I am new to this!
Hey Everyone.. I am 19 and my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on 4/18/06.. The mass is 10cm in diameter and is in the right lung and bronchial tube.. it has spread to his other lung as well.. You can read more about him on my webpage! This site has really helped me out talking to other people actually gives me…
Alternative Remedies
Have anyone ever considered using alternative remedies in addition to traditional treatments? If so what were your results?
Beating Cancer through Nutrition and Diet
Greetings everyone, I am new and looking for feedback, good websites, books, ideas etc... from people that are fighting cancer through an agressive diet plan. I'll try to keep this story short. Recently my Wife and I have relocated accross the counrty to help. Currently my Dad and my Sister both have lung cancer, my Dad…
Celebrating the 5 month mark today!
Today marks the 5 month anniversary of the day on which my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IIIB NSCLC. How drastically our lives have changed in these last 5 months. Mom is nearly done with her first round of chemotherapy-- her last treatment is this week (May 11th). She's been considered a stable patient since early March.…
New nenber
Hi, I am new to this board, have seen other message boards for lung cancer and they are very helful, for advice, support, hope and information. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in both lungs in february. They started her off with chemo therapy and she has been in and out of the hospital it seems…
Back home
The surgery was Monday, 4/24. and al seemed to go pretty well. Overall, I was in ICU for 5 days, but only on the main floor for one. For the most part, the caregivers were fantastic (there's always one, it seems, who is just having a rough day, or something, and you get to be the victim of that). They took the whole URL,…
As an update, I had a PET scan, and it came back clean. I ams cheduled for a lobectomy on Monday (three days from now). I would REALLY appreciate an honest reply as to what I can/should expect. Thanks!
Mom Passed away and now I have to go home
At the end of Jan. I received the news my mom had cancer. It was terminal. My Aunt and Uncle helped me get out to Kentucky from Montana to see her. When I got here I had only expected to be here two weeks. We found out though that the place she was living in was in no condition for her to go home to so we had to rent a…
Does anyone else have a dual diagnosis of MAC (mycobacterial avium complex) and lung cancer? Cannot find others and am experiencing a troubling difference among Dr.'s treatment plans? Advice please.
Chemosensitivity testing
I am trying to raise awareness of chemoresistance/sensitivity testing as a result of my own success with this screening method. I am a 42 yo male, non-smoker who was diagnosed in may 2003 with NSCLC stage 3b. I insisted on having my tumor screened before I began chemo and had a lymph node removed to provide the sample for…
Cancer Treatment Centers
Hi everyone! Anyone out there have any experience with Cancer Treatment Centers of America? Thinking of moving my treatment there and wanted some feedback from people who have gone there. Best wishes to all of us, Don.
I have stage 3b lung cancer. I have had radiation chemo and now they are going to put me on Tarceva. Does anyone know anything about this drug? Would really like to hear from you? Thanks. Howard.
Pnumonectomy - HELP!
My dad had a Pnumonectomy about 3 months ago. The lung they took filled up with fluid like it was supposed to. Well over the past few weeks, he has had some really bad spells where his SATS have dropped and he thought he was going to die. His last two rounds of x-rays showed that the fluid that filled up in that lung after…
sign me up!!
I'd love to go to Celebs in Washington in September. Wow so many people from chat might be there. And the disucssion.... it could be really neat.
Chemo Sensitivity and Resistance Assays
Chemotherapy Sensitivity and Resistance Assays When a patient has an infection, doctors often send a sample of infected blood or tissue to a lab where they can grow the bacteria and see which antibiotics are most effective (called Bacterial Culture and Sensitivity Testing). Chemosensitivity testing is an attempt to do…
Cell Culture Drug Resistance Testing
The Possible Role of Chemoresistance Testing in the Era of Post Surgical Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Ricardo S. Santos, M.D., Amit N. Patel, M.D., Clark T. Gamblin, M.D., Hiran C. Fernando, M.D., James D. Luketich, M.D., and Rodney J. Landreneau, M.D., University of Pittsburg Medical…
any info on Tarceva would be helpful
Greetings..my dad has just finished 4 rounds of chemo..the doctors tell us that the cancer is shrinking. They also told him that if he wasnt in such poor health ( heart failure and COPD lung disorder) he would be in good shape. So why arent they giving him more chemo? If he is responding to it why not continue. They not…
I've searched and searched the literature. Can anyone give me a "guesstimated" prognosis (survival time) for an 87-year-old man with Stage IIIB lung cancer, who is receiving no other treatment than palliative care? He is otherwise in pretty poor health (40%-50% on Karnofsky Scale).
