help - really nervous - seems like a long wait for surgery
My kidney cancer was found do to CT at the ER for unrelated problem, MRI confirmed the same. My PCP sent me for a second opinion (didn't like the second opinion) cancer less than 2 cm on the outside of the kidney not in (which I hear is better). The are doing partial in two weeks just seems like its taking forever…
is it related?????
Early in the day its not too bad, but by the end of the day it takes all I can to keep my pants on. Everything I own feels tight and constricting, is this the kidney tumor, I've read some thing and seen that it can be, mine is very small surgery on Friday but I'm just curious if alot of the abdominal bloated feeling will…
New to all of this-
I am a new caregiver and we are so new to this we don't even have all the lingo yet. My husband had very high calcium and is now being told he has kidney cancer that has spread to the bone. I'm scared and so is he. I know I have to be strong and am trying my best. 4 months ago he was in complete kidney failure and was told…
Less than 24 hours away from surgery
Hope all goes well, finally get the little bugger out and move on with life. I'm staying positive with some reservation obviously until I hear from the doctor after the procedure.
Waiting for surgery and terrified
Hi, This is my first time posting here. I'm a stay at home mom, in my thirties with 2 little kids and always thought I was pretty healthy. I'm slim, don't drink or smoke and eat really healthy. I'd had an abnormal result of a routing urine test - showing some protien in the urine and was concerned, so I followed up with my…
private messages
Does this board allow private messages to other members? How?
reluctant new member
Well, I guess it is better to see the group get bigger than to get smaller. Add me to the list. First of all, this is an excellent and supportive site. Glad I found all of you. Thanks...I thought I had a kidney stone in march. Tremendous pain and hematuria both in one night. But no. Cat scan showed stage 3 tumor. Had an…
Newbie - here for my 80 year old Dad
I am so glad this network is available. I am looking for support and the right questions to ask. My Dad has a "left renal mass" that doctor says is 80% likely kidney cancer.He has had PET scan, CT scans without and with contrast, xray. He was in significant pain and the pain was alleviated by a stent. His ureter looks like…
New to Board
I am 51 years old was diagnosed with right kidney cancer in April 2011 after being seriously injuand red in a motrocycle accident. My husband was injured as well and really thought I had hit my head hard when I told him the wreck was a blessing in disguise. The tumor was found during an abdominal CT to look for other…
Here's to a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving...
anti-anxiety issues? 3 month chest x-ray
Hello everyone, I had my 3 month chest xray this wednesday, and I have the follow-up next Tuesday with my Urologist to go over the film and report. When I finished the chest x-ray, they gave me a sealed CD and sealed envelope with the report in it with my Urologists name on it. They told me to take the CD and envelope to…
Post op Results - Unclassified RCC
Hello All, On Sept 28 I had a open radical nephrectomy on my right kidney. I just had a meeting with my surgeon going over the pathology results with my surgeon. The tumour was 7.5 cm and was considered to be unclassified. The surgeon still had no answer (And is still baffled as I am a 23 yr old female - an unlikely…
I am here for my Mom, and I need some help if you can..
The whole problem (other than the obvious issue of cancer) is deciding which board to refer my Mom to here....kidney or bladder. Hmmm....we really have a lot of problems here, but this seems to be one that I can help with. Here is a short version of our wild-ride so far (which I'm sure you are all familiar with)... My mom…
I survived the surgery!!!!
I had my surgery Friday ( open radical left) , and I am back home today. There were a few days there that were rough going. But I made it through. My temp was up at first then on Sunday my heart rate went way up. But I prayed and had many others praying for me. And I am home today.I still a ways to go but I feel so much…
More tests, again
Just an update... Five & 1/2 years post nephrectomy plus two recurrences. Had a regular CT, then ultrasound of thyroid, then nuclear scan of thyroid. Next Monday, a biopsy of nodes in the thyroid. Yuck. Guess I'd rather it be me than someone else in the family, or anyone else as a matter of fact. We had to jockey my biopsy…
Thank you
I want to thank everyone for the input and encouragement I've recieved on this site. I don't know how I could have handled the last six months without it. I got good news today, and I plan on continuing by better "life habits", and hope I can be of help to others who find themselves in our shoes. Thank you for the prayers.…
Another nervous patient losing patience.....
