Card Shower for Ovarian Cancer Survivors 80th Birthday
My mom just finished chemotherapy for ovarian cancer and is celebrating her 80th birthday on July 11th. She is too weak and sick to have a party so I decided a card shower is the next best thing. Along with family and friends I came to this site because she could possibly get words of encouragement from women who knew what…
Still here
These last few days have been rough. This chemo round is kicking my butt. Sending my best wishes to all.
I am so p****d off :(
Its Isabella sports day today.I jjust asked mum if she wanted to tag along.She is so up and down with how she feels at the moment, she doesn't feel she can come.Mum said she was afraid of being sick , she has been sick nearly everday day now since she has come home from the hospital. I am just so fed up (and upset today)…
How to care for a bald head
Okay....i am almost all the way bald...just some stubble left over from the shaving. How do i care for my new head? 1. Should I shampoo and condition? 2. Treat it like my face and cleanse, tone and moisturize? Occasional exfoliation and mask? 3. Just soap it up like the rest of my body? Lemme know ladies...you are the…
Good Exam
It will be two years since my surgery on August 7th. Three weeks ago my CA-125 was 4. I saw my gyn/onc today. Upon examining me he said, "Everything looks good. No lumps, bumps, or bulges." Whew!
Question for JoanC
Hi, I noticed on one of your responses to Blood Clots, you said you were on Fragmin. I was too. I was on this for 6 months and couldn't take the shots any more. The doc told me if I go back on Avastin, I'll have to go on the shots again. Did you give the shots yourself? Did you black and blue, I was full of black and blues…
If you thought...
To whomever thought my post was offensive, I find that to be rude. Since this is supposed to be a place for SUPPORT. I didn't offend anybody. Your the offensive person whomever you are. Power, PEACE, PURPOSE Joyce
PET/CT shows progression:(
Well, I am way overdue for an update, I guess. I had a PET/CT a couple weeks ago, showing progression and a new tumor (or extension of another one, they are not sure). I have 6 tumors total, and 2 of them in very difficult places (vena cava and behind the pancreas). I am on topo, but the CA125 is creeping up. Currently at…
Blood clots
Has anyone been diagnosed with blood clots in their lungs from chemo? I was on chemo for 18 weeks with taxol/carbo (carbo every 3 weeks/with taxol), towards the end I had a hard time catching my breath after doing anything. My ct scan revealed no sign of decease but the radiologist spotted a blood clot so I had to go back…
Bone pain???
Just wondering if there is anyone who didn't/doesn't have bone pain after chemo? I'm wondering if having bone pain is preventable/treatable or just related to individual differences. And if someone did AVOID having bone pain, was there anything that you may have done differently than the women who DID have bone pain? Or…
Garlic Festival
Went to Garlic Festival today with my friend Martha and her friend. It is a big deal here in Gilroy. I have only gone three or four times since it started in the late seventies. I always say it's for tourists. The weather was beautiful. Hot but in low nineties. There was a cool breeze blowing. I haven't been doing too well…
The Hospice Conversation
First, no, I'm not ANYWHERE needing hospice care. I still plan on returning to school, cancer free, on August 22nd. However, it occurred to me that it would be easier to get honest responses from my husband if I broach the subject of hospice while I'm still healthy. (It's hard to tell a very very sick person that it would…
Claritin to help with Neupogen side effects?
I noticed that one or two of you mentioned taking Claritin the day of your neupogen shots....I assume this abates some of the side effects. Can someone verify/deny this? I'm in treatment and have had to take the neupogen shots from the get go (4 each chemo session). I am getting increased bone/joint pain which I attribute…
Had a great foot massage yesterday
Stopped by Face in the Mirror yesterday and Particia gave me the best foot massage I have ever had. She is going to let me come once a week for a massage, she says it will help the neuropathy in my feet. If you get a chance to stop by face in the mirror, i highy recommend them. Hugs to all Lynda
I have a date for hernia surgery
August 9th. Unfortunately, I won't know until I wake up if he could do the repair via a laparoscopy route or not. If I luck out and get the lap procedure, I will be home the next day. An open abdominal surgery will mean a week in the hospital. I have a 14 inch incision and he plans to reinforce the whole thing with mesh. I…
Starting chemo again!
