I noticed that your father passed away from kidney cancer. Is there a genetic factor? I am going to be tested for VHL soon as my father also had kidney cancer. I haven't seen too much discussion here of hereditary rcc. Rae
Phantom pain
I had my left kidney laproscopically removed on July 16, 2011. I thought that I was recovering nicely. I have returned to work(desk job). Right after I returned I felt like I had a pulled muscle at my incision site. The pain got worse. I attributed it to wearing jeans too soon, so I went back to wearing dresses and skirts…
Test(s) news
It's been a hurry up and wait past couple of weeks. Had my yearly CT and they saw nodes in the thyroid gland the Dr. wanted checked more. Had an ultrasound of the thyroid, and yes the gland is enlarged and there are solid and semi-solid nodes. Next is a nuclear scan of the thyroid; but since I had contrast dye during the…
Partial on right side now on Dialysis
My Dad had a partial kidney removal on the right side removing a 6.6cm tumor that was stage 3 cancer. His left kidney had been damaged early in life and is very, very small. They were able to save a little more than 80% of his right kidney but it is not working. He is 85 and had his surgery 9/21/11. He spent 12 days in the…
Kidney/Genitourinary Cancer Support Group - Charlotte, NC
A new support group is starting at the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC.The first meeting will take place Monday, October 24, 2011 at 2:00 - 3:30 pm. It is open to survivors, caregivers and friends. Kidney/Genitourinary Cancer Support Group Monday, October 24, 2011 2:00 - 3:30 pm Carolinas Medical Center 1000…
Trying to Make a Decision on RCC Surgery
Hello Everyone Just joined today. As the story goes, I found my RCC about 30 days ago by accident. Was having my first ever CAT scan for something unrelated, when they found a mass > 4cm on my left kidney and classified it as T2 and thankfully limited to my left kidney. My primary care physician sent me to a Urology here…
One week post surgery-What now?
Exactly one week ago at this hour, I was getting in a car with my wife, daughter and sister to head for my DaVinci Surgery. I had a 2.5 cm mass on my left kidney, (found by accident) which turned out to really be close to a 4 cm mass post surgery. I have gone through most of the post surgical issues I have read on these…
Kidney Cancer and will I ever get answers from my doctors?
Survivor Septic Shock,complete organ failure,fungal infection, resulted from a doctor accidentally puncturing my intestines during surgery. My family says I was swollen like a balloon, I remember my hands and feet peeling so bad & my hair falling out from daily CTs. My story: I had surgery on Dec 17,2008 to remove my…
Has anyone tried the new FDA Approved Nexavar?
Anxious. Again.
I had my 3 month scan on Monday. Yesterday my Dr. calls to tell me he doesn't have the images yet, but the radiologist report sees something in the liver. The dr. says it may be from the surgery, (I had a bit of my liver taken along with my right kidney) in that it would be unusual to find this just 4 months after surgery.…
I'm new here.
Hello, I just passed my 5 yr mark in July of this year. I had stage 1 RCC and not aggressive but I know better than to think that I never have to worry about the RCC returning. I gave up my left kidney with a 3cm tumor and most of the time I forget that I even had cancer. I give thanks to God for the early discovery of it.…
More recovery questions
To those of you who have been through this, may I ask a few more questions? I am now 10 days post op, robotic partial laparoscopy. 1. My incisions are itching like crazy! I know this means they are healing, and it is good, but is there anything I can do? Cortisone cream maybe? Or just leave them alone? 2. Discomfort - I…
Pity Party
Hello I guess that I'm having one of those days, and I told myself who better to understand than you guys! I was diagnosed with kidney cancer when I was 46, almost two years ago. I had the kidney/tumor removed. Been following up every three months. Recently found a small lesion on my remaining kidney. Doctor plans to watch…
Kidney Cancer Survivor writes Inspirational Autobiography (A Higher Calling)
I have lost both kidneys, ureters, bladder and a lung due to cancer. I wrote an inspirational autobiogrpahy. If you need a pick me up you can purchase my book at www.xlibris.com/SLMenzel.html. God Bless Everyone who suffers from this cancer. I am on dialysis three days per week it is no fun. However, I am still alive to…
Pain after surgery
Ok guys. I have some questions about pain after surgery. I am 12 days post surgery and was just wondering if anyone has experienced what I am going through now. In the right kidney area where my tumor was removed it has started to ache terribly the past day or so. It has pulled a bit when I walk around however it didn't…
follow up
My follow up with my oncologist was today and I am happy and blessed to report that the mass has reduced in size, my lungs are "exceptionally clear", nothing looks suspicious and I should be coughing that furball up soon. I am good to go for another six months. Rae
Frustrated daughter of kidney cancer survivor
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I posted here. My mom was diagnosed with kidney cancer 2 years ago and had a radical neph. At the time the doctor said they got everything they could see and he sounded pretty encouraging even though he said her cancer was much more aggressive than what they had anticipated. In the…
post surg
Well found growth on left kindey.Had partial removal 40 percent to be exact.Surgey was bad spent a week and half in hosp. every thing went wrong .But I am alive now as i read all the post somehow this has not changed my life .I had no real feelings going into it or coming out.I know it sounds strange.I hope that everyone…
Kidney Cyst - what kind of follow-up should one have
I know that kidney cysts can turn malignant, so I'm wondering if anyone out there had a cyst that turned malignant. Also, what kind of follow-up did should one have on cysts of the kidney?
