Controlled Amino Acid Therapy
Has anyone had any experience with this treatment (CAAT)? Thanks.
Facing Surgery
I have tumor in my upper right lobe which is 3-3b stage,recently finished with chemo and radiation I'm now facing resection. I would love to hear from any one who has had this type of surgery, to be honest I'm a little scared on the after effects of surgery. Mostly I have read about rib pain, I will have three removed, my…
My Grama
My grama had radioactive implants inserted into her lung after the tumors were removed. Now she is super depressed and we can't get her to exercise to try to strengthen her lungs. Does anyone have any good exercises for older people to do with poor lungs? It kinda sounds difficult, but I know we have to get her doing…
Stage III NSCLC cannot operate
would love to hear from others with Stage III adenocarcinoma that cannot be operated on. I was just diagnosed on June 23, 2006. I have had combination chemo and radiation and have 40% shrinkage. I am now doing taxotere every 21 days. Is 40% good? Will the chemo keep on shrinking the tumors? Is taxotere ever given if you…
Please, I need someone to talk with...
Here is my story in a nutshell. I am 31 years old and the youngest of 4 daughters. I currently live several provinces away from my parents and only get to go home, basically, during times of illness. My father was diagnosed with throat cancer at the age of 49 so he has been battling it for 11 years. It devastated my family…
Scan Today
Remember me? Stage IV NSCLC. Today is my third pet scan which is coming after my second cancer treatment (docetaxel, cisplatin and avastin) and my third treatment in general (when they thougt it was something else). I am not thrilled. Who would be? I can feel my cancer. I know its not gone and I suspect it has progressed.…
Lung cancer at stage 4 (continue)
Remember me? I posted my messages few weeks ago about my dad's situation and got a lot of helps here. I am now in China with my family. My dad finished his second round chemo and we are waiting for a test in 3 weeks. However, there is a really bad news about his situation. The MRI shows he has a lot of spots on his spine…
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Large Cell
Hi, I have just found this resource and live in the UK, I have a dear friend in Italy that is suffering from Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Large Cell , speciifcally to the right lung with secondary mediastinal lymph node infection and he has been treated for 8 months with Cisplatin + Gemcitabina (italian name) currently the…
From very healthy to lung cancer !
Hello everyone, I am a newbie here. I am so distressed. My husband just turned 70, the perfect picture of health and extremely active, never sick, or taking any meds. 10 weeks ago,bladder infection, would not go away, more tests, bladder cancer, now adrenal gland and lung cancer. He has gone down so fast, as of today he…
Does it ever get any easier?
It has been a little over a month now since my brother was diagnosed with stage IV nsclc, as some of you know from my previous posts, he is only 35 years old. He is currently receiving Avastin as well as Tarceva. His first CT scan is on November 10th and we will get the results on the 17th. For the most part, I waiver…
Giving Up???
Hi guys... I haven't posted in awhile, yet I read the board everyday looking for advice and encouragement. I was wodering if anyone can give me advice. My Dad was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer several months ago. He is currently on his second round of chemo (Gemzar and Carbo) His last CT Scan showed his tumors had…
Can someone help..Need Answers
My father in-law was diag with lung cancer. He is 65. He has two options weiging on him and our family. The treatment center is amazing where he is at right now. That is not the problem, the problem is when you haven't gone through this before what is the right decision... They found a mass in lt upper lobe, x rays , ct…
when did treatment start?
hello everyone, i was just wondering... when you/your loved one was diagnosed with lung cancer, did your oncologist put you on treatment right away? My mom was diagnosed just about a month and a week ago, but she still hasnt started treatment yet. our family agreed to go on the Tarceva drug, but her doctor made her go…
breast and nipple tenderness
Hi, my dad was diagnosed with nsclc with a malignant pleural effusion. Initially he was only given 3 months to a year. His oncologist treated him very aggressively, practically killing him with the chemo. On August 28th, eight months after his initial treatment, my dad's scan showed he was in remission. We're not sure if…
He is only 35...I need hope!
