Hi All, It's quite a while since I've visited here. My kidney cancer follow ups have all been NED so far so that's great after 4 years. For the past year I've had recurring troubles with kidney stones which is starting to get annoying. They are uric acid stones so may be preventable. Two weeks ago I had a prostate biopsy…
Greetings - New to the Group
Hello, fellow travelers. I am a 58-yr old woman w/ a 59-yr old husband with Stage IV Renal Cell cancer - metastasized to the lungs. I am very grateful to have found you all and I hope to achieve some sense of perspective by reading your experiences and sharing ours, as well. DH was diagnosed as Stage 3 in August 2020, six…
Desk job. Time off after a laparoscopic nephrectomy?
Hi! I'm new here, and newly diagnosed. I have a 5 cm tumor on my left kidney (expected to be RCC), on the side toward my stomach. It is contained within the kidney. They're planning a full nephrectomy, though I'll have more details after I talk to the surgeon on Monday. I'm 49 and overweight with high bp, but no other…
Good Morning all, I had my ureteroscopy and Biopsy on 2/11/2021 and 5 days later I am still in a lot of pain. They have left a stent in, could this be why? Has anyone here had this procedure done and if so, what was your experience with it. Trying to figure out if this is normal for this procedure. Thank you in advance for…
I was never the same
4:00 o'clock in the morning and I'm up with pain on the side I had surgery on it it's been over a year now doctor says my kidney is fine he said it was a long surgery I just wonder if this pain will ever go away I'm tired of being up at 4:00 in the morning once I'm up and walk around for awhile the pain goes away but by…
Active Surveilance Follow-ups with Doc or Assistant (PA orNP)
Hi, Im helping my mother deal with her small renal mass under Active Surveilance. Her Doctor, a kidney oncologist/surgeon, is having his PA meet with us for all follow ups. We asked to meet with the doctor but were rebuffed by the secretary saying it was his policy to have the PA do the follow-ups. Seems somewhat calous to…
Hi! New to the Group. *update*
Hello everyone! I am new to the group. I am a 41y female and was told Friday of the new diagnosis of Kidney Cancer After the CT scan confirmed that they found a @2.5 inches (almost 6 cm) complex cyst on my right kidney located on my mid to lower pole. I was told that the mass was necrotic in the center and the lymph nodes…
Had my 1year scans today
Had my scans today was Ned yay
Question to ask
i had my scans he said I was Ned but then he said there was a small spot on my kidney he believes it's scar tissues and not to worry but of course I worry I question him about it he said kidney looks fine and blood work looks great I don't know what to do
My annual scans (2 1/2 years post-surgery)
Scanxiety comes at me in such strange ways. I didn't feel scared or nervous about this year's scans, but worry definitely crept back into my head. Last week I had a restless night where all I dreamt all night about non-stop doctor's visits and medical procedures. ALL NIGHT. This week I went in for my scans. My MRI went…
Never too late to see Onc.
Went to an Oncologist today. Referred by GP because of odd bloodwork not related to RCC in 2002 and Prostate Cabcer in 2019. Looks like I am good to go. Still 2 years before I hit 80. icemantoo
low back pain post nephrectomy, not before
Hello everyone, I'm new to this board. Have been reading for awhile , but this is my 1st post. I'm a stage 2 grade 3 chromophobe with 10% necrotic and sarcomatoid features. Margins and lymph nodes were clear. Mass discovered 2/10/17 after hematuria led to a pelvic scan. The same scan revealed multilevel degenerative disc…
Renal Cell Carcinoma
How long does it take to recover from a radical nephrectomy (left kidney removed) ? I have a 12 inch scar and my stomach is still numb 7 mths later! I often have inflammation internally. I was just wondering if this is normal 7 mths after surgery?
I'm petrified
I am petrified to go and get my left kidney removed. I have seen 3 surgeons so far. Surgeon #1 --- Insisted that the kidney must be removed. "No partial". Not much explanation. Surgeon #2 --- Said that she could do a partial with "No problem". She decided not to reveal to me how many years or procedures that she has done…
Almost 15 years ago...
