If Staging can be upgraded, why can't it also be downgraded?
So, I had my appointment with the Chief of Neurosurgery at University Hospital today about Gamma Knife. (Have I mentioned how fortunate I have been to consistently have the best of the best in terms of surgeons, oncologists, radiation therapy and health care in general?) At any rate, during the meeting, I had the…
Thank you everyone
Thank you everyone for responding to my discussion about IP vs. IV chemotherapy. It's really great that we have this place where people can help one another. Thank you again.
CA125 came back 53
What do you think, today I started my trhirt cycle and my doctor gave me the news of my ca125 came back 53, last May 9 it was 474, by May 29 143 and June 21 53.. I would like to know what you ladies think about this. please...
For OVCA survivors: Which ovary had cancer?
I don't know why I even care about this but I would appreciate hearing from OVCA survivors whether the cancer was one-sided or worse on one side than the other. Mine was left ovary & it seems like I notice the left side seems to predominate when women tell their stories. Or maybe I just notice it when someone says they had…
in the past 14 months, I've lost my husband unexpectedly, had to sell all our furniture and move in with my sister and her family? I just wanna move on with my life, but now I've this stupid cancer to deal with (clear cell stage 3 c). I just lost my Mom to Non-Hodgkins lymphoma Feb. 2008. My son is to graduate from the 3rd…
Arthritis, nerve pain?
I've been experiencing pain in my left foot, on top, near last three toes since my chemo. I also am not able to bend these toes in. My right hand, primarily my thumb also is in constant pain. My Doctor said it's nerve strain and gave me a cream. Does anyone experience anything similar and if so what do you do to relieve…
Smoothie recipes?
This recipe isn't completely original with me, but I wanted to share it. I have been putting frozen mixed berries, milk (one day I used chocolate flavored silk milk). I also add a hand full of spinach. You can not taste the spinach. It's a great way to get a leafy green veggie in. I like spinach in a salad, but we can't…
I'm a Newbie!
Hi Everyone! I have been a lurker on this site for a number of months now but have now decided to join. My cancer journey began in May of 2010 at age 65 when I had a complete debulking and hysterectomy for a fairly large mass which had grown from my left ovary and my bladder and liver. My gyn-oncologist was able to remove…
A sad day for me
Today is one I have dreaded for so long. My beloved cat of sixteen years, Fifty-fifty had to be put down. He has been my constant companion for many years and was by my side during my nine months of treatment. When I was still working, I used to wish he would still be around when I retired. I got my wish for a while. I…
Ovarian cancer with mets to lungs
Looking for survival stories for ovarian cancer with mets to lung. My mom is in the hospital and had nodules on her lung biopsied yesterday. Ovarian cancer is suspected - it will be a week until we know. I would love to hear any survivor stories out there.
Cancer dx highlights other losses
I'm gritting it through day 5 of what is for me 9 days of post taxil/carbo pain &nausea. I'm feeling particularily lonely today. This is mt 8th round of my second time through chemo since 2009. Lost my only sister to Breast cancer last year, my Mom same cancer in 1980. I retired last year & those friends have sort of…
CT Scan found enlarged Ovary Worried
Hello, I am a colon cancer survivor Advanced Stage 3. This is my first discussion I have posted. I just finished 6 months of Folfox and had two CT Scans NED. I shared with my Oncologist that I have a cousin currently doing chemo for Ovarian Cancer, and one cousin doing chemo for breast cancer and lost an Aunt to Ovarian…
Vaccine to attack OVC
A very close friend of mine just finished her second round of chemo. We are always comparing notes with each other. Her doctor wants to get her into a clinical trial when it comes to UCSF in a few months. Dr Geo Coukos, PHD at University of Penn is the doctor in charge. The web site to get additional information is…
Can large cysts be cancerous
Hi i was recently diagnosed with an ovarian cyst i looked on some websites and found that i have got most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer, is anyone in a similar situation
Has anyone gone on a vacation on a plane while on chemotherapy
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has flown while undergoing chemotherapy. I would like to go away but there was an article in a cancer magazine advising people with cancer and flying to be very careful. Apparently, the problem comes about when their counts go down low and the air on a plane is not very good. My primary…
Question: Anyone removed ovaries pre-menopausal? Side Effects, please?
Hi -- I hope you are all doing well. I am from the bc forum and thought this question may be more appropriate for this forum. Has anyone here removed their ovaries pre-menopausal? My friend recently removed her ovaries. She is 33. She is experiencing severe hot flashes. If you have gone through this, pre-menopausal, does…
Insurance refusing to approve my taking of Avistan.
