my mom is at her last please help
my mom update. The diagnosis was lung cancer that metastasized to her lung and brain. Last tues, we saw an radiation oncologist. She said that the tumors were moving into her spinal cord and that it was a medical emergency to treat her with radiation. Her sister and neice, who was with her were overtaken with the…
Coughing up Blood
I had posted this on my first original post and noticed it was not here - so I am putting here to hopefully get some advice. Does coughing up blood mean the end is near or could it please, by the Grace of God, be something else? Here is my post from this morning: Hi its me again, MomsBestFriend after a long absence from…
Moms story with many questions...
Mom is 64 years old, strong and was having problems breathing after bronchitis - was sent for a chest x-ray on March 23. I have been reading this site since I found out about a "shadow" on my Mom's chest xray on March 24. The past 2 1/2 weeks have been full of doctor visits, lung biopsy, waiting for answers, high stress…
newbie...mom has stage 4
Hi I am new to the group.my 66 year old mom was diagnosed oct 29 with non small cell metastized to brain and maybe liver.she has been having seizures bc of the brain tumors. She is doing radiation for the brain now. They will do radiation on lung next and then chemo. How is the quality of life? What is the avg lifespan?…
Help eating
My mother has just finished a radioactive session and now she's in the hospital for the 4th day to get water out of her lungs. She's not eating or drinking at all, and if we speak with her about food she gets very nervous and angry. Is there away to help her eating? Thanks
side effects (cisplatin + docetaxel)
This morning I had to blow my nose and was somewhat surprised to find that my output was entirely bloody. Its not that I have a bloody drip, like a classic "bloody nose," its just that all my (for lack of a better term) 'boogers' are bloody. What's up with that? Also, can someone tell me if this is Neuropathy? My fingers,…
cisplatin/ vineorelbine chemotherapy
My mom just started her chemo program for stage 1b nscc last friday, she is having some terrible side effects that have her in the hospital since last night, and now she is seriously considering stopping chemo all together. Her prognosis only changed 4-6% by doing the chemo so the doctors left it up to her... I think we…
Surgery things
I had my left lung removed ,an after the surgery I had some different things happen Like My nipple on my left boob was so sore you could not touch it. Another thing I would role over an hear a sloshing sound. I had a Xray done an the Doc showed me the plura was about half full of liquid , he said your your lung is gone an…
New Year
Want to wish all of you a Happy New Year . Thank you for being here for me. Greg
"shadows" mean what?
This might be a silly question but: What are some of the things "shadows" on the lung might be other then cancer? I know the only way to really know is to do a biopsy ... so I was wondering what also shows up as "shadows". Do lungs not retain old damage done years ago from smoking?! Do THOSE show as shadows?? ... or does…
Melanoma in the Lungs
I'm looking for a survivor of Melanoma in the lungs and what Chemo treatment was used in your treatment. I have multiple melanomas, both lungs, stage four and after 8 weeks of Interferon and DTIC the tumors have still grown. Thank You!!! Gerald Howard
Sugar coat
The other night we were talking on CSN an a couple of us decided they should not sugar coat cancer so much. They have stats on life expectancy.They watch a thousand or so people and and there you go they tell ya how long you are going to live. I know we are all differant, and our cancer was not treated the same . The Chemo…
Questions on What is "normal" to feel like during Chemo
I am a 71 year old woman who has been diagnosed with non-small cell cancer and has had my lower lobe of my right lung removed. I am going through my 2nd round of Chemo treatments, Cysplatnim(sp?) and am feeling like my head is in a bubble and am not quite as connected as I have been before Chemo. I am having difficulty…
Chemo didn't work! sclc extensive
I am writing for my stepfather, merle.He was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer-extensive on August 27th, o7'. He has since had 2 rounds of chemo-Etoposide & carboplatin. We just received the results from his follow up pet scan and MRI to see how responsive his cancer was to the chemo. So shockingly devastated to find…
last stage of lung cancer
mom is on her death bed, she has suffered with lung cancer for 15 mo, now she is in a semi coma, no food or water for 5 days going on 6 today. I don't see how she is surviving and to be honest I can't bear it anymore. How long can a patient continue to survive without food or water at the last stages?
