Hi, sorry have been away for so long. Have had two lots of surgery and was told by consultant that the surgery removed all signs of the cancer. He removed two lobes of the right lung. Surgery was a lot more painful than I expected but I'm Back and planning to go back to work in 12 weeks. Don't need CHEMO or SURGERY so…
Red cells
Hi all hope you are all doing as good as you can . I have had low blood counts for almost a year,they have put a tube every where they can put one. Every thing comes back clean Now they want to do a bone scan . I was fine untill I did the chemo . What if they find the bone marrow is not producing red cells then what??? I…
Coughing up blood
My brother recently is coughing up a lot more blood than usual -- I wonder if any survivor experience this sort of thing and what kind of therapy you had afterward. Any information is greatly appreciated.
Human Diroflaria Immitis
Has anyone ever heard of anyone having this? My husband has two nodules one on each side of his lungs, he is also a 3-year Pancreatic Cancer survivor. He had a PET Scan in February, which came back Negative, the Pulmonoligist says since his one nodule was 9.6 mm, that if there was Cancer there it should have shown up, so…
Help : food & fasting
I have a brother who just went through his 6 doses of chemo (6x 21days apart). The problem is his CT scan showed a larger cancer region. There are some in the family thinking to put him through a fasting (as long as he can endure) and after that a liquid only diet. Not sure if this a good thing so I wish for some comment.…
Zometa anyone ever used?
My boyfriend has stage 4 lung with bone met.His last scans showed the cancer was stable.She is giving him a break from chemo but is starting him on zometa. Has anyone ever used it and did it help with the bone pain.I would really value your experience
Just found out
My hubsand of 35 years just found out he has lung cancer. he is 56. I don't know all the details yet he still has more tests but I want to let you all know what I have read on this board has already helped me. I'm a 2 time cancer survivor myself (not lung cancer) so I know it's not always a death sentence.
Cancer Chat
While the chat is unavailable here this might intrest some. IRC chat has a cancer room at the following ; ONCOCHAT address is irc.oncochat.net. You will need a IRC chat client to get there.
Money for lung cancer research
I met with my doctor today and the recheck went great. He took lots of time with my questions but didn't have all the answers (like why I have lung cancer, what can I do to prevent reoccurance, and how likely is it to reoccur). The problem is money for research. He says lung cancer is the number one cancer killer, but…
Hi Has anyone done CyberKnife Treatment ? is this one time thing? is this effective ? how about pain ? Thanks a bunch Tao
Tarceva or not
My wife (stage IV adenocarcinoma, several mets) is finishing radiation to the brain this weekend and will have to have made a decision on her follow up Chemo. We've been offered standard carboplatin and gemcitabine, or alimta +/- cisplatin, but also Tarceva. Now, as I understand it, Tarceva is a second line drug, used if…
Tarceva help
I'm 41 and have be diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer stage 4 after 4 chemo treatments i have been put on Tarceva 125mg daily. My question is has anyone been on this drug and had side effects of extreme fatuge. I had the rash and went on anti-bodics, but my fatigue is really bad I want to sleep all the time. Has…
CT Scan and Nodules
I am usually on the colorectal board because my husband had crc in Oct. 03. Today he is cancer free, thank GOD. I hope it is okay to come over here because I have a few questions I hope some of you can help me with. I had a CT Scan Monday to check for some problems with my left rib cage caused by an accident in Dec. 06. I…
lung mets to skin?
Has anyone out there had their lung cancer metastisize to their skin. About six months ago while my dad was on chemo he developed a rash on his side. They thought it was a chemo rash. He was getting very sick on the chemo, so decided to stop for a while. The rash seemed to grow, so he went to a skin doctor recently who…
Tarceva help
My father was diagnosed in Jan 2007 with NSCLC 3b. Now, new lesions appeared in liver and he will start chemo again. We live in Turkey and I want to find tarceva, but here it is not available. Can anybody help or inform me about how I can obtain it? I will really appreciate if anybody can help me.
Navelbine - if you had this drug - what do you think?