I finished my last dose of carbo/taxol 5 or 6 weeks ago and my CA125 is now slightly over 1000. Apparently the chemo stopped working after the fifth infusion and my cancer began growing again whilst I was still receiving chemo. Which means I suppose that the last 6 months have largely been wasted. All I got out of it has…
I'm back :)
Hello!!! It's been a long time, huh? So, unfortunately I haven't got a chance to check in on anybody, I took a break from here for a while, I needed time to myself, sort everything out and whatnot. For those of you that aren't Facebook friends with me, I chopped my longgg hair off. Poof. Gone. I had more than 15 inches…
Someone told me Chemo can change your DNA, is that true?
Low white blood count and diet?
Today I went back for lab work. My second treatment was July 19. My white counts were pretty low. They gave me an antibiotic to take for a week as a precautionary measure. Are there any foods I can eat to help build this count up as much as possible? Thanks ladies, you're the best! Carla
Dr. David Servan-Schreiber - RIP
author of "Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life" Obituary: Dr. David Servan-Schreiber Empowered Cancer Patients http://www.cmu.edu/news/blog/2011/Summer/obituary-david-servan-schreiber.sh tml (very sad news)
Insurance Issues and Costs
Hello Everyone- I just stumbled over this website and SO HAPPY!!! I was diagnosed with Endometriosis Cancer October 2010. I was unemployed at the time and still have not found a permanent job. However, my COBRA just ended and it has been a challenge to find health insurance. (Obama does have a reduction for COBRA-- Mine…
CA 125 up to 19900 while on doxil
I'm freaking out! My ca 125 is 19,900 and I've been on doxil since dec. I had liver rfa in august in attempt to treat 2nd recurrence (ca 125 was 60). Had liver rfa and when checked in oct. It was 10000. Dr. decided to wait and recheck - it was even higher so we started doxil and it started coming down getting as low as 140…
Christine B How are you???
Hi Christine, Haven't seen you on here in quite a while and was missing you. Hope all is well. ((((hugs)))) Linda
Ovarian cancer and Endrometrosis
Is there a link between ovarian cancer and endrometrosis? (I have no idea how to spell that word LOL! Hopefully you ladies will know what I am talking about) I have read where several women with end. also developed ovarian cancer. My sister talked to a couple of nurses who said they had never heard of that. I know I read…
Well my Teal sisters, I am back in Chemo. CT/PT scan shows something very small, no surgery, best approach is chemo. I am getting Avastin, Gemzar and Carboplatin. Anyone else doing or have done this. My Ca125 went from 9 to 24.5 then 50, so Dr. jumped right on it. Here I thought it was going to be my last 3 month checkup…
End of maintenance chemo and CA125 numbers
CA125 has stayed 3 and below though out maintenance treatment. The last one is Aug.18. The question is: Should I EXPECT a rise? Is the chemo keeping the number artificially low? Cindy
I met one of our teal sisters today!!
It was cafewoman and she is amazing. I feel like I have known her for a very long time. We sat on a bench near the Niagara river and had a cooltreat on a hot day 88 degrees. I think we should all try to have mini-meets with our sisters. I live in New York so any one who can meet, the more the merrier. Thank you Colleen for…
HIke takes a toll
Went on a hike with my Living Strong group this morning. I worked out yesterday and my legs were already a little sore. Well now I am experiencing a consistent ache in the joint at the top of my left thigh. I am going to take tylenol and just try to feel good that I am getting out and doing something physical. I am still…
Subscribe Comments for no offense to anyone, i neeeeed clinical, non inspirational answer , bottom l
July 21, 2011 - 1:25am > I have been asking for a detailed description of what to expect, physically , on progression of a dying patient. I have always walked my life in gratitude and love.I am not ready to die....but I know that I am. With never having more than 4months remission.I am fearful of the unknown part. I am…
Brain Mets and Ovarian Cancer
Ok, so I thought I would post some information about Ovarian Cancer that Mets directly to the brain with no stops in between, for future readers. I'll start with some stats and some background and then discuss the treatments that I have had and the treatment that remains, along with side effects. First the background: I've…