Hello everyone, I am new here. My brother Tim was diagnosed with stage IV nsclc about 3 weeks ago. He is only 35 years old and has never smoked a day in his life. He went to the ER with some chest pain and they thought it was a heart attack, but after the testing, they determined it was cancer. The news has been…
need info please
sister was diagnosed with lung cancer-waiting for surgery date for lung biopsy-she is 65-had cancerous kidney removed two years ago-she is very weak-question-when rhey do the biopsy, do they go ahead with whatwver surgery is necessaey-dr wasn't clear on that
Radioactive Implants for Lung Cancer
My grama is on her second bout with lung cancer. This last time they did surgery removing a tumor the size of a golf ball and in place implanted tiny rods of radiation. She had the only surgery of the this type in Montana, but I know that it has been done in other parts of the country. I was just wondering if anyone new of…
I think my Dad might have Lung Cancer
My dad is 63 years old, and has been a chain smoker since he was a teenager. I live across the country so I don't get to see him much. My siblings told me he dropped a lot of weight (he hasn't been really thin since he was a teenager) and he has been coughing. One time my brother said when my Dad spoke on the phone, he…
I need to hear from you...
Hello everyone, I am so pleased to have found this website. My mom has been diagnosed with metastatic nsclc just over a month ago. She hasn't started treatment yet because she had to undergo a whole bunch of tests to a.) make sure it actually is lung cancer ---(she has no history of 1st/2nd hand smoke) and b.) to have a…
need information
this is the second time I have cancer first was cervical and now they found tumors all over my lungs I am currently using something called the clarke zapper that is suppose to help, but I need to know ant imformation about this cancer, can it be beat when it is all over, I have four kids 19, 18, 12, 10 and really need hope…
Tarceva rash
I have received some helpful suggestions regarding the rash from Tarceva, any others out there? Thank you
"fluffy" spot on lung
I had 38 radiation treatments. Tomorrow I will have my 12th chemo treatment with one more series of three then I'm to go on Tarceva for 5 years. I had a port catheter put in three weeks ago and a "fluffy" spot showed up on my lung that was not there two months ago (looks like a very then cloud that you can see through). I…
hi please pray for me everyone
Hi i have cancer in both lungs but at least mine will not spread but i cough so much and thy stoped my chemo and are gonna try something new iam goign on 3 yrs by the way it gets harder everyday short of breath and tired alot but i never give up thy want to start me on a study in 2 weeks called phase 1 anybody know of this…
recurrence twice
My mom had lung cancer 5 years ago,it was done through surgery, then it returns 8/06, and it was inoperable, she has been through chemo and radiation, and it was free of cancer in 2/07, but last week CT SCAN shows something unusual, Doc can't decide if its cancer or TB, they need to check her sputum in next three days, she…
How do we deal with the side effects
My dad is on his 5th chemo treatment, his leg and hand pain is unbearable even w/ pain medication. His life consist of moving from chair to chair in the house and walking to the bathroom. He just sits and holds his head most of the time. We ask the doc for help and all he says is that is Just part of it. Has anyone had…
Lung cancer at stage 4
I have never feel that I need some support group so much until now. This is a wonderful site. The past one week is a week I will never forget. My dad is found that he has lung cancer and has already spread to his other lung and bone. He has received Chemo the last two days. Doctors said his cancer does not look good. But…
Brother may have lung cancer
My brother of 44 told me this weekend the dr found black spots on his lungs. He had the CT and is waiting to hear the results. The first thing I asked was are you still smoking? He said no, not for sometime. I am just trying to find out as much as I can about this because I want him to know as much as he can if it turns…
stage 2b adenocarcinoma prognosis
hello all my dad went was noraml with no symptoms at all,during a routine medical checkup and found mass in rt upper lobe, x rays , ct scans, bronscopy results not confirm any diagnosis hence he went for direct surgical removal of mass by lobectomy, and bopsy he was diagnosied of stage 2A NSSLC adenocarcinoma 3 weeks…
Don't Worry Be Happy?
Apr.06 on the x-ray, the doc noticed a nodule. CT scan confirmed that (there is 1.4cm nodule in my right lung) PET-scan said that they didnt find a cancer-like metabolism... that means its NOT cancerous? I repeated the CT-scan after 4 month and the results were the same(1.4cm nodule) What should I do next??? Leave it and…
sclc, how fast does it multiply?
I have heard that sclc grows to double it's size every 30 days. Has anyone else heard or read anything like that?