Has anyone else had their refuse to cover a drug? My dr. had told me Tuesday that they were refusing to approve it, but he felt as though it would be approved by my second treatment on July 19. I had my first treatment Tues. of Taxol and Carbo. Thanks Ladies. Carla
Phase III trial concluded that there is no benefit with maintenance paclitaxel to patients with EARL
(not sure what to make of this, but for those with EARLY STAGE OVC, this may be helpful. This just came out in May 2011:) A Randomized Phase III Trial of IV Carboplatin and Paclitaxel × 3 Courses Followed by Observation Versus Weekly Maintenance Low-Dose Paclitaxel in Patients With Early-Stage Ovarian Carcinoma: A…
Quilt Square Project - Final Call
Carlene and I made some lovely quilt squares and I am embrod. the names from the list we currently have on each square. This is a final call for names: if you want a square for yourself or a relative/friend please reply to this post. You can see previous posts by Carlene (aka Hissy_Fitz) for more information if you are new…
Hair loss
Hi all !! I am 2 weeks and 1 day out from my first chemo tx. My scalp has been very itchy and tender. My hair is starting to fall out. I noticed a lot in the drain from the shower this morning. I am going to have a shaving get together this weekend !! My bloodwork has been all good. My ca125 started at 4500- down to 1651.…
Plueral effusion
My cancer was diagnosed after I suffered double plueral effusion. I underwent 3 chest drains within 2/3 weeks of each other before I started on my chemo regime. 4 weeks into my treatment I was back in hospital having my 4th chest drain. The irony of this was like a kick in the teeth as I was a road runner and used to run…
PARP as a maintenance drug?
I am currently on a PARP trial after being declared platinum resistant after my first round of IV chemo. I have been on this trial for a little over a year. My doctor has been watching a tiny spot on my CAT scan that has remained unchanged all this time. I finally talked my doctor into a PET scan and the scan came back…
tina brown
I have been on and off the board for a few years now and finaly found some one with the same cancer. I have had chemo surgery and chemo. I was diag 4-08 my ca125 was 2500. Now it is 12 it has been going up a little at a time the lowest was 6. 10, 11,12. I go tomorrow for a blood test my dr say he would not worry until it…
Glad to be back home.........again.
Gorgeous NY doc said my CT scan was "perfect." CA125 is 9. He thinks I may have another UTI, however, and should have my bladder checked, just to make sure I don't have a prolapse. His thinking, since I have to have hernia surgery, is that I should have both at once, if bladder surgery is called for. Does this never end?…
Stage 3c
That was what we heard from the gyn/onco appt for my sister today. The types were mostly squamous cell and they did find a few clear cells which he said were so small in amount that it was irrelevant. She will have six cycles of taxol and I think Cistplatin? She will have to stay in the hospital overnight while one of them…
Taxol and Soy - Contraindication
I just received my new edition of Anticancer. In it the author refers to a study which indicates that soy products can interfere with the effectiveness of Taxol. He states that further research is needed, but recommends not cosuming soy for 4 or 5 days before and after a Taxol treatment.
One year ago today
One year ago today I talked myself into believing that the mass on my ovary wasn’t cancer. When I woke up in the recovery room and looked at the time, I knew I was wrong and terror set in. I was diagnosed with stage 3a, grade 3, clear cell ovarian cancer. I prayed that I didn’t have any post-op complications and could make…
How much is "a few more weeks" worth to you?
If you read Sarah Feather's blog (the Carcinista), you will recall that when her doctors had "the talk" with her, they said Taxol might buy her "a few more weeks." Sarah had vowed, after losing her hair three times, that she would not "go out" bald. Thus, she declined the Taxol. What would you have said? Would you have…
I'm back.....
I took a little trip out of town with my daughter, for her birthday. It was kind of a last minute thing. We left on Tuesday and came back Friday. I'm tired, but glad we had the chance to make some memories. Today was my middle son's birthday, so I made a "from scratch" chocolate ganache cake and we had chicken and steak on…
2nd round of chemo
Hi All, I finished my second round of chemo on Wednesday of this week. It is kicking my butt. I am exhausted. I have to get woken up to eat and drink. I am working very little. I need to work as much as I can...financially there is no other option. Nausea levels are worse this go round...I did not think that was possible.…