Are there any long survivors of stage III out there?

lizper Member Posts: 199
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I need some hope. My Mom is stage IIIB dx in Oct 2005, in remission at the moment. I pray every day that the cancer doesn`t come back., that God let her be one of lucky ones to live a long life so that she can enjoy her coming grandson. Anyone that can share something or giving me some hope. I there anything that you recommend?


  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    I think one of the most positive things you can do is participate in this board, and also get in touch with some survivors who would like to share your worries. This board is a great place to ask questions about anything you may run into-it's nice to be able to bounce concerns off those who have "been there, done that!".

    I belong to a local support group that includes survivors and caregivers. It gives me inspiration to spend time with women who have dealt and/or are dealing with bouts, and it's always an education when someone starts a new therapy.

    It's not always possible for people to access the internet, so I do encourage you to find a local group and take your mom to a meeting. I was really afraid to go at first, and joined this network before ever attending a meeting here. I went into the CSN chat room and expressed my anxiety about attending, and was given such encouragement to go, I went to the first meeting I could attend. It's been a very positive experience for me to meet with my group!

    I'm sure your local chapter of the American Cancer Society can tell you where you might find a support group, or you could look on this site to see if there's one listed.

    And don't EVER give up HOPE. It's one gift we are given freely to use!
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    There are lots of ladies here who can offer hope and hugs. I'm a survivor of Stage 1, and still have my concerns. But everyone here has wonderful, inspirational stories to tell. Nowadays, treatments and success rates are so much better. There is much to be hopeful for!
    Prayers and hugs.
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199
    mopar said:

    There are lots of ladies here who can offer hope and hugs. I'm a survivor of Stage 1, and still have my concerns. But everyone here has wonderful, inspirational stories to tell. Nowadays, treatments and success rates are so much better. There is much to be hopeful for!
    Prayers and hugs.

    Thank you for your words, do you know any stage III survivors? I haven't bumped in to one yet. All of the stories I've read are stage III but in reocurrance or recently dx. I'm aware that only 30% stage live for 5 years, they don't even mention cure.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    lizper said:

    Thank you for your words, do you know any stage III survivors? I haven't bumped in to one yet. All of the stories I've read are stage III but in reocurrance or recently dx. I'm aware that only 30% stage live for 5 years, they don't even mention cure.

    I am a stage3c survivor :-) And I know several woman who are stage 4. And accually according ACS website I am considered stage 4 because I had cancer on my liver and spleen since the original diagnosis.