20 year old son of a stage 4 cancer patient
Hello. My name is marcus and i am the only child of a stage 4 cancer patient. After passing out doctors discovered he had a brain tumor and removed it. The lung cancer has spread badly and they have given him less than 6 months to live and said treatment wouldnt help. I know nothing about whats in store for me over the…
Diet, stomach pain, shock
Hello, my father has had prostate cancer for 6 years. 1.5 yrs ago found that he has lung adenocarcinoma (not related to the prostate cancer) which metastized to the bones and liver. Since his last chemo regimen (which failed and ended three weeks ago) he has very bad stomach pain and daily vomitting- we think due to either…
ankle swelling?
My dad just had radio surgery for a recurrent leison of a LC metastisis in his brain. Drs. put him on dexamethazone which they are weaning him off now. He also started Tarceva. He feels ok except or the fact that his ankles and feet are extremely swollen (3x their normal size!) He is taking a water pill on and off , but…
can't breath
My dad was diagnosed in january with non small cell lung cancer, stage IV. He had to have his lung drained from all the fluid that built up in his lung from the cancer and he had to have talc put in to keep the lung expanded. He was having a difficult time breathing before the procedure (in january 2006), but now his…
supplements in conjunction with chemo
My dad has stage IIIB nsclc. He is constantly feeling sick from the chemo. His energy level is low to non-existent, he gets out of breath easily, and he is depressed from the combination of everything that is keeping him from feeling good. I saw on the Internet a website for supplements that help cure cancer. Some people…
Post pneumonectomy
My boyfriend was diagnosed in Aug. 05 with non single cell carcinoma stage IV of the right lung. Only one node was infected in the mediastinum. Started out with chemo/radiation and that didn't work. Then he had the pneumonectomy. Had recurrent pneumothorax of the good lung. Underwent resection of apical blebs and…
Vitamines during chemo / radiation?
My cousin is in her last few chemo / radiation treatments. She is a level 4 patient. She can still have 2 more 7 wk. sessions. She tells us that her Dr. told her NOT to take any vitamins or anything to help rebuild her wht. blood cell count, to just eat right. I'm I just stupid or is that insane !! ? Everything I've…
Mother - Tumor Removed
Hi I posted just over a week ago regarding my mother. She is a non-smoker, and a 2.5cm nodule was found in her upper right lobe in January. She opted to have the entire lobe removed through conventional methods, rather than VATS. She had the surgery last Wed and is still in the hospital recovering. She seems to be doing…
Erbitux and Tarceva rash help is here
I know there is a physician in Chicago that is becoming very well known at Northwestern hospital that specializes in the treatment of these rashes. He leads the research and the special clinic there called the SERIES clinic that treats these reactions.... Call or e mail him asap His contact information is below: Mario E…
PC metastasis question?
Dianosed in late 03 with psa of 24 and gleason of 9 I have been told the cancer has gone to probably my bone as my pas is now rising again. I have no insurance or job so I have not sought more treatment and and not sure I would if I had insurance. Anyway I have a sharp pain in the top side of my right lung area. Does…
Stage IIIA Squamous NSCLC Info Needed
My mother-in-law has Stage IIIA Squamous cell cancer (she is 62 yrs old, is diabetic (no insulin yet), was a smoker, but has not smoked for the past 10 years). She has a large (egg size) tumor on the upper part of her lung and today the doctors confirmed the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes. They were going to do a…
My dad has was diagnosed in November 05 with stage IV lung cancer two spots on the lung one small spot on the liver. After 4 rounds of chemo which left him tired and so weak that now uses a walker to get around. The last scan showed the cancer is no longer visable in the lung and barely visible on the liver. So the doctor…