The EGFRx Assay
A class of anti-cancer drugs, called tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) or anti-EGFR drugs, selectively targets cells within the body that have a specific molecular defect that is believed to cause dangerous cell behaviors such as uncontrolled proliferative growth and high metastatic potential – behaviors that typically are…
Lung cancer in Mongolia
Hello, My father lives in Mongolia and he has been diagnosed with lung cancer. But they sent him home because they can't do anything for him. So basically he has no hope. Any advice? I do cry and pray everyday that we would be blessed to bring him to US to get him treated. Does anyone know what I should do? Thanks
Questions to Ask
My Father-in-law has been diagnosed with Stage I lung cancer. He will have surgery tomorrow to remove the bottom lobe on his right lung. They will also check his lymph nodes. I have been reading over the discussions on this site and have not seen any discussions on what to ask after the surgery. Can anyone help me with a…
Please help my family
My Dad has just been diagnosed with possible Lung Cancer. He has a large mass in his left lung and and smaller lesions in his right. It has spead to his spinal cord, media stinum, and liver. We are assuming this is StageIV (he is just seeing the doctor today)This just happened so fast and he has given up hope. My family…
Has anyone with Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer gone into remission? If so, for how long? Did it come back? Has anyone been cured or cancer free from stage 4 SCLC?
Lung cancer
My brother just found june 26 he is in 4th state of lung He is going to Fox Chase and they started with radiation on the brain he goes for 3 weeks everyday then waits a week then starts chemo. I also heard about a place called Cancer treatments of America and i would love him to go there for a 2nd opion are there any…
good doctors
I'm lookin for a good doctor in BURMINGHAM ALABAMA area if anyone knows one. thanks
Looking for SURVIVORS! Need some strength.,..
Hello. My mom was diagnosed 3 1/2 weeks ago with Lung CA stage IV, with mets to the brain (3 lesions). Tomorrow she finishes her whole brain radiation. Which she is tolerating quite well, minus the hair loss and fatigue. Told today try chemo for the lung (carboplatin and another one, that has slipped my mind) Said the…
lung cancer with issues
Somehow the website gave me the user name igiveup. Mine is mjsouth. Just so you'll know who you're responding to. Thanks for the reply, it really helps to talk and know people care. jgs
Glucose & Dietary Supplements
Hi all, First I'd like to share with fellow caregivers and cancer patients my mother's oncologist's take on dietary supplements. There is the contention that antioxidant supplements counteract the mechanism of chemotherapy which relies on oxidation to kill cancer cells. Yet, certain antioxidants and supplements boost one's…
Stage 4 SCLC
My father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 sclc. We have been devasted with the news knowing the prognosis is poor. I am wondering if there are any people living with this or if there are any survivors of stage 4 sclc. My father could use the inspiration. Praying for all who are going through any cancer!! God bless!!
Lung cancer remission with issues
Almost a year ago in Sept. I was diagnosed with nsclc IIIb. I had very agressive chemo and radiation. The radiation was 37 treatments and I can't ever have any more radiation. But I can have more chemo if I need it. Here's my problem, I have horrific rib, sternum, and left sided chest pain that goes clear thru my body. All…
Pause in Chemo Treatment?
My sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. She underwent Chemo and had some great results... about a 30 percent reduction in the tumor they were measuring. That was after the first two treatments. She did 4 more treatments, but the tumor did not appear to shrink any more (but it didn't grow either!). Now her doctor…
EGFR Mutation
I'm a little familiar with Tarceva as a second line cancer treatment. I've been told by my mother's oncologist that Tarcevea works well for Asian women who have never smoked. Actually, it wasn't he who mentioned it. It was the thoracic surgeon who alluded to a treatment promising for that demographic. That statement alone…
Sloan Kettering
The new address for the Sloan Kettering, About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products is; http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/11570.cfm
Metastasis to spine
Does anyone here have experience with lung cancer metastasis to the spine? My Mom is no longer considered a stable patient-- her malignant pleural effusion has returned (as of late May), and we found out this week that her most recent PET scan revealed metastasis to her spine. I'm a wreck. I'm not even sure I'll want to…
help i'm new to all of this
i my mother-in-law has just been told she can lung cancer i dont know what to say or what to do where do i start on this journey when all i want to do is sit and cry there is so much i want to say and do for her im so lost is this feeling normal???
