22 months cancer free
Hi all good to be back on the board. I've missed posting and reading all the post of the bueatiful people on this site. For all who don't know me I had a readical nephrectomy in April 2011 . Shortly after my other kidney failed and i was placed on dialysis. So life has been a roller coaster ride for the last two years Wow.…
CSN update
I apologize to everyone for not having communicated sooner. You have been more than patient under the circumstances. At this point, all of the content that was missing following the upgrade has been restored with the exception of private messages. There has been an ongoing investigation for several weeks that has yielded…
DaVinci Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
On Dec 18, 2002 I had a left nephrectomy..tumor was almost 8cm..totally encapsulated..I actually had the first laproscopic nephrectomy ever done at Washington Hospital Center in DC..Pain was bad for a few days but I recovered very quickly. I have been followed once a year now by my Oncologist since. I am a retired…
Payment for clinical trials
OK, here is one for those in trials, and for our beloved lawyers. Remember that I've made lots of jokes but none about lawyers. Last year when I went to Yale, I was pleading to be treated with IL-2 as I thought that was my only chance for survival. As you all know, I was offered a placement in the MDX-1106 trial if I…
Diet - Foods
HI All..! I may of missed it.. but I did not see any discussion on Cancer diets... So, we all learned eons ago to reduce red meat to reduce Cancer risk.. I have reduced my red meat by about 99%..! But what about other foods... anyone hear of the Essiac Report and the tea it suggests..?? And we all know that a salt…
Questions for oncologist renal clear cell cancer 2.4 cm Fuhrman 2
I had a partial nephrectomy for renal clear cell carcinoma, 2.4cm fuhrmann grade 2, 2/15/11. I am seeing oncologist Monday and am developing a list of questions for the appointment. I had uterine cancer surgery 10 weeks prior to kidney surgery. My health is compromised by chronic fatique and stress. My brother just died…
Anyone heard of this at Mayo Clinic? Two Drugs Help Fight Kidney, Breast Cancer
http://www.mayoclinic.org/news2012-jax/7014.html It said "romidepsin and decitabine, work cooperatively to activate a potent tumor suppressor gene that is silenced in these cancers. Once the gene, secreted frizzled related protein one or sFRP1, went to work after the drugs were used, the laboratory tumor cells stopped…
One Kidney Over-the-counter Drugs?
Since I had my kidney removed, I've been concerned about not only what to eat, but what's safe for me to take. My doc said avoid aspirin/ibuprofen, for example, and take tylenol instead. I'm getting a cold or some kind of sinus condition (which I often do). I've been wondering if my frequent usages of antihistamines and…
Kidney Cancer Patient Conference - NC
Hi, I'm new to this forum but not new to kidney cancer. Had nephrectomy (15cm tumor) in 2008 and mets to lung with thoracotomy in 2010. I'm treated at Mayo Jacksonville, FL. Is anyone attending the Kidney Cancer Association Patient Conference in Chapel Hill, NC February 23rd? I'm going and would love to meet other kc…
Options Post Surgery
Hi Everyone I am 57 years old and had been diagnosed with a herniated disk many years ago. This past summer it really started to hurt and the orthopedist sent me for an MRI. Several days later he called at 8.00PM on my cell and told me I had a large mass on my left kidney. I had surgery three weeks later. The tumor was…
This is not about cancer as such, but I found this article about aging really interesting and entertaining: http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article/old-age-and-other-laughs/
When to Remove Tumor/Mass?
This is going to sound like a strange question. I have been putting off going in for a follow up US on the complex mass on my right kidney. I postponed US because of the Holidays. Anyway, the complex mass was both solid and fluid. I don't know what that matters if any. Here are the questions: Under what circumstances…
New here, seeking help
Hi, I am hoping I can get some advices from your guys regarding my kidney problem. I am a 30-year old female. ustrasound and CT were done two weeks ago and a 3 cm solid mass found on my right kidney upper pole. Radiologist thinks RCC is unusual of my age but he could not be sure what it is. Then my specialist referred me…
Pain in my scar!
So it's been a long time since I've posted. For any who do not remember me, I had a 22 cm tumor on my Right Kidney. It's been almost a year since my surgery and for the past couple days, the top end of my scar (part that starts on my right Latissimus Dorsi) has been burning. Today, it freaking hurts bad...I can barely move…
One Year Cancer Free
Got my CT Scan report on Thursday last week. I am officially one year cancer free. Thank you God!!