I got that bad news phrase, "the US found a mass in your kidney......and one or two in your liver." First you cry, then you look for resources, then you pull up your big girl panties and decide to fight it to live. Just had my Onc. nurse visit. After my eGFR took a brief dip into Stage 4 CKD, it has come back up. I've been…
A summit about immunotherapy and radiation therapy in RCC
SUMMIT FOR CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY For those who is interested about the novel combination approaches for solid tumours: leveraging checkpoint inhibition and radiation therapy in renal cell carcinoma. Wednesday, April 14, 2021 | 2:30 – 4:00 pm EDT https://www.kidneycancercanada.ca/news/summit-for-cancer-immunotherapy/ Happy…
CT Scan coming up
on Tuesday, follow up dr. Appt on Thursday. This us to check and see if the spot on my pancreas has grown at all. Thanks in advance for your goid wishes and prayers!
I just "graduated" to a cancer survivorship program!
As a quick reminder, when I had baseline scans right after my diagnosis back in 2016, they found a spot on my thyroid. Turns out I had another primary--papillary thyroid cancer, which led to a full thyroidectomy a month after my kidney surgery. Today I had my 5 year US of my neck and met with my doctor to review bloodwork…
Well, I've been woefully absent for a long, long time. But I cannot let St. Patrick's Day come and go without wishing you all a hearty "Sláinte!" - to you health! That's what we all wish, pray, think about - our and our loved ones health and that of our companions on this journey. Thanks and admiration to those of you who…
Recently Diagnosed
I am new to this site and to cancer. I have urothehal carcinoma of the right kidney and it must be removed. Still in shock, scare, uncertain of the future. Would appreciate any tips, thoughts, encouragement. Thank you. Pat
One year
The first of April will be my one year scan why is it when scans get close you start feeling all these pains then after scans they all go away
5 yrs ned. Follow up questions
I have a question for you guys. I just had my 5-year check up and I was Ned! The oncologist I was seeing said I'm done and no longer need any follow-up scans or ultrasounds. Today I went to the urologist who did my surgery and he said I'm cancer-free. I'm a little worried about not having any more follow-up scans or…
Ten Year Check In
It's been too long since my last post, three years or so. Still checking boxes on metastasis types, but quality of life is good. Can't say enough about the essential medical field workers who take care of us all. Have been meaning to update the CSN group and check on others, as CSN was such a big part of helping me get my…
!8 And 1/2 years NED today
Doctors said a long time ago, I will die of something else. icemantoo
I got shot
Went to downtown West Palm Beach last Tuesday and got shot in the right arm by a fireman. Second dose is February 9. icemantoo
Don’t come by much
but, I’m always thinking about you guys. I’m still good. Everyone but me got a COVID for Christmas. Apparently, cancer has made me immune. Always a plus I guess. This will be my 5th year, scan in June. Getting ready for hopefully, Relay in May.Just coming by and reading. Love you guys.
Coffee induced kidney sensation
ok. Rarely a coffee drinker but every once in a while I have a cup. Just had one and quickly after could “feel” my left kidney (the one with the mass). It didn’t hurt but it made me sit up and take notice. It lasted for about 4 or 5 min and then is slowly dissipating. I’ve felt my kidneys randomly here and there since…
Molecular imaging for kidney tumors tells benign/malignant
Hello all, in my researching my condition I found that UCLA and Johns Hopkins have something called a Sestamibi SPECT scan which can tell with greater accuracy if a renal mass is benign vs, malignant. There aren't many hospitals that have this technology but it's coming along in the future. Just wanted to pass on that UCLA…
new member from the nederlands
hello everyone myname is martin 47 yaer old end i live in the nederlands . left kindney removerd two monds ago tumor stage 3a aggressivenes2 no metastases . in the nederland there is little information about kidney cancer so i hope to find a lot of infermation here . i write my tekst with google translate . in the…
Here we go again Scan Year 3
Hi alll.. This will be my scan # 5 in 3 years...I went to annual scans and I am feeling better with almost no scanxiety.... Hopefully I can bring some goods news to this forum....little nervous but manageable ......