Stg IV - Any Luck with Paclitaxel & Carboplatin?
My father is newly diagnosed with Stage IV Non-small cell carcinome/lung cancer. This is inoperable, but he is looking to start chemo early next week. Was hoping someone had some success with the same combination of Paclitaxel & Carboplatin. Also, any advice to offer on dealing with side effects?
Father with Lung Cancer and Bone Metastasis
My 72 year old father has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer with Bone Metastasis in the Breast Bone. Doctors have been unable to determine exact type of Cancer but are starting with Radiation today. Doctors say dad not a candidate for any other treatment due to general health. Anyone know what we can expect with this disease…
Angiotensin shrinks tumors in Mice
So Im fairly new to looking into mice studies or really any studies for that matter, but this one seems really interesting. My dad has high blood pressure and he takes Diovan for it(I think). Ive been trying to convince him to switch over to an Ace inhibitor drug, and I think hes a bit weary because my sister told him a…
complementary medicine
I was diagnosed with NSCLC Stage 4 on Feb 2006. I've had the Taxol/Carbo/Avastin rounds, then was on Avastin alone. Am now on Tarceva. I've tolerated my chemo pretty well, I've had more side effects with the Tarceva than the IV meds. My cancer is inoperable and has mets to both my lungs. Anyone has any suggestions for…
In Dec. 2004, I had my entire left lung removed. Since then, I have had regular checkups, CT Scans and X-rays. Yesterday, I had another X-ray and although the Doctor did not see any signs of recurrence, he did mention that my heart has been progressively shifting position. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced a…
Mom-in-law having tough time post-pneumonectomy
Hi, guys. I'm finding this a very informative sight. I want/need info about post-pneumonectomy recovery. My mother in law, who is 70 but otherwise healthy until recently, was diagnosed with lung cancer early Feb following a bout with pneumonia. (The pneumonia was a blessing because they wouldn't have found it otherwise).…
Help With Nausea
Hi - Just curious if anyone has any helpful advice on how to fight nausea. My dad just finished his first round of chemo. The only side effects so far are trouble sleeping and nausea. He does have anti-nausea medication, but it doesn't completely stop the issue. Just curious if anyone has some tricks to fight this? Thanks!
my grandma passed away 3 days ago
Hi, I have a grandma that just passed away 3 day ago of lung cancer and having a heart attack, both of the reasons, she had a heart attack friday and was able to call 911 herself but she died in the evening at the hospital, her heart just stopped :(
A good story
Just letting you know that once again my Dad's scans have come up clear. He is doing so well, he's doing better than before he was diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago! Looks healthier and is exercising more. Anyway, thought i would let you know this and send some positive energy your way! Holly.
my cancer return
3 &1/2 years ago I was diagnose with lung cancer, after the surgery it was Stage IB, no follow treatment. Even it was always in my mind I had my first grandchild who live with us & I had being taking care since he born so my life was happy. Two weeks ago an a rutin exam my oncolgist told me that it was back, I still not…
Tarceva in Ontario\Canada
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has gone throught the process of trying to get Tarceva in Canada. Our Oncologist wrote to the ministry of Health stating that the 1st line had failed and he is reccommending Tarceva. He said the wait for a response could be 2-4 weeks. Is this the normal procedure in Canada? Thanks, Joey
Lung Cancer Mets to Liver
My dad has Stage IV lung cancer mets to the liver; however, all symptoms are coming from liver. He went into the hospital last evening with "hepatic encephalopathy", they tried to put a stent in today - however, couldn't get through. Without the liver processing, we can't get chemo. He is cohearant now, but does any one…
My Mother has lung cancer
Hello eveyone. My mother has lung cancer. We found out after the second needle biopsy on feb 1 2007. We need to find a good lung cancer doctor in our area. We live in Spokane Washington or we can travel to Seattle and surrounding areas. If anyone knows of a good doctor, please let us know. Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Wee!!!! - 4 years cancer free
Hi folks, I just wanted to offer hope to everyone and share in my celebration of 4 years of being cancer free from NSCLC Stage 3B (right pneumonectomy January 2003). I'm a 45 year old male if anyone was wondering. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy with kids, work and life in general. My hopes and…
cancer-immune mice
I'm wondering what happened to the research that was going on some time ago with mice that had cancer immunity... It was exciting to me - I read a couple of news briefs in various magazines and then heard no more - apparently mice with tumors were injected with *something* taken from cancer-immune mice, and their tumors…
Pleuradesis and Alimta
Anyone had experience with subject that they want to discuss?