Creatinine Levels
Okay... here is another question... When it comes to labwork, what should I watch for with the creatinine levels. I had blood work done in December and my creatinine level was 1.06. A few days ago I had more labwork done and the creatinine level was 1.11. The labwork inidicated that this was high, but I don't know if its…
Where does it come from?
My husband's Dad died of colon cancer and two of his brothers have battled prostate cancer with one of them still doing so. Could his RCC come from them having cancer or could it come from years of working around asbestos in the 70's or could it be in the water? We live in a small town of about 2,500, so many people in the…
bilateral RCC
My husband has been diagnosed with a 4 inch tumor on his left kidney and a 2 inch on the right. The surgeon is going to remove the left kidney and then try to remove the tumor and hopefully leave 2/3 of the right kidney. Has anyone out there had tumor on both kidneys. We would appreciate any info on this.
Clinical Trials Selection for Adjuvant Therapy
Since my tumor was discovered I haven't seen a medical oncologist. I went straight to our university urology department and saw the surgeon and he advised a radical nephrectomy. From my reading, and talking to my uncle, who is a medical oncologist, although retired about 7 years, it looked clear that it had to come out. I…
Glad I found this forum. Radical nephrectomy in 1 week - eek!
Wow, stumbled across this forum just in the nick of time. Was searching for other peoples experiences from radical laproscopic nephrectomies and found this site. Hooray! My RCC was found 12/7 and my surgery is 1/23. A little nervous right now. Anxiety goes back and forth between nervous about the pathology results and the…
Update on John's (one putt) Nivolumab / Votrient Trial
John had his 36 week scan on Wednesday, January 16. Scan basically showed stability since last scan. But the report came with an initial gasp as his nurse noted what she considered good news: “John’s liver tumor had decreased in size.” That wasn’t particularly well received as John didn’t know he had a liver tumor. After…
Serious injuries from the Da Vinci Surgical System(ROBOTIC)
Serious injuries from the Da Vinci Surgical System(ROBOTIC) Posted January 29, 2013 by Georjean Parrish -Mayo Arizona SEPTIC SHOCK SURVIVOR in Uncategorized. Leave a Comment | Edit Serious patient injuries follow the use of a robotic assistant, called the Da Vinci Surgical System, for hysterectomy and prostate removal.…
Everolimus (afinitor) Adjuvant Therapy Trial
So I'm leaning towards doing this study. I've signed the paperwork and have appointments next week to do all the preliminary labs and another CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis. They are also doing a bone scan because I have one spot on my right femur that they aren't sure what it is. I feel better after the most…
"Votrient people"- How long will we take Votrient?
I guess Votrient is relatively new, but do we know these things yet?-- How long have you been taking Votrient? Have any of us achieved NED and stopped taking it? Is the intention to move us to NED? Is it supposed to make us stable and we can eventually stop? Is it just supposed to make us stable and we stay on it at a…
Legal recourse
John, iceman, others of my legal brethren on your side of the Pond:- What recourse could there be in your jurisdiction against the kind of louse who has made almost 600 postings since arriving on CSN this morning for the first time under the moniker "shanghai" ? I've already flagged numerous of these posts, but obviously…
Something I have been wondering...Why so many fictitious/anonymous names used?
This is something that has been very puzzeling to me. Most all discussion on Facebook groups and other sites people always use their real names. WHY does everyone in the CANCER SURVIVOR NETWORK USE fictitious/anonymous Names. I created my account with my real name and will stand behind anything I post, I am not ashamed for…
Lung nodules found
Well, I hate to break the streak of NEDs we've been getting lately, but my CT scan from yesterday was not good. I have 2 nodules in my right lung. I had the scans yesterday but the computer system wasn't working properly and my doctor did not get the radiology reports. He did have the scans and thought they looked good…
Something new
Okay so my mom started chemotherapy TORISEL* tuesday 1/15/13. She has to get infused every week. She started having nose bleeds. any advice?
Are vitamin supplements beneficial
My husband is about to start Sutent -- would it be beneficial to be on vitamins or a supplement.
Newbie question
Hi, I just discovered this board and it seems like you have a supportive and knowlegable group here. A 2cm mass was discovered on my right kidney incidentally during a CT of my abdomen for appendicitis in December of 2012. I had another ct with and without contrast in January to get a better idea of what this mass was. The…