Robotic partial nephrectomy, I'm new
Hi everyone, I am 50 and I was just diagnosed Friday and told I have a 1.8cm mass on the lower pole of my left kidney. They are scheduling me for a partial nephrectomy by the robotic procedure. I have all kinds of emotions happening right now, I do feel lucky they found it early from a CT scan I had for another reason. Has…
First Urologist Visit
Okay, thanks to all of you here, I was prepared for the news. I have my surgery on May 14. The mass is very irregular and, according to my urologist caused kidney function to cease in that kidney a long time ago. Her opinion, at this point of course, is the surgery is likely the only treatment I'll need, with of course the…
Why is this site so slow?
Has anybody ever explained why this website is consistently so slow at loading pages? It's among the worst sites I have ever visited. I just don't believe that it's "poor code", as has been mentioned at other times when we've discussed it. The reason I don't think it is, is because the problem comes and goes. If it was…
Kidney removed after motorcycle accident
Greetings everyone, I need advice. Long story short. I have always been an active guy. Military, Spec Ops, Martial Arts, Weight Lifter. I'm a Defense Contractor in Hawaii. I had a motorcycle accident in Jan. I stood up, moved my bike out of the road then the pain hit and I laid in the road and woke up in hospital 3 days…
How to honor kidney cancer awareness month in March
I was pondering positive ways to recognize the upcoming awareness month and pulled out on old tablet to jot down some ideas. In that tablet I came across a page I had used 10 years ago when my husband was diagnosed with diffuse, systemic Scleroderma (a rare and often deadly auto-immune disease.) Then, too, I was struggling…
Bilateral Kidney Cancer
I'm hoping somone has information or insight to post nephrectomy pain. My dad had surgery Nov. 26 They removed spleen and tumor in superior vena cava, so it was a pretty big surgery 6 hours. He is still complaining of pain along incision line like a tight feeling that is driving him crazy. Does anyone know how long until…
Possible kidney cancer?
Hello, I'm looking for possible explanations and personal anecdotes since I'm freaking out My mom is 62 years old and on 2/20/13 she told me to take her to the doctor since she had visible blood in the urine for the third day in a row. For a few months she had lower back problems but the doctors ruled it as a simple sprain…
Starting Radiation tomorrow
History first, diagnosed whit RCC 21/24/12, Surgery to remove left kidney 1/10/13. Pathology 2 masses found, 1st 9x7.8x7.5cm and 1.3x1.3x1.0cm the second mass was in the fatty tissue under the kidney. The large mas shows focal sarcomatoid features, less than 1% of the mass. The smaller mass shows no sarcmatoid features.…
Informtion on kidney cancer spreading to the skin??
Well my hubs had an appointment at Duke yesterday. First he had an x-ray to see how the fluid looks with his malignant pleural effusion, well there was fluid still there so they could not take the pleurax out. He was so hoping they would take it out since he had no drainage for a week but that was a no go. He was very…
Scans and treatments
Hi All..! Me again... OK, I know we are not doctors, we are just the pin cushions... right... So, already I see a lot of different methods out there.. and I wonder why..?? This is basically for those of us with late stage RCC... Follow ups.. I WAS getting 90 day follow ups - which included CT Scan, MRI, and blood work.…
Follow Up Tomorrow!!
Hi all, I had a radical nephrectomy 6 weeks ago now and tomorrow is my follow up appointment. I know I need to know the staging of the tumor but I suppose I'm just a little frightened about what May hear. Initially they were only going to do a partial but the roots were longer than they thought so they took the whole…
New with RCC.
Hi all, I am new here as the post says. I am a 41 year old married male in otherwise decent health. Found the tumor (1.2 cm) due to a kidney stone. The stone was taken out on the 12th and a biopsy for confirmation was done on the 19th. I guess I got lucky that I had a kidney stone and found it so early. My doctor said that…
Bi-lateral kidney cancer
May 2, 2012 to be exact.... I was diagnosed with bi-lateral kidney cancer. It is very uncommon first because of my age(42 on August 23)and then both kidney's to have it. On June 4 I under went a partial nephrectomy on my right kidney, removing one tumor with two forms of cancer - the larger type called Papillary Type 2 and…
Adjuvant therapy or not?
When is it generally recommended to do an adjuvant therapy? I'm trying to prepare myself for my doctor leaving it up to me. If he recommends I do it, then I will, but I'm not sure what I should do if he says it's up to me. I'm still waiting for my biopsy results to come back, but from what I know: 8cm, clean removal from…
R.I.P Debi Austin
To one of the braveist cancer survivors who had the courage to stand in front of a camera even with her disfigurement and speak out about the dangers of smoking,you are a true heroe.
