Here I Go Again
In February 1998 I had my left lung removed due to nsclc. It was in the lower lobe and to the doctors surprise was also on the arterial part of the lung. I went through 33 sessions of radiation and had a scan every 6 months for awhile, then once a year, and this year the doctor decided to just do an x-ray. Well they said…
metastatic paraganglioma
Need information to help my husband. Diagnosed a year and a half ago afer the cancer had already spread to his lungs. Nodules removed surgically. Now more nodules have been found in his lungs. . This type of cancer does not respond to traditional therapies. Can anyone send me information about treatment or research that…
Hello everybody, First of all I would like to share the same story as I experienced with my Fathers case. I read some articles and found some cases look like ours. Anyway , what I found here is that you must beleive in God , and he will take care of all your worries and he will help you to overcome this situation. I will…
giving up hope
Hi all, Its been awhile since i posted anything. I was diagnosed in april of 05 with stage 3 nsclc. i went thru chemo, rads, and surgery. A few months ago was told it had spread to the brain and i had a gamma knife treatment. Get results on july 10. Was also told that it had spread to both lungs awhile later. Started…
Chemo/No Chemo ??? Any Comments/Suggestions Welcomed
Hello, I posted several months ago about my mother's tumor in her upper right lung. The surgeon was happy that he removed the tumor (approximately 2.5cm, adenocarcinoma) and that all the surrounding lymph nodes were clear. His only concern was that it was quite close to the lining of the lung..which was a bit puckered.…
Chamberlain Procedure
My Dad had this performed yesterday. It was suppossed to be an outpatient procedure. We were told by the surgeon he was stage IV - uncurable Lung Cancer. (Very hard to see the diagnosis on paper) He developed a blood clot in his lung and has to stay in the hospital for 3 more days. The doctor says he has to take coumidin…
could use some thoughts on this
ok.. i feel that i could use some advice or input on my care. Not sure what my next step should be. In July of 05 i was given a diagnosis of non-small cell adenocarcinoma following a thoracentsis. Prior to the thoracentsis, i had a ct csan and the dr said i prolly had pneomonia but no cancer. She scheduled me for a…
Confused- questions
I guess I am still in shock. My mother (73) was diagnosed with lung cancer 5/17/06. On 5/23/06 she started radiation. I think the whole family is in shock and we are piecing together bits of information. We found out there was cancer was also in the liver and in her back. She is losing weight rapidly. She has no appetite.…
Discussion groups and support
This is a great place to go for support and understanding about the beast known as lung cancer. I'm wondering if any of you have found other discussion sites which are helpful for small cell lung cancer.
help us !
hi, dady has diognesed with stage IV adenocarsinom with multiple bone metastz. we are living in turkey , istanbul and every phsycian we have talked told us there is nothing to do to cure the disease ,they told us everythin they do ( taking raditherapy right now ) is to comfort him . but according to some sources , survival…
Question about inconclusive test results
I am my husbands caregiver who has CRC so I usually go straight to the CRC discussions, wel I have a question for Lung Cancer Patients, my mother in law is going through many tests, she has had 2-regular x-rays, 1-CT Scan, Bronchoscopy (sp) and a needle biopsy, she is also scheduled for a PET Scan next week. WEll all tests…
kidney,lung and brain tumor survivor
I've had cancer for 11 years although we didn't find out about it till 2004.First with renal cell cancer of the kidney.HAD IT REMOVED AND ALL LOOKED GREAT TILL 2004 WHEN A CT-SCAN SHOWED SPOTS ON MY LUNGS.SPENT ALL SUMMER GETTING INTERLEUKEN TREATMENTS.ON GOOD FRIDAY OF 2005 THEY TOOK ME TO THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF BEING…
Please read! - Lung to Brain
April 05 is the last time i was here..my father was diagnosed with lung cancer-we heard sclc then nsclc-finally we were told the tumor in his lung 'was mixed. he responed to chemo/radiation amazingly-3 months ago the CT scans show no sign of cancer. 2 weeks ago my father started walking funny-feeling tired-slurring his…
Surgery after chemo & radiation
My father was diagnosed with nsclc 4/06. The doctor said they were not sure what kind of non-small cell, but it didn't matter because treatment was the same for them all. He also has lymph node involvement. Pet scan showed increased activity of the nodes in left hilum, subcarinal region, AP window, mediastinum and…
Best Friend w/ Stage IV NSLC
