My beautiful little Japanese wife of 32 years has recurrent ovarian cancer
I just found this site while doing my regular Web search for any information I can find on Ovarian cancer. My beautiful little Japanese wife of 32 years has stage 4 recurrent ovarian cancer. She has just completed the 5th session of 6 planned in her second round of chemo after 2 operations. I need to know how it will go…
Pray for Angela, surgery Thursday
Please pray for my daughter. She is having cancer surgery Thursday, July 8th, her 35th birthday. She has three young children. Also pray for Mary, her mother-in-law. She has level IV cancer.
After treatment whats next
i was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in 2/10. I had surgery but they could not remove any of the cancer. since then I have had 5 treatments & will receive the 6 this month. I have responded well to the chemo & CA125 is 40 with out the last 2 treatments. Will I feel better after the chemo is out of my system? i want to go…
Books on cancer
Can anyone recommend any books about cancer that deal with nutrition or cancer prevention? Is the "Anti Cancer Book" a good resource? Just want to do everyting I can to prevent a recurrance (even though I'm not sure my cancer is gone yet, but I'm hopin'!). Beth
Selenium - good to know
Selenium, an essential trace mineral, is an important component of antioxidant systems such as glutathione peroxidase. It also plays an important role in thyroid function. Selenium is obtained by consuming whole grains, meats, seafood, poultry, and nuts. It is also marketed as a supplement with claims that it boosts immune…
Blood dropped again
it came up so good lst week, now is dropped low again geees this blood work drives me nuts
Doxil questions
My mom has finished her radiation attempt to shrink her tumor. (ovarian but located in the pelvis and blocking her rectum) The radiation did little but to give her burns on her rectal area and vagina. Just as she was healing from this pain, she got shingles. Now, 7 weeks later her shingles are clearing and they want her to…
Looking for stage III cancer survivers
Needing to hear some hope.
Can anyone tell me if it's true that you shouldn't cook with non-stick once you have cancer? I am new to this and I am hearing all kinds of things.
Teal Cure walk/run was awesome!
Hi All, I was at the TEAL THERE'S A CURE walk/run this morning and you were all there with me in my thoughts. It was awesome! Teal balloons and families of walkers many with signs on their backs to let everyone know who they were walking for. When I looked over the lines of walkers I could see how this disease touches so…
4 year Ovca survivor now~~~
May 17 of this year marked 4 years since my diagnosis; and June 1st marked 4 years since my 'big surgery'. I have had 3 recurrences after inital diagnosis. I have had 4 sessions of chemo, finishing the last one Feb 10, 2010. My CA was 6.1 in March, and 3 weeks ago it had creeped up to 8.9 (Normal scale is 0-17). Tomorrow…
Any luck with Hexalen?
I was wondering if anyone has been on Hexalen for any length of time? My sister was dx IIIc 9 years ago and has exhausted every other option. She has been on Hexalen for a few days and is having a lot of abdominal pain. Her main oncologist didn't want to prescribe it, but his partner has had good results with a few…
Lost and Confused
Where to start. I am still in shock mode, hasn't really sunk in yet. My first oncology appt is July 6th. I went in to change birthcontrol and talk about pain management for my endometriosis and ended up getting surgery. Second one for that disease, as it keeps coming back, spreading, causing adhesions and scar tissue, and…
Help Guys, need some sanity
I recently had surgery for my endometriosis. This is my second surgery for this, the first was in 2005. In 2005 they found a tumor that was the size of a baseball but it was benign and so they removed that and my right ovary and fallopian tube. The doctor was horrible and a quack and i was young. So he didnt tell me to…
Teal There's a Cure 5K Run/Walk
Hi my wonderful Teal Survivors... Haven't been here for awhile (more about that later) BUT I wanted to tell you about the 2nd annual Run/Walk in my town in Central New York. So many Breast Cancer Run/Walks..... here's one where we won't be the Odd Girls Out!!! Teal There's a Cure 5K Run/Walk Sunday, July 4th, 2010 9am…
CA125-What is "Normal"
This number seems to dominate our life, once we are diagnosed. I have seen the "normal" range referred to as 0-35, and also 0-17. Also, I was told by my gyn/onc. that individual trends are very important. So, if you are a 6 and you suddenly double to a 12, that may not be a good thing. While in the "real world" you are…
I had my MRI with contrast on Tuesday, my onc Dr. called this afternoon to say everything is fine . Thankyou for your support Love Oska Have a great 4th July
Hmm- How do I not think of cancer for three months?
