Good news
Went to the Doctor yesterday to hear the ultrasound results. For those of you that haven't read, I had a radical open surgery Oct 29th 2009 to remove the kidney and the 18.5cm tumor. I required no treatment. Recently had an ultrasound that showed a cyst on my remaining kidney. I'm happy to report it appears to be just a…
Another one of lifes challenges
Greetings. My name is Mark. I am just starting my journey with Kidney Cancer. I have a 7 cm tumor on my left kidney. I am 48 years old and have always lived a happy, healthy life up to now. I eat healthy; I am in the gym every morning and I run almost every day at lunch. Every year I try to get in at least one triathlon…
Metal Stents
I am in remission from having colorectal cancer. Its gone. But I am having issues with my kidneys. The right one has shrunk. The left kidney is fine. Almpst over a year now been going to the dr to have stent replaced or exchanged. Everytime I would end up having a UTI. The dr wants to try a metal stent which would stay in…
low energy
I had my left kidney taken out 4 months ago because of cancer. I was out of work for 3 months. I`m back at work and I find I have very low energy. I am working full time and my job is physical too. Now I have to lay down for an hour in the middle of the day. I do realize I did have major surgery but I use to have so much…
I desparately need some advice from others who've had a nephrectomy. As a lot of you already know, my nephrectomy was done 6/2/2011. At my 2 wk. follow-up with my urologist, I was told, "see you in a year". My nodes were good, and he said I shouldn't worry, as the whole kidney was removed. My primary care doctor has been…
radical nephrectomy
my husband was recently diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma they found the tumor by accident through a cat scan. on nov 1 2011 we went in for a radical left nephrectomy the surgery went well the dr is confident that it was contained in the kidney and he got it all the dr said no futher treatment is necessary. in the days…
Questoins about possible vaccine derived from cells of extracted RCC tumor
Does anyone have info regarding what needs to be held on to, in order for possibly a future vaccine to treat RCC? I've ran across a few things, but want to find out how one goes about retaining a piece of the tumor for this potential research. I have a call in to my Urologist, but I'm being told that the hospital still may…
Inner peace
I just received this and it made me think of all of us. Inner Peace: This is so true If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, If you…
I can run today!
At the time of my diagnosis in July I was training for a half marathon. I had to stop running obviously after the surgery, but it has been four weeks as of today, and I can start running again. I'm going out right now, so excited! I think I'll finally start to feel normal again once I can run. Thanks for indulging me in…
Scared everyday
My mom was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma 9/98 at 41. She was given 4 months to live and had surgery (can't remember if they removed it completely or not) apparently at diagnosis she had lung mets (she didn't tell us this, we were 23 and 21) she also had to go to the hospital an hour away for Chemo treatments 3x a…
Looking for patients that have had successful partial open Nephrectomy on both kidneys
My husband was diagnosed out of the blue with masses on both kidneys a few months back....he had a partial open nephrectomy Aug 16, 2011 on his left kidney and is scheduled for the same on the right kidney Nov. 22, 2011...our Surgeon at Duke Hospital, NC says it is quite common to have tumors in both kidneys. He would like…
kidney trouble
Right before the first of the Year, Dec. 2010, I was told I had kidney cancer "4cm mass on right kidney" on May 5th 2011 I had 100% of My right kidney removed, thought I was doing fine, I went today to see My kidney Doc., He told Me that only 50% of My left kidney is working, My Doc didn't say much, just orderd more blood…
appetite loss... any ideas?
ok, i had underwent an open-type surgery when i was about 8 yrs old to put a clamp or something on an enlarged left kidney i had due to backed up fluids. problems happened as i got older (24 years old now) and had to have my left kidney removed 4/5 years ago due to a single kidney stone the size of my kidney. i was young…
Struggling AGAIN
I'm having a hard day today. (glad it's almost over) I think I'm feeling this way because two of my kids have asked in the last couple days when my next doc appt is. I have a follow up U/S on Nov 3rd to see if the lesion on my right kidney has changed. I usually have huge anxiety about a week before, but this is crazy!!!!…
Could we discuss recurrence's and the particular's surrounding them?
