Odd Question, but . . .
Since my diagnosis with a mass in my right kidneyon February 27th, I have experienced no overt symptoms of any kind, until, about a week ago I started noting intermittent, very low grade, pain in my right kidney. It is only momentary accompanied by a very brief feeling of nausea. My question is, did/does anyone else, at…
BP. Sitting verses Standing
This is something Texas-Wedge and I talked about a month ago. Why my Nephrologist had me taking my blood pressure setting and then standing. Your BP drops when you stand up because of the blood rushing to your feet when you stand. Your pulse will quicken at the same time to try to compensate for the BP dropping. What our…
Horse Shoes and Hand Grenades N.E.D
Sorry T for starting a new thread but i waited a year and a half to say this.First a little background on myself,my name is Mike and i live in the Chicago area i am 51 years of age with an average level of intelect so my contributions to this board have not been to impressive but i love everyone here none the less.My…
Question - Acetylcysteine
Fellow members, I have my 2nd CT w contrast next week at the 8 month point and the 1st scan they used Acetylcysteine (liquid - 1 gram every 8 hours ) to protect my remaining kidney. Worked great, no side effects. This time there is none available, anywhere, and the radiologist has prescribed an alternative [ Theophylline…
Chuck's Appointment Today
We are waiting to see if a slot opens up in the Trial they are trying to get Chuck in.. they are pretty sure he qualifies at this point...We go back next Thursday for Labs and to go over any questions we have about the information they gave us today(A book) but if something happens and one does not or he does not qualify…
I feel good today, I will feel good tomorrow...gonna have fun
I am 49 and have an agressive form of RCC: a Clear cell with sarcotimoid features; at my first post nephrectomy scan, they found a solitary met on my lung; same pathology. Next scans are in april. If I believe the statistics I am screwed. But I feel good today, I should feel good tomorrow. In six months, I do not know. So,…
I have a big bulge on my side since my kidney removal
I had my right kidney removed in 2010. I have a softball sized bulge on my right side. The doctor said it's because he cut through nerves to remove my kidney. I feel like I look horrible. I can only wear clothes that are loose fitting because of it and we won't even talk about bathing suits. Has anyone else had this…
RCC and now possible Breast Cancer
I am 3.5 years RCC- clear cell survivor. My mammogram screening was abnormal and I am undergoing further investigation for a possilbe breast cancer. Anyone have prior RCC with another form of cancer later?
Follow up scan results- some questions and looking for input
I just had my 1 yr follow up CT. My path report 1 yr ago was: 5.5 cm T1b Clear cell carcinoma Grade 2 No nodes tested no mets determined at the time I was not referred to an oncologist and have not seen one to date. Prior to my nephrectomy last Feb., an abdominal/pelvic CT noted a cluster of mesenteric lymph nodes that…
One year post surgery follow-up
Hi everyone, Well, this week is my one-year anniversary of beating the beast. My surgery was last March 16 where they removed a Stage 2, 7.5 x 6.5 x 4.5 tumor on my right kidney. It was completely encapsulated so in general I am a happy camper. Last week I registered for a 50 mile bicycle ride in May. A year ago, I'm not…
Anyone familiar with the VA and RCC?
Hi all! I posted for the first time about a week ago. That was right after my Primary Care Physician told me about a mass 3.7 X 4.7 X 4.0 cm on my right kidney! He immediately requested a consult with Urology and I have been terrifically persistent pushing my own case for a rapid appointment. It is at 1:00 today. Thats all…
Sutent & High Blood Pressure
My partner was diagnosed with RCC in November 2012. Unfortunately it had spread and there was a small nodule in the lung and a patch on the pelvic bone. Luckily though the main tumour was operable so on 7 December he had a radical nephrectomy and his left kidney was removed via keyhole. In January he was started on Sutent…
Radiation Questions explained
A couple weeks ago I posted a question about why I was to receive so many doses of radiation in one treatment session when we had been told the surgery had gotten it all. Today my radiation oncologist gave me a good explanation. What she is doing is covering a large area, where my kidney used to be, but at the same time…
Anyone had a kidney tumor biopsy?
3 cm mass on left kidney (See previous "freak out" post) - 1st opinion was open kidney surgery, identify the tumor, take 1/2 or all the kidney dependent on tumor type. 2nd opinion is drastically different, but from a highly regarded doctor that has a lot of experience with kidney tumors. He thinks it's benign, most similar…
New here with so many unanswered questions
Hello- I am new to this sort of thing. My husband woke up on June 4 and had to be rushed to the ER. He was given an ultrasound that showed a mass on his right kidney. After more testing, it was determined he would need to have the kidney removed. On the day of the surgery I recieved a phone call from the rehab center my…
Possible RCC with upcoming surgery
Hello, I am a 40 year old woman who is new to this site and I sincerely appreciate any feedback. In 2010 I had an abdominal ultrasound, as a requirement for the Lap Band procedure (later decided against the surgery). 3 months after the procedure, I received a letter stating that they found a suspicious mass on my left…
Kidney, Thyroid, bone lesion...