    So now you know someone surviving too. Bonnie
  • Keelie
    Keelie Member Posts: 97
    Hello Lizpar, just for what it is worth: Patsy Ramsey (of the notorious JonBenet Ramsey murder - the mother), survived Stage 4 ovarian cancer for 13 years (I think). And, that survival was even during the murder of her daughter (whether or not she was guilty, I have no opinion), and the national spot-light on focused on her as the villian! My doctors indicate to me that stress is terrible when you are battling cancer especially! I can't even imagine how she did it, although they were very rich people, and probably had the best and the very latest care. I do know that she was originally in a clinical trial when she was first diagnosed with stage 4, and out of 20 other women in the trial, she was the only one that survived, albeit for 13 years. As controversial of a person that she was, I still find some sort of encouragement from the fact that she survived so lone, since all of us are aware of the gloomy statistics. Sometimes, I wish that her husband would put some of the protocols that she went through 'out there', so as to give us an idea of the different drugs she took, etc. For me, I'm a Stage 3C survivor. I was first diagnosed in June of 2004, had surgery and chemo, and then had more surgery in Jan.2006, and another 8-9 months of chemo. So far, so good.......for now. Take care, and my best to you and your mother. Michaela Marie aka Keelie
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Lizper....I remember my onc/gyn telling me to stay off the internet because of the terrible stats....and being positive can take you very far, also if your Mom is still in remission from her first line of chemo and it's been more than six months, that is very positive news as well!!!!. I know of a stage 4 survivor who never had more than her intial tx, and stayed in remission for 10 yrs so far, and as a matter of fact her Onc has stopped seeing her!!!! I also think groundeffect had some excellent ideas as groups are wonderful...(((hugz)))..Joanne
  • shortstuff
    shortstuff Member Posts: 79
    I am a stage IIIC survivor since 2001. Have had a few reoccurences but I'm not giving up. It is possible for it to go away and never come back. Have faith. God has a plan.
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Hi me again I wanted to give you some other discussion forums and boards that I go to, and I get lots of love support. You might find more survival stories there. "John Hopkins Online discussion ovarian" and "" On the John Hopkins they have many different sites,so make sure you put ovarian in there....Good luck and (((hugz)))..Joanne
  • tdb1985
    tdb1985 Member Posts: 35
    Hi Lizper,
    I was dx in May 2005, went through surgery, chemo and was in remission until Nov. 2006. I am undergoing chemo now, but the cancer went into remission after the first treatment. I was in remission for over a year before it came back. I think that it may come back again and it may not. I too would like to see grandchildren and plan on it. I look at this recurrance as any other sickness, you get it, they treat it, and you go on living life and thank God for every day that you have. I have a close walk with God and I pray every day (I pray for the Drs, nurses and all who are working with the cancer). I go to church and read the bible. My mother had cancer and fought it for 20 some years, many others in my family has had cancer and survived, so its not new to me, but I do know that they have come so very far in the treatments, even in the past 5-10 years. I stay positive and come back to this board. I always find positive reinforcement here. I will pray for you and your family.
    Take care,
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199
    BonnieR said:

    I am a stage3c survivor :-) And I know several woman who are stage 4. And accually according ACS website I am considered stage 4 because I had cancer on my liver and spleen since the original diagnosis.

    So now you know someone surviving too. Bonnie

    Nice to meet you Bonnie, were you originally dx stage 3c, can you tell me when? Have you had a reocurrance? I have read on may official pages that when ON liver in is stage III but when IN liver etc it is stage IV. Thank you for sharing your story. Liz
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199
    Keelie said:

    Hello Lizpar, just for what it is worth: Patsy Ramsey (of the notorious JonBenet Ramsey murder - the mother), survived Stage 4 ovarian cancer for 13 years (I think). And, that survival was even during the murder of her daughter (whether or not she was guilty, I have no opinion), and the national spot-light on focused on her as the villian! My doctors indicate to me that stress is terrible when you are battling cancer especially! I can't even imagine how she did it, although they were very rich people, and probably had the best and the very latest care. I do know that she was originally in a clinical trial when she was first diagnosed with stage 4, and out of 20 other women in the trial, she was the only one that survived, albeit for 13 years. As controversial of a person that she was, I still find some sort of encouragement from the fact that she survived so lone, since all of us are aware of the gloomy statistics. Sometimes, I wish that her husband would put some of the protocols that she went through 'out there', so as to give us an idea of the different drugs she took, etc. For me, I'm a Stage 3C survivor. I was first diagnosed in June of 2004, had surgery and chemo, and then had more surgery in Jan.2006, and another 8-9 months of chemo. So far, so good.......for now. Take care, and my best to you and your mother. Michaela Marie aka Keelie

    Nice to meet you.. were you originally dx stage IIIc. Bonnie was telling me that when you have the cancer originally On liver it is stage IV but I have read otherwise and the Dr. considered my Mom to be stage III even so. I understand than the difference between IIIb and IIIc is the residual findings B if it is very small and C if it is bigger. Thank you for you input. God bless
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199

    I am a stage IIIC survivor since 2001. Have had a few reoccurences but I'm not giving up. It is possible for it to go away and never come back. Have faith. God has a plan.