Hi, my dad was on a recent chemo break from Gemzar. He has cancer in the mediatrinum area in lymph nodes. The last dose of Gemzar was in December 07. This past Monday he had a PET scan because a rash on his chest was recently diagnosed as lung mets to skin. Almost simultaneously he felt an enlarged lyph node in the neck.…
Help! Need info on small cell lung cancer.
My mother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. What can we expect as far as symptoms go? What kind of pain will she be experiencing? Had one round of chemo, then had surgery for an unrelated illness...hasn't had chemo since April. Hopefully starting back.
Stage4 Lung bone met what is next?
My boyfriend was diagnosed with lung cancer with met to many bones in Aug. He had positive pleural effusion.They could not operate or treat with radiation as the cancer was to spread out.He did have pallative 10 treatments of radiation to neck as tumors were sitting on spine causing a lot of pain. He finished his last…
Hi all had the Broncoscopy & Mediastinoscopy done, feeling bruised and sore but otherwise am ok. A step closer to beating this thing should get results in next couple of days
lymph node
Saw the surgeon today was told have to have explorarory operation to see if the lymph nodes in the chest wall are clear. If not clear will have discussion on wht to do next. Thoracic consultant told me cancer had not spread, and was localised in the lung only. Don't know what i feel or who to believe now. Any advice please
Does anyone know what "NOLS" in the Lung mean?
I am recovering from Neck and Throat cancer, recently I had a Pet Scan and it was brought to my attention that there was something in my Lungs. I met a Lung Specialist at Lahey, and he told me he saw "NOLS", but he could not get a good look at them via the Pet Scan and now has ordered a CT scan for this Feb 13. He was very…
Long term side affects
Hope you are all ok ???? Thats dumb what I ment was hope you feel ok . I have to go to my oncoligist tomorrow I go every two months my Red cells are all down an some other stuff says it is abnormal. He has me taking 1000 mgs of iron every day it realy upsets your system. I was reading to day I guess the carboplatin is what…
Can anyone tell how being a diabetic will affect my treatment
Blood in Stool
Hello, my dad has Stage 4 lung cancer and was diagnosed and started treatment last June. He was on carboplatin and alimta and now just alimta. He's been doing well overall and his doctor said that his cancer cells (including those that metastized) have reduced. Today he noticed blood in his stool and we are concerned what…
my mom is at her last please help
my mom update. The diagnosis was lung cancer that metastasized to her lung and brain. Last tues, we saw an radiation oncologist. She said that the tumors were moving into her spinal cord and that it was a medical emergency to treat her with radiation. Her sister and neice, who was with her were overtaken with the…
Coughing up Blood
I had posted this on my first original post and noticed it was not here - so I am putting here to hopefully get some advice. Does coughing up blood mean the end is near or could it please, by the Grace of God, be something else? Here is my post from this morning: Hi its me again, MomsBestFriend after a long absence from…
Moms story with many questions...
Mom is 64 years old, strong and was having problems breathing after bronchitis - was sent for a chest x-ray on March 23. I have been reading this site since I found out about a "shadow" on my Mom's chest xray on March 24. The past 2 1/2 weeks have been full of doctor visits, lung biopsy, waiting for answers, high stress…
newbie...mom has stage 4
Hi I am new to the group.my 66 year old mom was diagnosed oct 29 with non small cell metastized to brain and maybe liver.she has been having seizures bc of the brain tumors. She is doing radiation for the brain now. They will do radiation on lung next and then chemo. How is the quality of life? What is the avg lifespan?…
Help eating
My mother has just finished a radioactive session and now she's in the hospital for the 4th day to get water out of her lungs. She's not eating or drinking at all, and if we speak with her about food she gets very nervous and angry. Is there away to help her eating? Thanks
side effects (cisplatin + docetaxel)
This morning I had to blow my nose and was somewhat surprised to find that my output was entirely bloody. Its not that I have a bloody drip, like a classic "bloody nose," its just that all my (for lack of a better term) 'boogers' are bloody. What's up with that? Also, can someone tell me if this is Neuropathy? My fingers,…