I have just been dxed with SCLC. I am almost done with 3 weeks of twice a day radiation and two times of 3 week cemo. The reason they found the lung cancer was that I had muscle weakness in my legs. Two doctors could not find anything wrong so I went to a nuerologist. He Thought I had Myasthenia gravis. He Ordered a cat…
Small cell lung cancer
I am in remission and am going to have Prophylatic Cranial Irradiation (brain radiation). If anyone has had this please let me know the side affects.
New to the entire thing; some thoughts
Greetings to all. I have taken time over the past few days to read the various threads, the words of optimism, to witness the support and view the exchange of experiences. Warmed my heart. I am a 46-year old newlywed and mother of a 10-year old angel daughter. I was diagnosed with IIIB NSCLC on 6/14. Since then, as you can…
Hi guys! My dad was just given his course of treatment. Carbo and Gemzar once a week. I understand the Carbo, but has anyone had any experience with Gemzar?
Stage IV with brain metastases
My mom was diagnosed this past week with Stage IV NSCLC that has spread to her brain. My family is devastated - it happened so fast. She has about 5 small lesions but only one located in the cerebellum is causing symptoms of dizziness, nausea, and vertigo. She had 1 whole brain radiation treatment so far this week which…
Gemzar for Lung Cancer
Hi, My mother has lung cancer (BAC). She was on Irresa, then Tarceva. She went thr 1st cycle chemo with Alimta 3 weeks ago but her 24-hour urine clarance test did not pass so the Dr said to stop using Alimta and consider to switch to Gemzar. She had surgery in Nov 2003. She is doing well except some fatique. Does anyone…
Ommaya Reservoir
Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of something called an "ommaya reservoir" which apparently is a device attached to the brain for the delivery of chemo? My father has stage IV lung cancer and while his tumors have shrinked with chemo/radiation, we just learned that they have spread to his brain. A…
Where did my life go?
Hi. It has been almost a year since my surgery, and 4 mos since my last chemo. I don't know if this is the forum I should be on, but my husband walked out on me a month ago. Literally, without an explanation or clue why and I have not heard from him since. The day before he told me that he was used to me being happy and…
Carboplatin - Side Effects
My Dad, Stage IV Lung Cancer, had his first treatment Tuesday. He is experiencing nausea. According to the side effects, this should have passed by now. Is this normal?
Am I in denial?
My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 (small cell) lung cancer, which has metastasized to the brain, liver, and the adrenal gland. He has completed radiation to the brain and chemotherapy, which has eliminated the brain lesions and significantly shrunk the mass on his lung and stabalized other lesions on the liver and…
Hello. I hope all is well with everyone. My mother is battling advanced stage vaginal cancer. It has spread to her lungs and liver. Her days are numbered now. I was wondering if anyone has used the Essiac Tea treatment for cancer. If so, how was your experience? Please respond as soon as possible, as I would like to learn…
Need Advice-New Drug
Hi everyone, I am usually in the colorectal forum and have never posted here before. However, I have a friend who has colon cancer that metastized to her liver and lungs. She was given all the necessary chemo to shrink the tumors in the lung only to find out that it did not work and two new tumors grew. She went to Sloan…
Stage IV Lung & Tarceva
Hi There... I am new here. My father was just diagnosed with stage IV Non Small Cell lung cancer. He has 3 or 4 tumors on his liver one of them being fairly large in size...to the point that he can feel pressure from it but no pain. He also has a smaller tumor on his left lung. He is currently underoing treatment at Sloan…