In October 2005, My best friend (42)lost her voice and found lump on her neck (was told it was a swollen gland)her doctor treated her with antibiotics (twice) no change. Dec.2005 went to hopsital for severe Pain in legs. Diagnosed with a pulled muscle after MRI . Jan. 2006 could barely walk went back to the hospital was…
A question for all of you who have smoked, didn't you ever stop to think, not just for your own health but others around you? There are people out there with born lung conditions like CF and Asthma. These diseases don't show on the outside but didn't you think that you're taking away the freedom of others who need…
hi i am new but i am only 16 and my nan has lung cancer i cant cope it isnt fair why i dont understand
me again
hello all i just thought i would update you on my mother-in-laws condition the dr's have told her she has a mass in her upper lung, tumor at the base of the skull, in her jaw, along with on the liver spleen & adrenalin gland she also has lupus which means she can't do much treatments i do live across the street from her so…
Stage IV, on oxygen, chemo, radiation
Hi My cousin's husband has been recently diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell (squamous cell) lung cancer in his right lung that has spread to lymph nodes near his throat and down his breastbone, and to one of his adrenal glands, and to the bone in his right shoulder, but NOT in any major organs yet nor in his brain. He…
HI there, My name is Sharon and I am 55 years young. I was in college and I had two months left for graduation. I went to the hospital with a bad cold, couch and I thought I either had pneumonia or my lung collapsed because my chest hurt so bad. I was told I had pneumonia but that I also had lung cancer. I had 2/3 of my…
my mother died from BAC and now I'm worried
My mother was diagnosed and passed away from Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma at the age of 49. She was a tobacco smoker for about 10-15 years and she also worked near a chemical plant where she was exposed to dust particles for 2 years. The doctors from City of Hope said it was not related to smoking. My question is, Im 23…
can someone help?
hi. im new to this site but ive been lookin for someone to help me. im 19 and my bf(who's 22) was diagnosed with lung cancer back in february. hes been goin thru chemo and radiation since feb 28. well, not chemo the last few weeks because the doc wont give it to him unless he gets back over 120 lbs. i dont kno how to help…
I had a needle biopsy that came back CLEAN - tomorrow I an having another surgical biopsy because they believe it was a false negative. I have never been so scared. THe surgeon is talking stage I or II. Can sonme one please reply - I'm losingn my mind!
Lung, now brain. I'm back again :(
Hi all. I'm back again as my Dad is having a few setbacks at the moment. We just found out that he has a tumour on his brain (1.5cm). He had lung cancer but had been in the 'all clear' for 5months, of course we were all ecstatic. I'm just wondering if any of you have any stories (positive) that might help me (to help him).…
altered taste
I was diagnosed with Stage III lung cancer, the end of February 2006. Unfortunately it was four days after I had the remainder of my lower teeth removed and implants put in. Two of the implants failed shortly after the first chemo, the other two are strong and healthy, but because they are on the same side, I cannot have a…
Small Cell Survivors
Hi everyone: I am looking for information on or from long term survivors of small cell lung cancer. I was diagnosed about a month or so ago and it has spread to a few ribs and a couple of lympth nodes, but not to the brain. I am taking chemo, but I understand the long term survival rate is not too good for this disease. I…
Hi. I was just diagnosed with NSCLC. All I know at the moment is that it's 5 cm, and in the upper right lobe. I'm waiting for a PET scan to be scheduled, to determine the staging, but it's at least IB, from what I've read. I haven't told many people as yet, but the responses I've gotten have been kinda strange..…
BAC Clinical Trial
Looking to Chat with someone who may be in a Clinical trial using VELCADE (Bortezomib) or VELCADE and TARCEVA for treatment of Advanced Bronchioloalveolar Cell (BAC) Carcinoma.
Small Cell Cancer
Hi, Everyone, I am a breast cancer survivor and used the Cancer Survivors Network during the entire time of my treatment. I have a dear friend who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year. She went through the surgery and chemo. Recently she had a hysterectomy and they found more tumors with lesions. The cancer was…
He is gone...
On March 26th at 6:45 in the morning my dad passed away...They say from organ failure. He got diagnosed with cancer in November of 05 and at his last full body scan they said the cancer was not visable. He had COPD a lung disorder and congestive heart failure. He seemed to be beating the cancer but his weak body couldnt…