any recommendations for philly treatment
My dad was just diagnosed with lung cancer this week. He has been in the hospital for the past week in order to drain fluid from his lung. An oncologist visited him in the hospital and basically wrote off my father. We attempted to ask this doctor several questions as this is all very new and very scary for my family. the…
My mother has stage IIIB NSCLC-BAC. She was diagnosed in Nov. 2003. She had chemo right away since her tumor was inoperable. There was no distant met. but there were small places in the all three lobes in the right lung. She has been taking Tarceva for almost a year which has shrunk some of the places(which are very small…
Hello everybody I am new here
I have been sitting on the internet for days now reading about possible symptoms of lung cancer due to some symptoms I have had. I am 32 and this started about 2 months ago. I have been having chest pain as well as pain between my shoulders in my upper back. I went to the doctor twice and he said it could have been from a…
Mother Having Right Upper Lobe Removed next Wed
Hello, My mother has been going through numerous tests for months now...CT Scans, a PET Scan, biopsies, with no decisive test results for cancer except a "suspicious" biopsy result on a 2.5cm nodule found in her upper right lobe. All doctors have recommended to surgically remove the lobe and she is scheduled for sugery…
message for rheinstone1
Hi Martha, we've spoken before. I was just reading your message posted on March 13th where you said that your mother gets her chemo once every three weeks. My dad gets his once a week for three weeks and then off for a week. My dad, like your mom, has a malignant pleural effusion. As you said, the prognosis is 3 to 6…
Post-Iressa options?
My spouse, a Stage IV NSCLC survivor, just received her quarterly scans that suggest that Iressa treatment, now just past the one year mark, is no longer effective. Two oncos have recommended switching to Tarceva, possibly in conjuction w/ Avastin. Has anyone heard of or expereinced a successful response following such an…
Numbness after stage 3A surgery
I had an upper right lobectomy July 1, 2005. During my surgery one rib bone was removed. I have had good scans since. My question is does anyone have any idea how long it will be before the numbness on my right side goes away? Thank you.
attn Plymouthean
You said you had a lobectomy? How long after did it take you to get back to "normal" with the breathing? My boyfriend had a complete pneumonectomy and then the "re-sealing" of the pneumothorax on the left. I know it will take him longer to recover but I would just like an idea based on your recovery. Thanks!
67 yr old mom with NSCLC stageIV
my mom was diagnosed last month with lung cancer stage IV. doctor said it is incurable. part of her liver has a mass and her adrenal gland. she may only have months. she is taking Tarceva since last week. She is not feeling anything different a week after she started the pill. The doctor said if it doesn't work, she may…
Hi all! I am new to the site and very scared. My husband has just been found to have a carcinoid tumor on his right lung, he is 34 yrs old. Was advised by many surgeons to have it removed, the right lower and poss middle lobe. SO he is sched for surgery on 3/20. HAs anyone out there had the same or similar diag and if so…
Message for Ernie/Plymouthean
Ernie, I just wanted you to know that your posts are a source of inspiration and comfort to me. I check in on this board every few days, to help me maintain a positive attitude during my mother's lung cancer fight. Dana Reeve's death this week really derailed me, as I'm sure it did to everyone who is fighting and/or living…
being tired all the time
Is this normal, I'm good for the first part of the day, but as the day progress I start to go down hill, all I want to do is take a nap, but I don't feel right about that. I feel like I am wasting what time I have left. I am taking steriods as directed, but they wear off also half way in to the day. Plus I hate taking…
Lung carcinoid tumor
I am 48 years old and was diagnosed with lung carcinoid tumor. Underwent surgery 3 weeks ago and had a lobe removed. Has anyone else undergone this, just needed to talk to someone about how long this recovery seems to take. I don't know anyone who has had this or gone through this.
Hello. I'M New Here
...and happy to have found this forum where questions seem to actually be answered rather then just asked. It's obviously not a happy day when you join a lung cancer forum. My father had a mass discovered in his left lung on the 23rd of November during a routine x-ray for a suspected cracked rib. He had a cat scan…
good news...now what
Greetings...after 4 rounds of chemo my dad had his whole body scan and monday got the results..the cancer in his lung has disappeared and the cancer in his liver has a small fading spot. The doctor has put my dad on Tarceva..why not give him more chemo if he responded so well? And what happens now, does he keep going in…
Anyone know difference between Mesothelioma and Malignant Pleural Effusion
My dad has a plueral effusion and they suspect it is malignant. In doing some web searching on the subject I came up with mesothelioma and was wondering if this is the same thing. Anyone out there know the answer.
