Mom Newly Diagnosed, I am scared to lose another parent
Hi, I am 31 years old and my my who is 61 was just was newly diganosed with NSCLC on 5/10 with mets to the brain and adrenal gland. The doc said no to surgery due to the location of the mass - it is in her left side lower lobe on the inner part and is about 6 by 4 by 2 cm. She considered stage 4. She is currently having…
Depressed and lonely
I am at a loss where to go on the internet for help and understanding. In the past, when I was in treatment, or recovering from surgery, I felt I belonged here. But since I am currently cancer free, (by the Grace of God), I don't feel I have the right to be here, complaining. It sounds so wierd to say, but I felt I…
stage 4 lung cancer
My wife Sandy is 59.She was dio with stage 4 lung cancer.We were treated with taxol chemo and everything doubled in size.We have been on Alimta for 12 weeks now and the spots on her adrenal glands are gone and the remaining cancer has shrunk by more then half.This is the first real hope we have had and honestly believe…
I was diagnosed January 2007 with NSCLC and had my left upper lobe removed on February 13. They declared me cancer-free and told me to return in six months for a new CT scan and pulmonary function tests, which will be August. I was a smoker and had a problem quitting the cigarettes, but am proud to say that I am now…
Chemo effects - any advice?
Hi I have posted before - my mum has Small Cell Lung Cancer - extensive and has just completed her first round of carboplatin & etoposide. She had very few effects apart from tiredness but was able to carry on shopping gardening etc. Her hair is thinning and she does get sharp pains in her back which radiate round her…
Wheezing symptons?
Hi, My mum has developed wheezing when she breathes, even at rest.She has never had this before. It does seem too much of a problem and her oncolgist was not duly concerned. He gave her her second round of chemo. Does anyone else have experience of this? Does it mean the chemo isnt working or is the cancer getting worse? I…
Stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC Patients
Just noticed that information is now available about a vaccine that has very promising survival results. See for yourself. This contact information just came out yesterday. It is all about survival! Best luck to all. Keep the faith! http://www.nsclcstudy.com/
Tarceva - new news!
Hello everyone! I haven't posted for a while, I hope everyone is doing well... I just received this little bit of information about Tarceva and how a new drug is being developed to help prevent resistance to it. I know many of you have/had/might have experience with Tarceva, so I thought I would share it! Keep you head up…
ncslc IV 34 woman looking for kind souls to chat with about this terrible disease
I was diagnosed in the middle of March, and have been submerged in my chemo treatment ever since. The side effects are the worst! My emotions are a mess, and I don't know who to talk to about what all is going on with me than those suffering the same fate. I would just love some feedback about how well you all are…
Dexamethasone (decadron)
I am wondering if it is the Dexamethasone (Decadron) that is causing me so much trouble and not the Alimta or Avastin. I am taking 4mg every other day. Does anyone else out there have any experience with taking this drug for several months? I went from Taxol/Avastin/Prednisone to Alimta/Avastin/Decadron and I have been…
Starnge symptons - any ideas?
"Hi My mum has been diagnosed with extensive SCLC .Her brain scan was clear. She has been getting some rather worrying symptons which are panicking me. All these symptons appeared before she was even diagnosed but were not as severe. She has numbness in her left arm and her left leg was affected a couple of days ago but…
Doctor's wrong call?
My father was recently diagnosed with emphazemia (sp) and his PA also told him that he had 2 softball sized dark spots one on each lung that she is fairly sure (70%) are cancer. (Both my grandparents died of lung cancer). His PA has decided not to have any testing done for 2 months and is only treating the emph with…
Lung Cancer
My mother died 1 wk ago today. After she died an autopsy was done and a large tumor was found in her lung. She was never diagnosed with lung cancer, but for about the past yr she had lost weight, complained of fatigue, and pain in her back. I keep wondering how much pain she had been in and how did she ever handle it. If…
Wll, afte the test that I was the least worried about, I found that my 1b NSLC has spread to the brain, 5 mets, so now I'm stage 4. My support group is great, but I don't know how to respond to some questions. No one on my medical team is talking about "cure", but they aren't sayin "only a year or so" either. How do you…
New Here 32y/o with nsclc stage IIIa HELLO!