I had my "sum it up" meeting with my gyn-onc., after almost two years of fighting stage 3(sept.08) I had the standard carbo/taxo(8 treatments), a little break for emergency bowel resection from scar tissue, then a year of maintenance taxol. My CT scan showed NED...I'm not really sure how long I have been in remission. My…
I just got the results of my CA125 test. Although it was a slight increase (from 13 to 15.3), I can't help but be scared. I sometimes feel like I am just waiting for the "beast" to return. I see my oncologist on Thursday, so I am hoping it may be time for a scan (my last one was six months ago). For now, I will try not to…
Blood dropped again
it came up so good lst week, now is dropped low again geees this blood work drives me nuts
Blood dropped again
it came up so good lst week, now is dropped low again geees this blood work drives me nuts
Back for my sister. Does anyone have any experiences with topotekan they'd like to share. My sister will be starting on topotekan in a couple of weeks. She was on Doxil since January; it seemed to be working well, and then it stopped working so well. Her CA-125 began to stall, then rise. This will be her fourth type of…
Revisiting an older dilemma
I posted a few weeks ago about having to choose a new Doc when mine left the practice. My choice boiled down to a very experienced Doc with bad bedside manner to a newer Doc with less experience and a great bedside manner. Most of you felt the bedside manner won out. WELL, I had my farewell visit yesterday and my Doc was…
Here is the reason of that recent CA-125 rise....help..................
Any suggestions ? Hitory CA - 125 started from 7000 to 19000 and as high as 23000. OV, FT, UTs all removed. CA-125 was 17 last March/April 2010. Now, it is over 600 - the reason below Please Advise Any good food for Lever ? Indication: Ovarian cancer. Technique: Images were obtained from the lung apices to the pubic…
More Threads of Hope
From the Inspire website: Taxol/Carbo combination without recurrence.....44 replies http://www.inspire.com/groups/ovarian-cancer-national-alliance/discussion/anyone-who-was-on-carbo-taxol-and-has-not-had-a-recurrence/?page=1#replies enjoy ;) Leesa
My sister was diagnosed with cancer today
my sister was just diagnosed with either lung or liver cancer say some prayers
Yep...it's a hernia
Just got back from the PCP's office. I have an incisional hernia (related to my surgery/incision), about the size of silver dollar. Treatment is anti-inflammatory drugs, pain pills, and have it fixed surgically at some point. If it gets bigger there is a risk of it becoming strangulated - meaning a loop of bowel could get…
Gemzar alone?
Since I had an allergic reaction to the carboplatinum my oncologist wants to keep me on Gemzar alone. I am so disappointed! Has anyone heard of someone being on Gemzar alone?
Vitamin supplements and rising CA125
Hi, I am wondering if any of you have encountered this situation and can help me. A week ago I began taking natural vitamin supplements: Vitamin D, garlic, coQ10, megavitamin, Omega/fish oil, green tea and melatonin. My CA125 results came back rising from 14 to 55. I am 2 months off of chemo. Any chance the supplements…
I have all the symptoms of a hernia
At least I hope it's a hernia. One side of my belly is somewhat painful and when I "pooch out" my stomach, there is a hard spot on that side (the left), whereas the right side remains soft and squishy. When I lie down, it disappears. My question is.......should I just have my PCP take a look, or do I need to mention it to…