Drs Visit & Thank you
Thank you all for your support. We saw the Dr and will start Topotecan in a couple weeks. I also wanted to share a short story and I think it applies to all of us, but it's especially for you Mopar - it goes with your favorite verse. If you are of a different faith put the word that fits in place of the word God. For we…
Gilda Radner Familial Registry
There is an excellent newsletter posted on the website of the Gilda Radner Familial Registry for 2004. It has interesting articles about HRT, health insurance/employability, genetic counseling (did you know that those pesky BRCA gene mutations can help men know if they're genetically predisposed to breast and prostate…
clear cell ovarian
I'm trying to get info about how clear cell differs from "regular" ovarian cancer, and no one seems to have any real answers for me. I know it's supposed to be worse, but how? Does anyone have info or can you tell me where to go to find out?
Has anyone had experience with colorectal cancer after being in remission with ovarian. I'm not having any symptoms, except the doctor found something on the wall of the rectum. I will go back tomorrow for another exam and he will decide what to do at that time. Anyone that can dispell my fears? I know that's asking alot -…
I'm a 4 year OVCA survivor, stage 1C. Had total hysterectomy, omentum, lymph nodes removed also. Six rounds of chemo. Just received a copy of my recent CT scan results. It showed a 2cm adnexal cyst ('as in previous test'). I had no idea this was present, so I'm surprised and concerned. Seeing my doctor tomorrow, but in the…
Looking for someone to interview
Hi! My name is Lauren and I go to Temple University. I am taking a Magazine Article Writing class and we are working on a hypothetical Cancer Survivors magazine. I was wondering if i could interview someone via either phone or e-mail to help get some details about what it is like to have ovarian cancer. The interview would…
Autologous Stem Cell Transplant
I've just been through my second set of treatments for OVCA. Diag. in Dec. of 2002 with Stage IV, had a total of 11 rounds taxol/carbo plus debulking surgery after 3 rounds. Went into a partial remission (still had pleural effusion sp?) for 7 months. At that point my CA125 was 280. Started up with taxol/carbo again and had…
Second Look Surgery
I am 39 y.o. and recently diagnosed with Stage II ovarian cancer on 3/13/02. I had a hysterectomy, salpingectomy and bilateral oophorectomy followed by 3 courses of chemo(taxol & carbo). I completed my last treatment on Friday and so far everything appears to be progressing nicely. My gyn.oncologists mentioned the…
TealRibbon Update
Hi Fellow Warriors! Had my CT scans yesterday. Got the dye but the pre-meds kept any reactions at bay. The doctors office called today and my CT Scans were all NORMAL! I have not gotten the latest CA 125 results but at least there is not anything really big growing. I was so happy! Thank you all for your prayers and…
Thanks from TealRibbon
Just wanted to thank ALL OF YOU who were kind enough to post supportive messages. You guys are the best! Hope you are all doing well. I will let you know how the CA125 turns out. Hugs, Sandi (TealRibbon)
new--have a question
My mom was operated on for stage 3 ovca in early April, after a few surgical set backs we are ready to start treatment tomorrow. It has been 6 weeks since the surgery and about two weeks ago she started with a constant nausea feeling. She drinks supplements, but hasn't been able to eat much real food. We see her dr…
NOCC Chapter in Michigan
I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to start a Michigan Chapter for the NOCC, specifically the Detroit/Grosse Pointe area. Most likely in August. If anyone is interested in joining our group, please e-mail me at als22937@hotmail.com. The NOCC is a National organization. Their main goal is to raise awareness of…
I need questions answered
I have been not feeling right for a long while now. 5 days ago i just started getting a really sharp pain on the right side of my abdomen just above my hip bone. If I press on it it hurts under my ribcage. It also hurts when not pushing on it and i just developed pain around my belly button on the right hand side. It woke…
Doxil and Redness
Hello, I have had three treatments of Doxil and handling it well with the exception of a redness that has started under my arms. It doesn't itch but is more like a sunburn. Has anyone experienced this before? If so, what was used to relieve the pain and redness? Thank you all for being here. It is so helpful to have others…
I finished a year of Taxol consolidation chemo just six weeks ago. My Onc called and told me my numbers have gone from 19 up to 48 in that 6 weeks. Waiting on CT scans in a couple of weeks. Have any of you ever had your numbers double and it WAS NOT the cancer reocurring? No need to say I am scared out of my wits. Not that…
Leg and pelvic pain
Hi all, I have been reading your posts about ovca symptoms and it made me sit up and take notice as I have a lot of the same. I have been having lower right abdominal and pelvic pain which also radiates down my right leg, buttock and lower back and also feeling very tired. I do have a history of endometriosis and have had…
leg /pelvic pain
I have had right pelvic pain for 4 months. I have had a trans vag US and cat scan - both normal. I am getting concerned because I have also been having recurrent pain in my right leg. How is leg pain associated with ovarian cancer? My pain feels somewhat muscular - the muscles, particularly in my IT band get very tender.…
my mother's Symptoms
For the first time I am taking an opportunity to write on this site on my mother's case and I would like to request the experienced readers to suggest me or express their views on this matter. "My mother, is a patient of ovarian cancer, (detected in November 2002) and it was also found that the tumor was in the inoperable…
I just finished chemo, the Dr. found a spot on my cat scan which he said could be the cancer or scar tissue, cyst, etc. Said that all his exams had been normal. My ca125 was 90 after the removal of the tumor. It then went to 24, 30, 36, 17 and the last reading was 8. He put me on Megestrol 160mg daily. Anyone know about…
Madi's Mamaw is finally having surgery!