Open partial 2 weeks ago. Recovery stories?
Hi there! I had an open partial Nephrectomy 2 weeks ago. I'm 29 years old and my tumor was small. 2.5 cm Stage 1. I was not able to do laproscopic because of tumor placement so I have that big scar on my abdomen. I'll take that scar over cancer any day! Haha! I was in the hospital for 5 days and am home now. I'm still in a…
surgery recovery
Hello I just made a post so I guess I'm joining the crowd after learning lots from this forum the last four weeks. I had surgery for hlrcc (hereditary leiomyoma renal cell carcinoma) at NIH four weeks ago---it was an open partial nepherectomy and removal of my lymph nodes in the kidney area. I'm finding the recovery plenty…
Had surgery Friday
Just an update - my surgery was Friday, DaVinci robotic laparoscopic for a 3cm tumor in my left kidney. The surgeon was able to remove the tumor and keep the kidney, it took 28 minutes (he had told me the time limit for clamping off blood flow to the kidney is 30 minutes). The whole surgery took 4 hours. I don't remember…
Nine pound weight gain overnight? First time on this board..
My Mom has kidney cancer and a MASS on her pancreas, unbiopsied. She gained nine pounds overnight! She is on water pills....anyone heard of this? I am at MDA fighting my on cancer (anal Squamish cell). I am her normal caregiver and it is hard to know these problems and not be there to help.....no choice this time though.…
Do you drink herbal teas?
I was wondering if anyone here drinks herbal teas to help maintain/improve kidney health. If so, what do you drink? Yogi makes one called "Peach Detox" that claims to improve kidney and liver health.
got email from him
I got email from him last night. It's a partial removal, and everything went well. He said it's very painful. Now I am waiting for him to tell me when I can go to see him, and the most important, the pathology report. Best wishes to all.
RCC in Left KIdney During Pregnancy
Hi, I am 25 years happy living girl from INDIA, I have been diagnosed with RCC in left Kidney during 3rd month of pregnancy ie on 6th April, 2010. After continuous discussions, Confusions and fear of loosing my child i got operated on 3rd May 2010 during 4th Month of pregnancy. The operation was successful due to great…
Boyfriend is having a surgery today
My boyfriend is having a surgery today. He has a 2.3cm and another smaller one in his kidney. They have been there for at least 7 years, and started growing recently. The Dr said there is 80% chance that he has the cancer, but nothing will be sure until the report comes out. Due to some arrangement, and current situation,…
6-month follow up
Everything was good. However my liver showed to have some cyst on it. What does this mean? They have not recommended me to a liver doctor.
Surgery Monday 8/22
I have 1 word....Scared! I am only 45 and the Dr. found a 4cm tumor on my left kidney right next to the uretha. Not sure if he will be preforming partial or complete. I read your posts about what to expect: pain, recovery, etc. My worry is "did it spread", will I need chemo and if I am only left with 1 kidney what drastic…
Pathology Report
A while ago I asked a question about the meaning of these two items on the pathology report. No one responded, which makes me think that no one was sure what they meant or maybe they didn't want to alarm me. This is my layman's understanding of these two items now. On my pathology report, both of these were indicated as…