    Nice to meet you to shortstuff, were you originally dx IIIC since 2001? Wow. Can you share with me when did your reocurrances take place? How many have you had? Were the treated with the initial drugs? I hope I don't bother you with so many questions. Before knowing of your reocurrance did you have any indicative symptoms?
    Exactly what is a IIIC stage as I was telling Bonnie and Keelie that I have read and been informed that when the cancer originally was found On liver it is considered stage III but Bonnie was telling me that on an official site that is considered to be stage IV. What to you know... was yours found on the liver? I also understand than the difference between IIIb and IIIc is the residual findings B if it is very small and C if it is bigger. God bless Liz
  • lizper
    lizper Member Posts: 199
    floridajo said:

    Hi me again I wanted to give you some other discussion forums and boards that I go to, and I get lots of love support. You might find more survival stories there. "John Hopkins Online discussion ovarian" and "" On the John Hopkins they have many different sites,so make sure you put ovarian in there....Good luck and (((hugz)))..Joanne

    Hi Joanne thank you for all your answers..I have been on that website allthough I haven't found any LONG survivors.. I like this website better and all of you guys better.
    I can`t remember when you told me you were dx and what stage? I would like to familiarize with all of you. God bless. Liz
  • shortstuff
    shortstuff Member Posts: 79
    lizper said:

    Nice to meet you to shortstuff, were you originally dx IIIC since 2001? Wow. Can you share with me when did your reocurrances take place? How many have you had? Were the treated with the initial drugs? I hope I don't bother you with so many questions. Before knowing of your reocurrance did you have any indicative symptoms?
    Exactly what is a IIIC stage as I was telling Bonnie and Keelie that I have read and been informed that when the cancer originally was found On liver it is considered stage III but Bonnie was telling me that on an official site that is considered to be stage IV. What to you know... was yours found on the liver? I also understand than the difference between IIIb and IIIc is the residual findings B if it is very small and C if it is bigger. God bless Liz

    Hi lizper, in answer to your questions, I was originally diagnosed in 2001 stage IIIc which I think means it has spread out of the ovaries but not to any major organs. Had surgery to remove ovaries, uterus, all that stuff, then had chemo with Taxol and Carboplatin & genzar (it was a clinical trial). Got a remission for almost a year then had a reoccurence and used Taxol and Carbo again since it had been a year. Got a shorter remission, treated next reoccurence with Topotecan, got another remission, then had another reoccurence, treated it with Gemzar and am now having another treatment with an oral drug called hexalen. But just because I had all those reoccurences doesn't mean that your mother will. Some people get really long remissions or it never comes back. I wish you mother the best and let me know if I can be of anymore help to you. Take care....

  • paula2
    paula2 Member Posts: 162
    Stage 111c, dx 6/01. First remission lasted 3 1/2 years, o.c. came back in and on the liver, treated with carbo/taxatere. Have had 3 more recurances, treated with various drugs and am now taking Topotecan for the return of oc to liver, aorta, and pelvic area. I have been a healthy survivor of lllc for nearly 6 years. There is always hope. God be with you today. Your Mom is one very lucky lady to have such a devoted daughter. Try humor, visual imagery, protein shakes, a really good read is "Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul" Good Luck and God Bless.
  • tomcat 57
    tomcat 57 Member Posts: 14
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    tomcat 57 said:


    Somehow you tagged onto an old post from several years ago.

    One of the ladies on this string, Floridajo passed away a few months ago and it broke my heart to see her post on here.
    She was a good friend, and a tough cancer fighter, and I'll always miss her.
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    jane65 said:

    Somehow you tagged onto an old post from several years ago.

    One of the ladies on this string, Floridajo passed away a few months ago and it broke my heart to see her post on here.
    She was a good friend, and a tough cancer fighter, and I'll always miss her.

    Liz's mother passed away
    Liz's mother passed away recently. Saundra
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    saundra said:

    Liz's mother passed away
    Liz's mother passed away recently. Saundra

    7 year survivor
    I do take chemo still but had some long breaks. Back on it again I am stage 3 ovarian. Everyone is different and some may stay in remission. Mine had been in spleen and lymphnodes. Doing pretty good though most of time. Prayers for all.
    Prayers and Hugs