Planned CSN outage
Hello everyone, Between 3:00 and 4:00 Eastern Time this morning, CSN will be taken offline for about 2 hours. Exhaustive efforts were made to find a way to restore all private messaages. I'm not qualified to provide technical details but the bottom line is that all private messages that you sent from September 2009 forward…
My first post
I'm somewhat new here joined in December but this is my first post. My husband had a partial neph February 6, 2013 his tumor was at stage 1 size was 3.3. The mass was located on the upper part of his right kidney on the outer layer. They had to go behind his liver to remove it. My question is should we be worried because…
Hope - trouble finding it.
Hi. My Dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 RCC with mets to liver. Within a couple weeks he has suffered a stroke. I live across the country from him and so am relying on what closer family members are telling me. Unfortunately I can't see him with my own eyes. They seem to think he is doing great and will live many…
why so long off work
I am a psychotherapist and I spend my time talking to patients about anxiety and depression, phobias, ocd,etc., ironic really ha but I don't want to talk about it. I have recently been diagnosed with a 4cm tumour, small compared with many on this site, reading your blogs all will be well. My question is why my consultant…
Juicer/recipe recommendations?
I've been looking at juicers for the last week - mainly because my sister had really gotten into it and she was encouraging me and got my interest going. I considered the Vitamix, Blendtec, and Nutribullet. Because I live in a motorhome and counter space is a premium I went with the Nutribullet. I like it so far. Seems…
Clear Cell Tumor with unknown primary.
Hi, my wife had surgery one year ago to remove a tumor in her spine that turned out to be a clear cell tumor. It was completely removed and she went thru radiotherapy treatment. All the doctors thought that the tumor had metastasized from the kidney but all the test show a healthy kidney, so no primary was found. Now, one…
So glad I found this site
I was just diagnosed with RCC, clear cell in December. Had a total nephrectomy via open approach on 1/25/13. I found the site yesterday and it was so comforting reading the stories of others. I found out this week that I do not need to do IL-2 yet, but will re-scan in 8 weeks. What a relief for me and my family. I am a…
Update after MRI - Any comments or experience with kidney biopsy still welcome
Update after MRI To summarize what has gone on previous - CT found 3.4cm mass on lft kidney. 1st doc had never seen a tumor like mine before and recommended open kidney surgery, biopsy during surgery to identify, then take 1/2 or all of the kidney. 2nd doc had never seen one like my tumor either. He was highly acclaimed as…
Dr. Terry Wahls Diet
Based on suggestions here, I've ordered Keith Block's book "Life Over Cance"r, which I believe also has diet/nutritional information (I'm hoping it does). I was wondering if anyone has read Dr. Terry Wahls' books? She has a couple of books out about a nutritional program she followed that helped her dramatically with her…
what is bone agent?
I have seen mentioned using a bone agent, what is it and for what reason is it used I have checked the ACOR site and havent found it explained. does anyone have an answer. thanks in advance
One year ago today I heard those dreaded words
One year ago today I heard those words you never want to hear. I'm sorry you have cancer. That was a horrible day and it's been a horrible year for me. Just got home from getting my chest xray and labs done. I go tomorrow for my one year MRI. I'm a little nervous but not too much. I'm just feeling allot of different…
Anyone heard or have thoughts about Therasphere?
RCC Stage IV has now moved to Liver. Affinitor may have stopped working but other spots have stayed about the same size so doc still trying out Affinitor. Hopefully MDX is a possibility down the road. The Doc has my Dad signed up for Therasphere where they shoot glass beads into the liver and they attach to the liver walls…
Haveing kidney surgery dome in March 2013
hello little about me 49 male good health last Oct 2012 my GP tols me since i am almost 50 that i should have a colonoscopy all well there then Dr. did a us and found a 17 mm mass on right kidney, stated their was a 10 to 30 % chance it was cancer so he order a ct with cantrast showed soild mass, so was referred to a…
Donate your unused computer time for cancer research!
Help find a cure! I've been a member of World Community Grid for about 8 years. I've never had a problem with the software and don't even notice when it's running and it's free. The World Community Grid is a public computing grid that is run by IBM with agent software from The University of California Berkeley. There are…
2nd opinion - path report??
I'm 7+ months post-surgery/ rad-Neph, 5.0cm, grade 1, stage 1 RCC. I've had 1 CT, chest X-Ray & bloodwork done at 4 months, another scheduled for March. I never got a 2nd opinion on the pathology. Was that a mistake?