NSCLC Vaccine Holds Promise of Survival
Anyone recently been diagnosed with Stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC should investigate a new 1300 patient trial now enrolling throughout the world. This is the next generation of vaccines that have not yet been approved but have demonstrated through earlier Stage II trials, to be much better than Avastin, Tarceva or any other first…
Need Info on AVASTIN
Has anyone taken avastin? Can anyone give me your personal experiences with taking avastin and or knowledge about avastin. Thanks so much for being here!
Sister with NSCLC
Hi, I have posted about my sister before, look under Debbys. My question to all who has gone through the chemo and radiation is this but maybe to recap a little history first. She was diagnosed from the beginning in Novemeber 06 with stage 4 non small cell with mets to the lymph nodes, right adrenal gland, shoulder blade,…
new hope?
Has anyone heard much about the drug dichloroacetate? Paul Harvey talked about it on his radio show and there is a article at www.newscientist.com. My understanding is it is an acid made from 2 other acids and will hopefully cure many types of cancer. Has anyone heard any more on it? At newscientist go to health and then…
Stage 4 NSC lung cancer
Hi, I am from Canada and My father (62) was diagnosed with stage 4 NSC lung cancer in September 2006 that has spread to bone, liver and Head. They recently put a shunt in his head to drain fluid buildup, because he was getting confused at times and could not walk. He has had radiation on his head and chest and the chemo…
all the latest news about lung cancer
I found this page with all the latest news about lung cancer. It has a lot links to the creditable sources like nih, cnn, webmd, latimes ... http://www.bestmorph.com/cgi-bin/show/tags/165-lung_cancer http://www.bestmorph.com/cgi-bin/show/tags/40-lung_disease
Pleural Effusion/Ovarian Cancer
I was dx with ovarian cancer Dec. 2003. I had a recurrence and just finished chemo on Dec 29, 2006. Following a cat scan of abdomen and pelvic they found a small amount of fluid in my right lung and a tiny amount in my left lung, which they called pleural effusion ( I had never heard of it)so now I have a chest x-ray and a…
Infectious Doctors answer
Had my Dr. appt yesterday and found out that my PET scan came back with hot spots in the chest (nodes)and a spot in my right lung top lobe, they removed the middle lobe Dec 19, 2006. Doctors are surprised and think that it may be inflamation from the surgery, so they had me do a CT scan yesterday, no results as yet.…
Stage IIIA or IIIB Patients of NSCLC
I want to inform patients of a new innovative approach to treating Stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC. The concept involves teaching the body to recognize the cancer and destroy it. A new Phase III worldwide study just started, is being conducted by Merck KGaA and EMD Pharamcueticals. It can be found at clinical trials gov website. The…
The Cure
Subject: The Cure Message: Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the candidate who supports Cancer research-a-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. Vote with your lungs.. The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000…
Missed Tarceva
My mom missed one day of Tarceva! She woke up this morning and she realized that she forgot to take it last night!!! I'm so scared, has anyone done this before? I know that if you miss a day, you can't make up for it by taking 2 the next day - she didn't do that, but still it scares me to find out that she missed one day…
Last Two Months
In August 2006 my right upper lobe was removed along with the tumors (2). After surgery it was determined that I had extensive small cell lung cancer to be treated by chemo then radiation of chest & brain.I finished my first round of chemo (12) treatments and was told that the cancer has spead to other parts of the body…
Handling Tarceva
The nurses giving my DAD Tarceva were giving it to him by hand and after 3 days they started giving it to him wearing Latex gloves. Should Tarceva not have any contact with skin?
looking for help for a caregiver
my mom is falling apart - my dad was diagnosed with NSCLC stage 3b in October of 2006 and she's been trying to handle it on her own, but just can't. is there anyone out there who would be willing to talk to my mom via phone to offer her support and understanding? (in the same situation) I can't help her - I am dealing with…