Hi All, Very interesting reading on other posts, thankyou all for your input as it does help so much to read other stories. I also have just been diagnosed with 5+cm tumor in my right Kidney, found accidently. I am a male, just turned 49, reasonable fitness and as mentioned in many posts, expecting the arrival of my first…
First Follow-up CT
Just got back from having and abdominal-pelvic-chest CT scan. My results should be ready tomorrow. My PC doesn't work on Fridays, sure hope whoever is covering for him can give me my results. I have faith God will pull me through this....but deep down inside I'm so verrrrry, verrrry afraid. Please say a prayer for me…
3" mass in kidney.
CT scan reviled 3" mass in kidney. Urologist this coming Thursday. Am still in shock>Don't really know all the questions I need and want to ask. All this started from pre-surgical xrays before sinus surgery that after two CT found mass on kidney. Family Doctor said I would most probably loose the kidney. My daughter said…
Help understanding Cat scan not yet diagnosed!
I was wanting to see if anyone could help me understand the CT report? I had went to Er last week with lower right abd pain thinking maybe appendix. Labs normal and urine normal. They did CT scan which showed cyst on ovary causing my pain. The doctor also told me they were more concerned with my left kidney but they could…
New ...Also just told 3" tumor on left Kidney 9/28/11
My name is Pete. 55 yr old male. Younger brother Passed 3/11, Aunt 6/11 both from Cancer. Mother 74 has had Breast 2x,Kidney1x and an operable brain tumor. Still a survivor! Her Quote " The War was worse than this!" From former E.Germany. Has lived in Germany the past 40 years. To say Im scared would be an understatement!…
Grading / Surgery question.
As mentioned in my 1st post, I had no idea what my tumor grade was. My Urologists said both kidneys were Stage 1 before the surgery and after said size of ping pong balls left and right sides. I had clean margins on both and I figured that was that. So after seeing how much you all knew about your little buddies I asked my…
New tumor
I am new to this site, but looking for info on Kidney tumors. I am a 22 year Pheochromocytoma survivor. An 11mm tumor was seen in my left kidney on the CT scan done at Mayo Clinic on Nov 1. I go to kidney specialist on the 17th. Since my right kidney was removed in Feb of 2005, because of the Pheo, the treatment they are…
Ugh - forget about praying for me
Earlier today I asked for your prayers as I await the results of my first checkup. A short while later, some friends from church lost their 5th grade son in an accident. Truly, it puts even cancer in perspective. Please join me in praying for them and all those who've suffered a loss today.
Low GFR?
I haven't been here in awhile, and I've been trying to catch up with everyone. Hope and pray you are all doing well. Since I was on last, I had an upper endoscopy which was normal( seeing a GI dr. to finally find out the cause of abdominal pain which prompted all the testing which found the kidney mass) and I've had…
What were your symptoms prior to diagnosis?
I do have kidney cancer.
Hello everyone. I have only posted once before asking if you thought I had cancer. On Wedneday I went in for a kidney removal surgury that was supposed to be done lap but ended up starting that way and ended up with the open so I got the best of both worlds with 3 little cuts and 2 big cuts. The doc who had previously said…
Yippee I was diagnosed with rcc on 10/04/2011
Hi everybody,thought I would share my exciting story.On 10/03/2011 I was riding my motorcycle home from work when I hit a nasty pothole,upon hitting this pothole I felt a sharp pain in my back.Well the next morning when I went to go to the washroom I saw something,I think you all have a good ideal what it was.Two days…
New many questions lots of fears.
Well I was just told on the 11th I have cancer. They found the mass in a CT on the 27th of Sept. I then went through two biopsy's to get to here. I am now schelduled for surgery on November 18th. The Surgeon is sure he can get all of it. I did have a chest and brain scan done. If anything shows up in this all of this…
Kidney surgery
It's been 13 days ago I had my right kidney removed..I'm doing great..thanks to all the prayers ..this site has been so helpful in helping me get through some rough times. Thanks everyone. LFocus