Hight Doses of IL2 DID NOT WORK
Hey everybody I am carrying for my mom who was diagnosed with stage IV in April 2010. She underwent right kidney removal together with part of her intestines. First she was on Sutent, then the CT scan showed that the cancer spread to her lungs, liver and muscles in her back. We decided to do IL2. Not only the IL2 did not…
Vitamins with one kidney
Hi all - I would like to know if you can let me know - can a person who has had a kidney removed 4 months ago take a multiple vitamin? I have a good friend who lost one of her kidneys to cancer and does not know if she can take a multiple vitamin. Can anyone help please. thank you. Julie
I am new here and thank you all who posting here
I am glad I found this place. Although I am not the one who got it, but my boyfriend will go through surgery in one week. The Dr didn't say what it is, and he has been monitoring it for 7 years, and no symptom at all. But since it started growing recently, they suggest to remove it. We knew it is coming 3 months ago, but…
Hello I just posted on an old post about hlrcc cancer (hereditary leiomyoma renal cell carcinoma). Are there any other hlrcc people out there? I'm being followed by NIH and just had surgery 2 plus weeks ago for a small tumor. It is such an aggressive cancer that NIH removes any suspected tumors. They also removed my lymph…
I was diagnosed as stage 1 rcc of the clear cell variety. It was removed with a partial nephrectamy and was Completely encapsulated. Since then my testosterone Levels have fallen out , and after coming up with a cough That couldn't be cured I was diagnosed with COPD after a pft test . My concern is could this be Rcc in my…
Healing & Reeling
Wow, I am doing well physically following a crazy whirlwind in the past 3 months since first seeing blood in my urine, then clots, diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma in my left kidney, then having 12- 15 kidney stones poring out of that same kidney the week prior to scheduled surgery, removal of my kidney (larger then a…
Symptoms prior to diagnosis
Hi all, A few times I have seen people have been affected by reflux and stomach issues in these threads, prior to diagnosis of kidney tumors. I was greatly affected by stomach/bowel and reflux issues and had been referred to a specialist who ultimately after some testing and a colonoscopy diagnosed me with IBS. He put me…
Thank you
Hi everyone, I just wanted to send out a big thank you to everyone on this discussion board. I don't post often, but I come here every day, just to feel inspired, connected and informed. I was diagnosed in May of this year, had a radical nephrectomy with an 8cm tumor. Yikes. Part of my liver was also taken out because the…
Waiting on that dreaded appointment
It's about time for me to have my six-month follow up. Every time I get it in the mail it makes me have an anxiety attack. I have been doing this since 2007. Does anyone else ever dread/worry when you have your follow up scans. I have to take medication during that time because I can't do anything w/o thinking about my…
Radical Nephrectomy on 08-11-11
Hi all, I am supporting a loved-one who will be having a radical nephrectomy on August 11th. Can anyone share some tips, advice, experience with me? Anything you'd like to say is fine by me. The patient is 64, male, and had colorectal cancer in 2006 - went thru operation/chemo/radiation in 2006/2007. Don't be afraid to…
Hello there, my name is Jeanne. I am a 43 year old SAHM of soon to be 7 year old ADHD/Autistic twin boys. My husband had a kidney removed in May 2009 and they found a grapefruit sized cancerous tumor inside. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Cancer in February this year and I have been looking for online support or a…
Surgery Monday 8/22
I have 1 word....Scared! I am only 45 and the Dr. found a 4cm tumor on my left kidney right next to the uretha. Not sure if he will be preforming partial or complete. I read your posts about what to expect: pain, recovery, etc. My worry is "did it spread", will I need chemo and if I am only left with 1 kidney what drastic…
Kidney Cancer Mentors, 4th Angel, Cleveland Clinic
About a year ago I signed up to be a 4th Angel Mentor which is sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic, but open to all free of charge.I received training by way of program materials as well as a 1 or 2 hour telephone session with the program director. I limited my interest as a Mentor to RCC stage 1 as that is the only area…
Radical Nephrectomy to be done 8.17.11 on my husband
My husband, 51yrs old, came into the ER 8.09.11 for severe side pain he had been having for 3 days w/o sleep or eating. They did a CT expecting to find kidney stones. Instead they found a 13cm tumor on the left kidney also blocking the renal vein. After seeing the Urologist and another set of tests (CT w/ contrast, biopsy,…
STF-62247 and STF- 31
Has anyone heart about treating kidney cancer with STF- 62247 and STF-31??