Hi all - I'm 0 for three on CT scans! My first one found the large tumor in my left kidney which resulted in a removal of the kidney and a large 14.5cm tumor (RCC - Chromophobic). My first 6 month scan post surgery found nodules on my thyroid (unrelated) which resulted in the removal of my thyroid. My latest - one year…
Anyone tried inhaled IL-2
Have anyone tried/heard of inhaled IL-2? It is much better tolerated and I read two articals as below. Has anyone's oncologist recommended this treatment? I think it seems better for elder people who cannot tolerate systemic IL-2.. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/505610…
Disagreement with Dr over staging
When I had my tumor out, the Path report said T1b, grade four (Sarcomitoid). I saw the Dr westerday for followup. He Still refers to is as stage 1, even tough there was a distant metastisis (to the lung). This does not need right to me. I asked, and he said, that even though the met may have been present at the surgery,…
Update after Chucks 4 week scans(HD IL2 treatment)
Recap... Chuck has Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma with Rhabdoid features(They removed his right Kidney in July).. that matastisized to his Liver and Lungs.. the lungs were just assumed to be cancer no Biopsy was done on them...In November they scanned him and found the Liver Tumor and did a biopsy... In Jan he started HD IL2…
I'm a little concerned about the radiation dosage of frequent CT scans. Does anyone use MRI instead of CT scans for followup? Why would a CT scan be preferred? Is it better at seeing mets?
RCC STAGE 4, Sorry I have not posted for awhile, I and my wife have been enjoying every day together,I just finished my second round of sutant and pet scan showed hot spots on my #2 rib and my two spots in my rt upper loab of my lung have grown 3.5more mm's to 10 mm's each,it has also for some strange reason moved into the…
Radical nephrectomy
Hello, everyone. This is my first post here. I am from the UK. I had a radical right nephrectomy over a week ago to remove a Kidney carcinoma. It was a large tumour, but the surgeon got it all out laproscopically. Waiting for the histology results to know how malignant it was and what might happen next. Surgeon said there…
New to Forum
Hello, I am new to this forum. I am 71 years old and was just diagnosed with cancer on both kidneys and on my pancreas. I had my dye scan on 1/31/13 and that confirmed the areas that are affected with cancer. On 2/7/13 I had a biopsy to confirm the type of cancer that I had. After seeing a urologist on 2/20/13 he referred…
OK, this is why we do this.
This post is primarily for newer members and lurkers. Those in despair and scared to death. Desparate for hope. I'll humor veteran members and will even use "L,s". I had been running, weight training, golfing and motorcycle riding for years. My joke was that I was going to be in the best shape of my life when I died. I was…
New member -1 year scan approaches
This is my first posting on any message board for RCC. I've read discussions on this board off and on since my radical nephrectomy last Feb. but finally just got the courage to signup and join in the discussion. My tumor (5.5 cm, clear cell, grade2) was also found incidentally during an ultrasound ordered by my doc after a…
Hurry up and wait
I know that RCC is supposed to be slow growing and that the one that I have is very small at 1.2cm. Still, the doctor is considering the biopsy as nondiagnostic since it came back as normal kidney cells and the biopsy team was having such a hard time getting to it. So, now I get to wait another 2.5 weeks before I can get…
Shaving My Head Today for St. Baldricks
Hello, friends. After a lot of thought and flip flopping, I've decided to shave my head in support of the St. Baldrick's Foundation, a charity dedicated to funding childhood cancer research. I'll be geting shaved tonight! This was a difficult decision. As many of you know, I was diagnosed in April 2012 with S4/G4 mRCC. I…
Pathology report
Final pathologic report says clear cell RCC, TNM Stage pT2a, Nx Mx, Furman Grade 3, surgical margins negative, sarcomatoid features absent, no lymphovascular invasion and no renal capsular invasion. Size: 7.6 x 6.8 x 4.9 cm, weight: 196 grams. They did not remove any lymph nodes for study in pathology - I guess because it…
All clear?
New to kidney cancer, 3 months ago had surgery and at follow up appointment given the all clear. My family doctor was updating my records and sent me all the info from my surgery. The pathology report was one of them. In it I found that Tumor extention into pelvicaliceal system was suspected and lymphovasular invasion was…