IIIB nsclc with malignant pleural effusion
My dad is 75. Two years ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer in his lower left lobe. He was given surgery and 19 of his nodes were removed, which all came back clean. Because his nodes were clean he was not given chemo, which we now regret we didn't insist upon. This last April 2005 his blood levels were elevated which…
Anyone out there with IIIB NSCLC with malignant pleural effusion?
My beloved mother (age 68) was diagnosed with Stage IIIB NSCLC on 12/7/05. She presented with shortness of breath, which was found to be due to pleural effusion around her right lung . . cytology of the fluid removed via thoracentesis identified malignant cells. She started chemo last week (chemo was delayed due to…
Oh boy, I am not diagnosed yet, but a chest x-ray and cat scan (looking for something else) showed a 2 centimeter mass on my lower right lung. I am convinced I will be dead in a year. Can somebody give me some good news....
cough after treatment
My mother in law was diagnosed with stage IV small cell lung cancer, 5 weeks ago. She has a tumor in her left lung the size of a small canteloupe. She also has another spot in her right lung. I'm not sure how large that one is. But it has also spread to 2 spots in her brain. She immediatley received radiation treatments,…
Need information please
Hello there I have had lung symptoms for over three months of extreme breathlesness with any exertion and tachycardia. Just found out today that a lymphnode was spotted in my lung by cat scan. Not in the medistinal area but actually right in the lung. That is all I know for now. Does anyone have any info on what this could…
Post Operative Recovery for a Lobectomy
My father and non computer user had a lobectomy in September. They caught the tumber very early and everything seems to going well. The main issue he seems to be having is post operative pain and discomfort. His pain and discomfort must be very bad for he has never complained about a thing in his life. He is very…
Good news, thankyou so much
Hello I wrote about my Dad around a month ago. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in September, and it had spread to some lymph nodes. I wrote my message just after he had surgery to remove his right upper lobe. I was very concerned at the time, and those people that replied to me i want to thank, because you gave me a lot…
Stage III-B Large Cell Lung Cancer
My husband is 33 yrs old and just diagnosed with Stage III-B large cell lung cancer, We found out during an emergency room visit for chest pains a few weeks ago, Chest pains being the only symptom he had.The mass in his right lung measured over 8 cm by 5 cm,and is considered inoperable at this point, We have 7 beautiful…
unexplained chest pain
Hi, i was just told that my cancer has spread to both lungs.(see other posts) I have had a dry cough for 6 months now,chest and back pain that started 2 mo. ago and has gotten worse. the Dr. cannot tell me what it is from. He says the fatigue and increased shortness of breath could be related to the cancer but, the chest…
scans just came back,not good
Hi all, I had been thinking about prophylatic cranial irradiation (if all tests came back clear). I just 5 minutes ago got a call from my Dr. The cat and pet show evidence of disease in BOTH lungs this time. I have an appointment with oncologist next week and will go over further treatment. Anyone having good results from…
crot1998-info on stable disease
Hello crot1998! I remember you asking back a time regarding people out there with stable diseases and how they were progressing. I though of you and your father when I was talking with this cancer survivor I recently met. She had stage IV NSCLC with effusion in both her heart and lungs. That was 3 years ago. She stated she…
Taking too long? Normal Procedure?
Hello all, I'm new here and like most, worried. The first week in Jan. 06, I was told an abdominal ct (another issue which appears ok) showed a 9cm. lesion on my right, lower lung lobe. No other spots. Two weeks later, I had a full body PET scan done. No other spots. At least none large enough to "light up". One week later…
Navelbine- cancer coming back
For those of you that have been following our story, apparently my husband's cancer (NSCLC adenocarcinoma stage 3b) is back, which would explain his very difficult time breathing. My question is has anyone out there had a good response to the chemo drug Navelbine? This is what he will be on next. Let me know! I'm still…
Prophylatic Cranial Irradiation
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the clinical trial for treating nsclc with whole brain radiation treatments to PREVENT lung cancer from spreading to the brain? I know that it has been standard treatment for sclc for some time. Has anyone out there had it done for sclc? My Dr. is recomending I have…