Vision and Chemo
I am having trouble with my vision, even more since starting the Chemo. Does anyone know if this will improve as the Chemo goes on or will it have to wait until after the Chemo treatments? Thanks, Lizzy
Father in law refuses treatment
My father in law was diagnosed w/nsc lung cancer in Nov 06. He is 84 yrs old and wasn't a canidate for surgery. he could have had radiation or chemo. He refuses to have any treatment. He says" I don't think I even have cancer. He has been taking some "herbal"treatment for the past year. However...I think he is showing some…
Went to the Doc he said I was still anemic blood count has not changed since I stoped Chemo. He was upset at me for not takin the iron three times a day . I explained they upset my stomach. I told him one of the people on CSN said they took it with milk an that helped.. He told me that was not good because you should take…
Gemzar - side effects
Hi, I haven't been on the boards in a long time, but I'm sitting here beside myself with so many questions. This is my dad's third bout with lung cancer. First time, he had it in lower lobe and had a lobectomy with no lymph node involvement. Second time it came back in the mediastynal area in the form of a pleural…
Topotecan 2nd line chem -refractory
Anyone familiar or have experience with Topotecan for 2nd line of chemo - Had 2 rounds of Carboplatin and Etoposide after scans - pet showed no improvement, plus cancer had spread more. My stepfather has extensive small cell lung cancer - liver, bones and lung.... Thanks for all responses.
42 and diagnosed with lung cancer
Hello all! I am 42 and just had my left lung removed due to a 6cm mass (Non small cell) and 2 affected lymph nodes. There is also a 5mm lesion on my brain which, most likely is cancer, but hasnt been biopsied yet. Due to my age, my docs want to treat fairly aggressively. but I dont want to get in over my head. If given…
small cell - chemo is not working!
My dad is 71 and was diagnosed with extensive small cell lung cancer 3 months ago. He underwent 4 cycles of chemo - first 2 were cisplatin and etoposide, the last 2 were carboplatin and etoposide. He did not tolerate the cisplatin well. The CT scan of his lungs today showed hardly any improvement and one tumor has actually…
Second rate cancer thoughts
I was just reading the comments to Greg's problem and it highlighted some of the problems I have with lung cancer treatment. I'm lucky enough to have survived (well, so far at least) not one but two kinds of cancer: breast (5 yr. mark now) and lung (1 yr. mark). The differences between the two are remarkable. I get both…
side affects
I had my left lung removed in May of 2006. they did not tell me how I was going to feel or how long it would take to heal' My doctor told me I could go back to work in six weeks!!! I belived him . Three days after the surgery I took my first walk down the hall. My first thought was I don't want to live like this. In ten…
Went to OHSU in Portland and met with Thoracic Surgeon whose Specialty is Oncology. He went over all my tests and says 60% chance 1CM growth is Cancer. They will do a wedge resection and do immediate Pathology which Doctor says will confirm if Cancer. If it is they will do a lobectomy of upper lobe of left lung. Doctor…
just diagnosed stage 2/maybe 3 lung cancer.
Hi all, I was just diagnosed with stage 2 border line stge 3 lung cancer. It seems so far I am very lucky that they have caught it so soon and I am very thankful. I am just putting out some feelers so far to see what to expect from the chemo. I do not have my first treatment scheduled yet, but it will probably be within…
CURE magazine - Awesome Lung Cancer cover story
The new issue of CURE magazine has a focus on lung cancer. Why People Who Never Smoke Get Lung Cancer. Great article. Free magazine. www.curetoday.com
Survivors of SCLC
OK - I feel great! I was diagnosed May of '06 (45 y/o,) with limited SCLC, treated with chemo/radiation and brain radiation for prevention of coming back there - my doc said there wasn't much up there to begin with but thought it best to do it:). Only complaints - weight gain and constipation. Now, I read on article in…
"terminally ill"
hi guys.. I just have a question for the survivors: have any of you been given a "terminal" diagnosis? This is such a scary word and it's incredibly hard to digest. I'd like to hear from some people who've showed their doctors that you can still look forward to years with loved ones despite being "terminal". I'm still…
Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer...
I am so desperate for help understanding this whole thing. My mother was diagnosed with this type of cancer 5 days ago via an X-ray. She is extremely active and will be released from the hospital tomorrow. She orignally went in because her blood was too thick as her doc didn't have her on the right blood thinner and now we…