. I haven't heard from the Drs yet. Thursday is clinic day and…
Genetic Testing
Hello, I had ovarian cancer 3c, it had spread to my liver,spleen,abdomen,colon, one tumor had wrapped all the way around my appendix - in other words it was bad. But now no signs of cancer. Because my sister had already had ovarian cancer a genetic test was done and it came back that I have the BRCA2 gentic defect. I would…
gaining weight
Hello, I had my last Chemo treatment July 17th. I had ovarian cancer stage 3c. It had spread to my liver,stomach,spleen, herniated my colon you name it was there. Now in September I started gaining weight and continue to gain. I've gained 26lbs. The Dr says I need to eat less and excercise more. He says the chemo a lot of…
Margie, Thank you so much for the nice email you sent. I sent you one and it should be in your CSN mailbox. Take care!
Results of MRI plus question on CA125
Hello, I don't know if anyone remembers but I have been having awful back pain. Well the MRI shows I have a disc herniation... :-{ not good but not cancer. :-} But I have a second question. My CA125 had been 6 and now went up to 18 (which I know is normal) but my Dr. called and wants me to get another one as it jumped up…
Ca markers for Poss. OvCa; going for surgery Tues.!
Hi there. I'm new to this site and have had the pleasure of meeting a few of you in chat. Any insight would be appreciated. I'm a 42 yr. old female (obviously) w/2 kids (per C-section). I had a partial hysterectomy (incl. cervix) 2+ yrs. ago. I refused my ovaries to be taken. They were fine then, and I wanted the natural…
Hello, New to site
Dx with OVCA 3A Dec 2003, on third chemo Taxo/Carbo. I have two questions after my first chemo my hair started coming out but I have not lost all my hair, is this normal for some? I have lower back pain that won't go away. I have used cold and hot pads but nothing seems to help. Thanks and God Bless
You hear so much about diet, I don't know what to think. Can anyone lead me in a logical direction - before I focus on just blueberries and grape juice.
hot flashes from surgical menopause
Hi, I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with oviarian cancer this past December, and had a total hystyrectomy on Christmas eve. I went through the mood swings, and found that herbs have helped with that. I fired the gyn that did the surgery, because he didnt discuss any hrt treatments, I have a new doc, and she wants to…
i'm a survivor- lets be freinds
hi, gee, where to begin...finally to find a group that knows where i've been and what i've been thro...... lets share our feeling, outlook and our stories and become freinds....someone who can really relate to our needs..our feelings..our moods...! so type me a few and i will get back to you. please don't keep me waiting…
trying to cope (also new to site)
Hi. I was operated on 2 years ago for stage iv ovca. 3 weeks ago I was operated on again and they removed my omentum. My surgeon asked me why they didn't remove the omentum when they did the hysterectomy 2 years ago, does anyone know why they wouldn't have removed it when they did the hysterectomy?
Uterine Cancer - Chances of Ovarian Cancer
Hi, Everyone! I was diagnosed with uterine cancer on February 13th and will have a complete hysterectomy this Thursday, February 26th. I'm in the very early research stages of gynecological cancers and was wondering if any of you were diagnosed first with uterine cancer and then during surgery it was discovered that it had…
hot flashes from surgical menopause
Hi, I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with oviarian cancer this past December, and had a total hystyrectomy on Christmas eve. I went through the mood swings, and found that herbs have helped with that. I fired the gyn that did the surgery, because he didnt discuss any hrt treatments, I have a new doc, and she wants to…
Hello, ladies! I just need to talk to someone so that I don't go crazy waiting! September, 2002 I was dx with cervical cancer. Rad Hyst and over 20 lymph nodes later, they assure me everything was fine. No chemo, no radiation. You worry and worry. My right leg has repeatedly swelled for no apparent reason and I oftentimes…
Ovarian Cancer
My name is Rae and I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer/uterine cancer in October of this year (They aren't quite sure which one it is). I was not given a stage however I was told that they think it was "Pretty advanced". It was stumbled upon while I was undergoing surgery for what was suppose to be only fibroid tumors.…
Hi All - New To Group
I am 26, recently dx as OVCA stage 3A and have been reaching out to others w/ similar stories. I have already learned so much from you all and look forward to chatting more. I will begin my chemo on Friday, and I am nervous about how it will affect me physically and mentally. Any advice? I think you are all amazing, Take…
Hi all, I'm Esther.. I have some burning questions abt the symptoms of ovarian cancer, especially with the symptoms. I donno if my situation indicates possible symptoms of ovarian cancer. My menstruation has always been regular each month. But the problem is on the 13th or 14th of the calendar, I would have like a half day…
Which vitamins to take?
Hi, I was diagnosis with ovca 8/04 and had 6 rounds of chemo. My ca125 went from > 3000 to 15. Right now I'm taking vitamins A, E, C and zinc. Anything else I should be taking? Also a friend recommended Essiac. Anyone taking Essiac? Thanks for all your help, j
Pain on one side
Did anyone experience pain in either side of their abdomen during chemo? Is this just a part of healing from surgery? It's been 4 months.
FYI: New cancer drug on the possible horizon ...
Hi, everyone! As we all have come to realize, knowledge is power. With this in mind, here is a tidbit of information. I just read an article about a new cancer drug that has been developed. Its called Avastin. It is supposed to inhibit the growth of new blood vessels to tumors,(a process called angiogenesis), thus…
New to site
I had a gastric bypass in August of 2002 and everything was fine. I became frustrated because I wasn't strinking evenly. I complained about that for about 4 months and finally it was decided that I had a hernia and they did a cat scan and suddenly I had stage 4 ovarian cancer. I've had my surgery and and am on my last…
I had surgery in March 2000 when my cancer was discovered and removed. I went through 6 rounds of chemo, which ended in September of 2000. Do I say I've been cancer free since March of 2000 or September of 2000? It's probably a silly question, but I'd love to know. Thank you!
Maintenence Chemo
I am looking for information concerning maintence chemo. I was diagnosised with stage 4a ov/ca in Feb. Will finish my 6th round of chemo(carboplatin/taxotere) on the 15th of August and my oncologist is now introducing the possibility of doing monthly maintenence chemo. I am currently in remission (CA125 is 11) and have…