Hello everyone, I thought I should update you. I have had many more tests since April. I am with the same GYN, she ran a lot more tests and as usual the waiting has been nerve racking. My surgery is scheduled for July 8th, I asked for an appointment for tomorrow with the GYN because I am going to ask her to have a GYN…
Stage 1C, 6 Rounds!
I've decided to go with 6 rounds of chemo; thank you ladies for all your input. I really appreciate you sharing your experiences with me. I did get the book about ovarian cancer recommended - after looking at it for so long, finally read it, returned it to the library and now don't remember author/title. Chemo Brain, don't…
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
I am a student at the University of California, Davis. I am researching the use of CAM for prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer. I would appreciate any personal input/experiences from someone who has used CAM. Any thoughts or experiences you would feel comfortable sharing with me would be great and extremely helpful.
Consolidation therpay
I've just finished my 6th, and presumably final treatment of taxol/carboplatin for Stage IC OVCA. The chemo nurse in charge of setting my appointments and writing my orders said on my last discarge papers that the doc may want to discuss consolidation therapy (additional chemotherapy) at my follow-up appointment. Anybody…
Hello, I was hoping that you all could give me some insight on the early signs of cancer. I am almost 29 yrs old and started to have abnormal periods back in Jan. with practically either spotting or bleeding almost every day. I was quick to blame it on the IUD that I had placed last summer, so I took a trip to the OB/GYN…
I am a 6 year OVCA survivor of many rounds of chemo and surgeries. Right now I am again in remission and have been asked to decide what kind of maintanence treatment I want, if any. Tamoxifen, thalidomide, and arimadex [sp?] (as well as femara) have been suggested. Does anyone have experience with the thalidomide or…
My May counts were up some more and the Doc says we didn't beat this but now we'll manage it. He is really hesitant to start me on any chemo because of all the nerve damage that has been done from the previous chemo. I have a CT scan on Monday to see if the cancer shows up on the scan yet. Cancer cells have to be over 2cm…
Hi folks, Just wanted to say hi and check in with you all. Bonnie, as I remember your numbers were creeping up. How are things going with you? I hope things are good. Ground effect, got that garden going yet? Hope you are all doing wonderfully. While you are here, could you take a min. to go to the link below to sign the…
I have had lower right abdominal pain for 4 months. Had vag US and CT - normal. I have not had a CA125. My Dr wants to do a colonoscopy to rule out other abdominal issues. If that is normal she may proceed with a laporoscopy. My question is - will a laporoscopy detect Ovarian Cancer? How accurate is it? Also, I have bad…
What tests to ask doc for?
Hi All, I am from Australia and found this wonderful website with so much useful info. I came here initially because my friend has ovca so I wanted to find out as much as I could so I could suport her and have some understanding of what she is going through. More recently I have had some strange symptoms that do concern…
Numbness on leg
Hi, I was diagnosis with ovca in August '03, with a CA125 of over 3000. After the operation I had a numbness on my left thigh. I finish my chemo in January and my CA125 is now 9,yeah. But the numbness is still there. Anyone experience this? Please let me know what can be done to get feeling back in my leg. Thanks so much, j