home after partial nephrectomy
Hello everyone, I had my sugery wednesday afternnon, a laproscopic partial nephrectomy using davinci robot. The margins were clear, and all tests were fine. They are now staining to see if it is clear cell, chromophobe, or papillary. The tumor by CT was 2.9 but actual sive was a little over 3 cm, cant remember exact size.…
Antihistamine - Itchy/Hives
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has had issues with Hives/Itching after nephrectomy? About six months after mine I developed Hives/Chronic Urticaria, which at one point was put down to contrast die. Allergist said this was unlikely. Dermatologist said it was most likely the cause. Go figure. The only way to keep the…
Are there any additional popular discussion groups for kidney cancer in the US?
Is there any other popular discussion group for kidney cancer we can join?
newly diagnosed with PRCC-soliciting questions to ask and advice?
Hi! I am a 36 year old female and am new to this. It all came on very suddenly. I was diagnosed with what was thought a non cancerous tumor/cyst on my left kidney. We only discovered it during the diagnosis of a very large kidney stone in the same kidney which I had removed. I've never had a kidney stone or any kidney…
donation of unused Sutent
I have a 60 day Supply and would like to donate. Any ideas where??
Considering having Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy/DaVinci® robotic laparoscopic partial versus
I would like to share the advice my Veterans Administration Urologist doctor told me on my choice of surgery, he recommended the Open partial nephrectomy verus Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy , yes you will have a big scar, yes it will take a lttle longer to heal, he said having the Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy there…
Cancer in both kidneys
I was diagnosed 5 weeks ago with a complex cyst about 7cm on my right kidney, 95% chance it is cancer. Have a tumor on my left kidney also 95% cancer. In 3 weeks I am having surgery on right kidney with cyst that covers the center of right kidney. Doctor says I will have dog ears after cyst is removed and he will try to…
Thank you
To one and all that have contributed to these pages over the years I thank you for your time and effort from the bottom of my heart. I am truly overwhelmed and so relieved to have found your discussion board. Finally I feel that I have found some insight from people who do know exactly how I feel, and that are going…
Sorry, trying to figure this all out
I feel cooky, I replied to a message from 2005. Trying to figure this all out. I will post tomorrow, a new thread to get feedback after my urologist appointment. BG
RCC Nephrectomy Dec 1, 2006 Everett, WA 10.5cm, FNG 4 w. sarcomatoid features. Now 68 feel like 2
Stage IV at dianosis. Lung matastasis present at diagnosis was removed 2 years out. Did some Sutent early on. DCA. Fresh squeezed vegetable juice. Suppliments. Strict vegan diet. Doctors are amazed but smirk at diet, DCA, suppliments. Evidently they are great believers in luck and/or prayer. I will share additional diet…
Ultrasound found 4cm mass - neoplasm cannot be excluded - fraking out
36 y/o male, just taken control of my life, started eating better and excersizing.. Never felt better, no symptoms other then muscle soreness after heavy gym sessions. On the annuel physical all blood and urine tests came back mostly good, slightly high cholesterol, a bit low vitamin D, etc. PCP asked if I had any other…
da vinci laproscopic partial nephrectomy
Hello all, I went to the urologist today, and he is planning on a da vinci (robotic) laproscopic partial nephrectomy. I looked at the website that I found when reseraching him, and found several individuals who posted positvely about the procedure from several different states, not all his patients of course. I have a 2.9…
Hand Assisted Laproscopic Partial Nephrectomy
I am new to this group and to RCC. I am having a hand assisted laproscopic partial nephrectomy for stage one RCC this Thursday. What should I expect? My dr. said I'd probably be in the hospital for 2-3 days. I asked him how this surgery would compare to my gall bladder surgery as far as recovery time and such-he said it is…
just diagnosed
I went in for elevated liver enzyme scan, during the scan they found a 3-4 cm tumor on my right kigney via ultrasound by chance, and confirmed by CT scan yesterday. They will take a wedge of my kidney, not sure if open or laprscope, I go to urologist tuesday of next week to discuss. I am a 48 year old male, and freaked…
Concerned about follow-up plan
Greetings, Praise God that my kidney tumor was discovered incidentally with a CT-Scan exam. After radical nephrectomy, the cancer was classified as 4 centermeter RCC T1a grade 2. Radical nephrectomy was required because the tumor was centrally located. I visited the surgeon 2-3 weeks after surgery. The surgeon said no…