Hi Everyone, In June of this year, I was diagnosed with RCC. I had a partial left nephrectomy on July 22nd. My pathology diagnosis was: RCC Clear Cell Type Fuhrman Grade 1 Greatest Dimension was 2.2 CM. Negative for Extrarenal Extension Negative for Angiolymphatic Invasion Parenchymal Margin Negative, 0.1 CM AWAY. I was…
Renal Cell Carcenoma Outcome Calculator
On the website for the Kidney Cancer Associarion under Knowledge there is a Renal Cell Carcenoma Outcome Calculator. You plug in your information, hit the disclaimer icon and they give you the mean and median years you have left and the chance that your death will be from Cancer. I pluged in my numbers and age when I was…
Bilateral RCC
Hi all! I've been lurking for a few days and thought I'd toss my hat in the ring. I'm really impressed with how much most of you know about your cancer! Kudos! About all I can say about mine is "The craps out of me, I'm feeling good and it better not come back." I have congestive heart failure as a result of going into…
Vicodin is not my friend!!!
I just can't take it anymore! The nausea and then yesterday I started throwing up, what a setback. Even in the hospital they had to give me anti-nausea meds to go with it. No matter how much food I had on my stomach I just couldn't tolerate it. So now I'm just going to take the extra strength Tylenol. I'd rather deal with…
Back pain after surgery
It has now been almost 4 weeks since I have an open radical nephrectomy on my right kidney. The incision site is still tender and not healed up completely. My back has been bothering me quite a bit on my shoulders and all down the left side of my back because I still lean slightly towards my right side (because it still…
surgery date scheduled for Thursday morning
Well I just got the date for my surgery. It will be next Thursday the 9th of June. I will be glad to get it over with but do not look forward to the recovery time. I will be having open style surgery. I have been told that the cut can be from 6 to 14 inces long. that is a big cut of an old man. I have seen the support from…
The surgery is behind me now!
Had my surgery yesterday and they were able to do it laproscopically. They were going to release me today but I wasn't quite ready... have a 3 hour drive home so will be released tomorrow morning. Looks like everything was contained in my kidney! Thanks again for all your support and words of wisdom!
Miracles do happen
Hello everyone These past few weeks I've read so many of your wonderful stories as I have been awaiting my surgery. I was diagnosed in August with a 12.5 cm cyst on my right kidney....softball size. I had no signs like so many it was found on a CT scan looking for something else. My doctor used the divinci robot and had a…
New Kidney cancer diagnosis.....What now?
Hi: To everyone here,much continued health and happiness to you and your families. Yesterday the Kidney Doctor told me that I have a 4cm tumor on my right kidney. His exact words were its a tumor, its malignant and its cancer..... Wow.. After that I just went numb. He said he only removes the entire kidney so I have been…
T1a survalence type and frequency?
Hello everyone, I am going to be going in to see my urologist to discuss survalence type and frequency for a T1a tumor that was removed laproscopically. I wanted to get feedback on what others have been told survalence type (chest x-ray, CT, US, MRI) and frequency (first year, years 2-5, and beyond). Any information would…
6 month scan done
They did a six month scan on my wife and found a 1 inch mass where my wife's kidney use to be We are devastated at the moment. My wife was diagnosed with stage 2 chromophobe kidney cancer. It was an 8 cm mass. Her lungs were clear.
I'm new and nervous...
Hello! Wow, what a difference a week makes. Enjoyed the birth of my 3rd grandchild one week and found out I had cancer the next. Still walking around in a bit of a daze. I feel GREAT, how on earth could I have a 8cm mass and not know it!? The mass does abut and slightly efface the liver without gross invasion is what my CT…
23 Yr Old getting open radical nephrectomy - Any advice?
Hello everyone, This past summer I have discovered that I have an unclassified malignant tumour my right kidney. All of the specialists that I have seen seem to be baffled as to exactly what it is. The only thing they know is that it is malignant, but have no other information. Even the way the mass has formed is extremely…
3 month check up Q's
I have to have some blood work done later this week and see my surgeon next Friday. Maybe someone can answer a few questions for me? 1. It sounds like I'm just going in to see the surgeon for a follow up. Shouldn't this have happened before 3 months? 2. What should I expect from the check up? Reading of my lab report,…
Recurrence risks for Stage T1b RCC
I am a 46-year old woman who was diagnosed and surgically treated for stage T1b RCC in November 2008. I had my 2-year check up and all was clear (Thank God!) However, I continue to have lower quadrant pelvic pain and no one can tell me why. I've been told it's probably "muscular." Of course I can't help but think that his…
Lack of oncology & Nephrology involvement and all seem to get resolved by urologist in a 30 to 60 da
I see a pattern in most of these stories. 1. CT only identifying a MASS in the kidney 2. Not a lot of mention of Ultrasound identifying kidney mass. 3. NO discussion of kidney creatinine levels 4. NO urine cytology results 5. Referral to Cancer centers or 2nd opinions from oncology. 6. No inclusion of Nephrology in…