Hi my name is Shelly, I am 32 and diagnosed with nsclc large cell in January. Im still here so I am doing great! I came here to find people to talk to who are going through the same thing. I recently finished my last of 36 radiation treatments, also completed two rounds of chemo mixed with cisplatin and etoposide. I will…
Good News!
Last Wednesday, 4/11, I got the results of yet another good scan. This Friday will be 1 1/2 years since surgery (I was diagnosed 3a) and I've been NED since then! Just wanted to share the good news. God Bless! Cindy
Prostate Surgery
Friend had prostate surgery 1 wk ago...was feeling great, now depressed & walking very very slowly...is this a side effect of the surgery?
NSCLS - Stage 4 Loss of taste/foul smell
Can anyone offer any suggestions or remedies for a foul smell in nose &/or taste in mouth (perhaps a metallic taste but not real sure how to describe it). This actually began before chemo treatments & so not absolutely sure what is causing it. More than likely, the chemo (Paclitaxel & Carboplatin) are now adding to it as…
new member to group would love to talk,learn,get info,and help
Was is Tarceva? I have lung and liver cancer. How would this help?
I need help in finding info on chest tubes given to pt. that have lung cancer.there is a pic of it on my page turtle68.He [my dad] is getting really sick and getting into depression.. wanting to give up the fight cause nobody seems to know what to do PLEASE take a moment to look at the photo !!
Lung Cancer Chat
Lung Cancer Chat night will be Friday at 8:00pm Central Standard Time in Chat room #2. Go to your CSN start page and scroll down until you see chat rooms and come into #2. See you then!
FAO Ernrol
Hi Ernrol. I'm in the UK and have been searching for positive info since my dad (56), was diagnosed with NSCLC. Stage 3b/c. He was diagnosed on 30th March. We've been told the type he has is squamous cell. It is inoperable but he will be having chemo and radiotherapy starting in about 3 weeks. I was just wondering what…
Chat time
IS there anyone that would like to participate in a weekely support chat? IF so what would be a good time for everyone? My name is Deb and I think it would be great!
Need Positive feedback lung cancer 3b
My husband is at home right now after having his chest cavity next to his lung drained. He will be going into chemo treament next week. Your positive survivor stories help him tremendously.
LUNG CANCER Relay\run walk blade
I just lost my my father to lung cancer and yes he did smoke...So What he quit 4 years before he was eventually diagnosed. Everything I see about this disease is geared towards smokers?????? There is no money put into early detection! Why!!!! This is ridiculous why are kids dying of this that have never smoked. We need to…
Help for Lung Cancer
Dear All Last two weeks, my 73-year-old mother was proved that she was suffering from non-small cell Lung Cancer at 3-4 level. There was no symptom. Doctor adviced that my mother should take X scan (PET) for checking more details first. (ie. to check where cancer spreads) After that, Targeted Therapy will be taken. At this…
pci for small cell lung cancer
I'd greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who has knowledge or experience with doing pci brain radiation. My sister-in-law is now trying to make this decision. She has had great success with her chemo and radiation treatment, but doesn't feel she's getting a lot of info from her doc's regarding short and long term side…
Do people still work fulltime during treatment for NSCLC Stage 4
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with NSCLC Stage 4 early 2006. I missed a lot of work while doing chemo (Gemzar/carbo) but I thought I could handle full-time work when I switched to Tarceva. I had a bad reaction to Tarceva and now I am on Taxol/Avastin. I went to a Wellness Center meeting for Lung Cancer to see if other…
Chandra P. Belani, M.D.
Has anyone ever heard of this doctor? My family and I are trying to figure out if we should keep our appointment with him or M.D. Anderson. We were recommended to him by a friend who works in cancer research. I'm sure they are all great doctors, but we want the best. My dad has advanced stage IV adenocarcinoma. It seems…