Partial Nephrectomy
I am 14 months post right partial nephrectomy & cholecystectomy and have been diagnosed with a urinoma. Also just found out that the partial kidney is dead. Recommendation from the doctor is to leave the urinoma and partial kidney as is. I have continued to have back/right side pain. Has anyone else gone thru anything like…
Post Nephrectomy Gas Pains - Any Personal Experience/Suggestions?
My mother (a very healthy and active 69 yr. old) was recently diagnosed with Stage IV kidney cancer, Grade T3A. She had a 10 cm tumor in her kidney and metastasis to her lungs, thyroid, and trachea. She recently had her main tumor removed along with her right kidney. In good time too, it seems, since the tumor had grown 12…
I'm either freezing or sweating?
Hello Everyone, I'm new here and have had a nagging problem I need help with. I had a partial left nephrectomy on July 22nd. So I am almost 3 weeks post-op. I have had a continued problem since, that is driving me crazy. Around 4 or 5 times an hour, I will within seconds, feel myself get hot and then I break out in a…
info on Chromophobe, furhman grade 2
I just got my pathology report. My tumor was 3.9 cm, overall features best resemebles Chromophobe, and was fuhrman grade 2. The pathology report indicated the fuhrman grading utility has not been firmly established for this tumor. Does anyone have any infomation on this tumor type, or if you have experience please let me…
newly dx kidney and lung both
Hello everyone, My husband just got the dx from our doctor about his lung biopsy. He has a 1.2 nodule that is cancer. I do not know the type of cancer yet. His kidney has a cancer mass also and has been dx as transitional cell carcinoma. Because of the location of the mass, 2.8 x 2.4cm, our urologist will take the whole…
HDIL2 worked for me!
I just got the results of my first CT scan after undergoing HDIL2. The mass on my chest wall was reduced dramatically. My oncologist is not sure if the little bit left is cancer or scar tissue. I have another scan in 6 weeks which will probably tell which it is. My oncologist told me that in a very small amount of people…
Cord Decompression- has anyone went through neurosurgery?
My mom has stage 4 with mets to her back. MRI from 5 weeks ago showed cord decompression. She is on steroids and went through course of 15 radiations with little relief. Not only the radiation did not relieve mom's pain, it made it even worse. Now we are in the hospital for a week trying to control mom's pain, but still…
staples out Thursday ER on Friday for Incision open
So I had my staples removed Thursday (8 days after partial nephrectomy), a whoping 17, the longest incision was about 1.5 inches. Removing the staples was painless, and quick, possibly 30 seconds. They put these thin short steri strips on and said they will probably fall off the next, daym which they did. I asked do I put…
Acor.org users?
Based on a recommendation posted here, I've been trying to view the "cancer types" links on acor.org for several weeks and I keep getting an error message saying "unable to connect to server." The rest of their links work fine. Anyone else having this problem? I have sent them four emails but they have not responded.
Struggling with the pain after nephrectomy
Hi guys I was wondering if you can steer me in the right direction. I had a radical, open nephrectomy on June 20 this year, and the tumor was a Grade 2 RCC. So, im about 5 weeks out. I cant take the pain. I still take Oxycotin at night and just paracetomol during the day. I have the most horrible pains in my back and the…
Waiting for surgery re: Kidney removal
Hi I was diagnosis wth stage 1 kidney cancer two weeks ago. I'm currently waiting for a date for the surgery. I would appreciate any advise on things to prepare for and, things to expect after surgery. Thanks in advance this is a wonderful site
Surgery July 20th, this is what I've learned so far
The 20th seems like such a far way away, and with each day I get more nervous. My 2.9 cm tumor is on my right kidney, it is exophytic, and at the bottom pole. My urologist indicated I am a good candidate for laroscopic robotic partial nephrectomy. Based on my research, and the urologist feedback, the prognosis for open…
How long do you have to wait to go on RollerCoasters?
How long should someone wait after a radical nephrectomy to go on a roller coaster?
Surgery in 6 hours
I'm going in for my surgery in about 6 hours. Not sure yet what that surgery will be, but it will, unfortunately, be an open procedure. It could be a total nephrectomy, partial, or cryoablation, depending on the tumor infiltration of the renal artery. Latest images showed we might be able to get away with a cryoablation,…
Hi guys from Brisbane Australia
Hi guys I had 2/3 of my stomach removed as a weight loss measure (sleeve gastrectomy) in August 2010. I had incredible pain in the tummy and went to the ER thinking something was wrong with my tummy on May 27, 2011. My vitals dropped very low and they put me in for the CT urgently as they believed I was bleeding…