Wilms Tumor
Hi I'm new to the board and honestly didn't foresee needing another place to blog or seek support but here I am - the grandmother to a darling 3 yr old grandson who they believe has a Wilms Tumor on his right kidney. They have surgery scheduled for Tuesday morning. It had been previously scheduled for last Wed then changed…
6 AM surgery for radical nephrectomy
Hello all, I will be going in tomorrow am for my surgery, having RN of left kidney. I will post updates when I can and thanks to everyone for there helpful words and blessing. Heath
Hope everyone who's recently gone through surgery is doing well. I continue to recover, I do get sleepy around 8 p.m. which is totally unnatural for me, other than that, I'm doing well. My little incision holes are pulling and itching like &%#*, and I have somewhat of a backache...not continually. I'm getting around, and…
Hi everyone. I'm new here....had a radical nephrectomy for a big ol' tumor on my right kidney on May 4 of this year. I'm FINALLY starting to feel better. It's "a new kind of normal". Anyways, I had my first follow up cat scan today. The urinalysis that I did last week showed some red and white blood cells. So now I'm…
Question regarding Cryoablation
What is the criteria for having cryoablation as an option? My concern is not being able to know the grade of the tumor if cryoablation was done. Does anyone have any info on this? I'd like to hear more from folks who have had that, and what size their tumor is. Mine is 1.8 cm, and the doctor basically laid out three…
Anyone treated by Dr. Landman at NY Presbyterian?
We are looking for someone who had surgery at NY Presbyterian. How was your experience? We are considerign surgery there?
can surgery lead to RCC spead ?
how high is the risk that surgey leads to RCC spread ?
Feeling Better!
It's been 5 days since my left kidney was removed. I'm surprised at how well I'm actually getting around! The incision site doesn't bother me, but the 5 little port holes from my robot hurt like the dickens. I'm walking a lot, not overdoing, I've gone for a ride to my daughters for a change of scenery Mon night, she drove…
recommend kidney cancer surgeons in MD/DC area
Hi, Just had a surgery to remove a 1.5cm tumor (RCC, clear cell) in my right kidney. But pathology report shows that the tumor extends to the margin of resection. I need a second opinion to see if I need another surgery to completely remove the tumor. Anyone can recommend experienced kidney cancer surgeons in MD/DC area?…
Just got pathology results...
I made it through the initial discover via ultrasound. I made it through the CTs, MRIs, Biopsies, the diagnosis of RCC (clear cell) and finally, a radical nephrectomy (lap). I did ok through all of it, didn't freak out too much, am now healing pretty well from my surgery exactly 2 weeks ago. But yesterday my surgeon called…
what causes kidney cancer?
I turn 50 next week. 3 months ago I had my kidney removed .80% of it was covered in tumor.Luckily it was localized and has not spread,I have another CT scan next week. I had no signs or symptoms. The first 30 years of my life I was not so concerned about my health. I had the average American diet but was around second hand…
much needed support to stand strong for what's to come for Little Rio:(
I would like to speak to some wilm's survivors out there. can u pls tell about your stories of how your treatments were like and their side affects. I'm terrified as I look forwarf to this coming wed when they want to start my little 3 year old on Chemo not sure for how long yet. Terrified of how she will react to this…
incomplete removal of kidney tumor, how to do next?
From CT and MRI scans, it was incidentally found in Feb that there was a 1.5x1.5x1.4cm solid mass near the lower pole of my right kidney. I went to a local urologist and the doctor (in fact, who was not good at kidney surgery, I found later and now regret very much to let him do surgery) said this was the simple and most…
12 weeks post open radical nephrectomy
Hi everybody....it's been a while since I have been on here but I was just wondering if anybody can give me some advice. I had surgery for stage 3 kidney cancer on March 3rd. My left kidney was removed, I had a 12cm mass and the Doctor said it was very aggressive. The surgery went well and I have recovered ok for the most…
How do they define what kind of Mass you have priro to surgery?
What kind of testing do they do to determine if the mass in the kidney is benign or malignant, and what kind, prior to performing a radical procedure? I understand that with Renal Cancer needle biopsy is not recommended. So How do they know in advance, so they don't remove a kidney if you merely have something benign?