Out of NED

saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I saw my gyn/onc. and he felt a mass during the physical. I am scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow morning and they did another CA-125 to see what has happened in two weeks to that number. He is agressive minded and wants to get on this ASAP. I have has pain in my left groin and he thinks that is a growing lymph gland. CT will tell. I should have the results Friday. The oncologist agreed.



  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    Out of NED
    Oh, the waiting till Friday...Just is so frustrating. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Stay strong you can beat this one back also. Keep us posted.
    (((HUGS))) Joan
  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    The Wait
    That waiting is just the frosting on the cake for me. I can never stop my mind. I am hoping that this is just another bump in the road that you will get through. Glad you have such a caring doctor. I will be waiting here to hear your news. Hugs to you, Cindy
  • Karen1418
    Karen1418 Member Posts: 48
    Out of NED
    Dear Saundra,
    I am so sorry to hear your news. I know you will handle this fine because of your strength of character and strong faith. I will keep you in my prayers.
    Love, Karen
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    Dear Saundra,
    I am so glad your doctor is aggressive and you'll have the results on Friday.
    I'll be thinking about you, and wishing you the best.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dearest Saundra,

    Durn it ~ Durn It ~ Durn it ... I was hoping the tamoxifen would continue to hold the cancer back! So sorry to read this latest update. But what a great Dr you have to check you out so good and jump to a ct scan and another ca125 ~ that has to be comforting in itself. Will someone call with the results or do you have another appointment scheduled? I will be watching for updates please.

    Of course you are always in my prayers ~ I know God will continue to keep you strong in this next leg of the battle ~ for He is Good all the time.

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    BonnieR said:

    Dearest Saundra,

    Durn it ~ Durn It ~ Durn it ... I was hoping the tamoxifen would continue to hold the cancer back! So sorry to read this latest update. But what a great Dr you have to check you out so good and jump to a ct scan and another ca125 ~ that has to be comforting in itself. Will someone call with the results or do you have another appointment scheduled? I will be watching for updates please.

    Of course you are always in my prayers ~ I know God will continue to keep you strong in this next leg of the battle ~ for He is Good all the time.

    Prayers ♥ Hugs Bonnie

    Bonnie, I will call his office in Dallas on Friday for the results. The CT was done here in Midland, and he'll pick up the written report on the internet in Dallas. If he decides he personally wants to see the film, it will be next week before I know (which sometimes he does) because they will be mailed. I am calm and under the care of the Great One. Besides the peach tree is ripe and I am busy peeling and freezing peaches.
    LOL. Saundra
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Hi Saundra, so sorry to hear this news. I will be saying many prayers for you. Your a fighter and will get through this with the help of our Lord. Sending you healing thoughts.
    Please keep us posted.
    Hugs and Prayers, Terry
  • carol2dogs
    carol2dogs Member Posts: 132
    Out of NED
    I'm so sorry you are back to fighting this beast. You have been such an inspiration with your faith and strength. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you don't have to wait any longer than Friday to get your CT scan results. Please keep us posted.
    Love and hugs, Carol
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Just want to let you know that you are in my prayers,
    and I'm hoping & praying only the best for you~

    ~Susan xoxo
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  • jean b
    jean b Member Posts: 77
    Keep the Faith
    Hi Saundra: There is always hope. Had my first chemo yesterday. Feeling ok today but I'm sure tomorrow will be another story. I'll be thinking of you and all the other wonderful people I have met on this site.
    Love, Jean
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    So Sorry
    Dear Saundra,

    Praying the mass is not cancerous and rejoicing that you know our Lord!

    I will be getting a PETscan next Friday to see just what is going on with my thymus gland, inconclusive CT report on my liver, colon, etc, etc.

    My Thursday morning Bible study is Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself - Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit. Yesterday the lesson ended with .....and allow Him to minister to others through your misery.

    As He comforts us, He leads us to share His comfort. I am so thankful we have this support group where we can vent, cry, laugh, comfort, discuss, and be energized!! LOVE YOU!!

    In His Grip,
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    LPack said:

    So Sorry
    Dear Saundra,

    Praying the mass is not cancerous and rejoicing that you know our Lord!

    I will be getting a PETscan next Friday to see just what is going on with my thymus gland, inconclusive CT report on my liver, colon, etc, etc.

    My Thursday morning Bible study is Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself - Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit. Yesterday the lesson ended with .....and allow Him to minister to others through your misery.

    As He comforts us, He leads us to share His comfort. I am so thankful we have this support group where we can vent, cry, laugh, comfort, discuss, and be energized!! LOVE YOU!!

    In His Grip,

    Prayers coming your way
    I'm praying for you too, Libby. Along with all the rest of the warriors that are back on chemo or about to be. I am still waiting on the word from the CT and now it looks like it will be Monday before I hear anything.

    Sometimes the Lord calms the storm; And sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.
  • jane65
    jane65 Member Posts: 277
    saundra said:

    Prayers coming your way
    I'm praying for you too, Libby. Along with all the rest of the warriors that are back on chemo or about to be. I am still waiting on the word from the CT and now it looks like it will be Monday before I hear anything.

    Sometimes the Lord calms the storm; And sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

    Hi Saundra,
    I know how hard the wait is,I hope it's good news and you can rest easy.

    I loved your comment about God, I read it a few times and it gave me a lump in my throat, it's so true.
    I'm going to copy it and keep it by the computer to read when I'm really feeling stressed.

    Thank you, and be well.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    (((Saundra)))). So sorry that you have to go into battle again!
    Seems like so many are going through new challenges right now! We are also having a rash of recurrances and recurrance scares on the Uterine Cancer Board for those with the more aggressive UPSC. Last month almost everyone was coming out of treatment and in remission, and now there must be a half-dozen new confirmed or suspected recurrances. Frightening to see the high percentages, but in a strange way comforting to have others who can understand the fear and disappointment when remission ends or your latest chemo lets you down. You remain in my prayers, Saundra, as well us the other teal warriors,