Back To Work
When did you guys find that you were able to return to work? I am 14 weeks post treatment with a clear PET and CT scan - Yay! My energy is good, but if I have a couple of days of "normal" activity I end up in bed for the day recovering. I am walking 30 minutes a day and doing yoga twice a week but if I do an 8 hour day it…
Recently Diagnosed
Hi everyone!!! yesterday I was diagnosed with squamous carcinoma... back of the tongue. I had no symptoms except a swollen gland on the side of my neck. this was about 2cm. I only had this for about two weeks.. They said the primary tumor site is most likely at that right tongue base at about 2.5 cm. They said it appears…
Anyone have Ensure issues?
This is my 2nd try to post so if the other shows up, I will delete one. I had been feeling good but trying to gain some muscle back, so in addition to my 3 qts of milk per week I added 4-5 Ensure (original or high pro) to my diet. I know Ensure has 25%/bottle of daily b12 requirement but I am thinking the synthetic…
Taking my first chemo dose tomorrow- Cisplatin+Gemcitabine. Worried about few things please comment.
Hi all I hope all of you are doing well. I was recently diagnosed with right tonsil cancer with right side neck level II lymph nodes involved and HPV+. Stage details include T2N2M0; which is Stage II as per the new guidelines on HPV+ oropharyngeal cancers, and Stage IVA as per old standards. My doctor has suggested the…
Bronchial spasms
Has anyone suffered bronchial spasms after treatment? We did 3 cisplatiin and 40 rads. Went through and ended with bronchial spasms and now need nebulizer. Bf has trach and peg tube we're working to get removed in the next few months and have a machine for misting air and a machine for suctionung and now thus. Hoping it…
Radiation Fear
I have SCC large tumor in the throat. Scheduled for rad and chemo treatments beginning of April. I'm just terribly scared of being in machine with mask getting radiation. I'm usually upbeat positive person but this whole ordeal just causing me intense fear and anxiety. Wondering if anyone else feeling this way. Got through…
Phlem phlem and yucky taste!
Hi All... Here I am 4weeks out of radiation for mandible cancer ! I am so grateful to be over with it , if I could eat I would go out and have a nice dinner to celebrate but as a lot of you have experienced during and after radiation , food has lost its great appeal so celebrating that way has no thrill four me. Here is my…
lymphoma & hpv+carcinoma at same time?
The bad news is that unfortunately, my ENT was correct. I do indeed have tonsil cancer. The good news is that it is the hpv type, so more treatable. However, oddly, they also found lymphoma-type cells in the lymph node which they are all confused about. Having both at the same time is not usual apparently. Honestly, I'm…
Many neck cancer issues still
post radiation 7 months and still no taste,saliva and dry mouth. Walk with a limp. Ears blocked with thumping sounds. Trying some solid foods but gag. Thank God for peg tube for two cal liquid. Can this continue forever? Any experiences to share?
Recovery after treatment with trach and g-tube
Does anyone have, or had a trach through treatment. We are completing on 3/19 and I want to be proactive on what to do to help him get trach and tube removed. We obviously need to wait for rad swelling before we can get accurate swallow test 4/27 and ENT scope 5/24...but i want to help him do anything he can to help him…
Headaches after Oral cancer treatment
Hi, My brother has been treated for oral cancer using surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. He has had a rough time of it for sure. His treatments ended about six months ago, but he is experiencing headaches that do not seem to respond to drugs or anything else. Is there any wisdom from members on how to help him manage…
PET Scan Frustration
Hi Everyone, I've only posted a few times. My husband was dx with BOT HPV+ SCC, Stage 3 in September 2017. Finished 35 rads and 6 cisplatin on 4 Dec. PET was 7 Mar. Met with Medical oncologist on 8 Mar and she said it all looks good. However, they just put the CT results in our online medical records and there is something…
Tongue Flap
My father in law was diagnosed with Head/Neck cancer on December 1. We finally got in to see the oral surgeon on January 9 with 1st surgery on January 25. It was a very long surgery and they could not use the bone in his leg or shoulder to replace the bone in his jaw line, so they had to go with a metal plate. Here we are…
Radiation after surgery- tongue cancer
Hi everyone, My mom was diagnosed with T2N1MZ tongue cancer on 29 janauary! It's been 5 weeks since surgery and she seems to heal well. radiation starts tomorrow. Could you please help me with what you expect ? Doctors say the only side effect would be ulcers. However, the internet says a different story all together.…
Cancer spread to lymph nodes in armpit
Anyone experienced this?
Advice needed for pain during recovery
My husband completed his treatment (35 radiation and 6/7 Cetuximab) for SSC BOT HPV+ on November 21. At week 8 of his recovery he started experiencing sensitivity in his skin on his upper body, including the top of his head. He does not have a rash or anything visible. He’s really tired and cold. He was doing great with…
12 months since starting treatment
Today I celebrated 12 months since I started treatment. As my daughter said today "A year ago, Dad, you had cancer... Now you don't." God willing, she is right and although I've had ups and downs, not once do I regret not having chemo and radiation, or the rotten after effects that seemed to linger on and on. Last week I…
So you go to bed with the best intentions for a new day tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and you lay in bed trying to decide if you really feel like getting up or rolling over and after rolling over you get out of bed at 1:00 and face that day full of promise only to realize that you feel like the same slug you did yesterday.…
Radionecrossis of C1
I got the results back from my CT and I have radionecrossis of the C1 vertebrae. My ENT says there is a break in the front, away from the spinal cord and there is probably some infection around it. He seems to be a little bit of a loss of what to do. I am going to see a neurologist, but I think I'm going to my ENT that…
Ideas for food to eat? (
So here I am 7 months post treatment and still no taste. Still only pure salt pure sugar and strangely cranberries. (Literally the only thing that tastes normal) I am honestly losing hope that I will ever get my taste back. It is very depressing. Anyhow, I'm about to get my throat dilated for the 2nd time and it should…
Wife trying to understand husband on Cisplatin and Rad
Hello. My husband started his treatment of Cisplatin and Radiation about a week ago. His chemo is a 4 hour long infusion, every 3 weeks. He had his first round of chemo on the 5th. They told us about the nausea but they didn't really emphasize on the importance of taking them around the clock. He couldn't get a hold of the…
10 weeks post and still can’t eat
It has Been ten weeks since treatments were Completed Larynx T3.Still a lot of bloody mucus and what I call tree bark(scabs) still can’t eat.was just wondering when anybody startrd to eat.Doctor says totally normal but I wonder
Port for Chemo
Just got back from the doctors. When they do chemo they want to install a port in my chest. Is this really necessary, I've never had chemo but what other ways is it administered?? WE are also trying a different chemo, I cant use the regular one cisplatun = hearing loss, I already have poor hearing, The other Erbitux that…
My husband was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma base of the tongue. It was found when we noticed lymph nodes on each side of his neck contained lumps. After having the PET scan the areas of concern were the tonsils and base of tongue. A tonsillectomy was performed in Dec. 2017 which revealed no cancer in the tonsils.…
Thyroid Function
Just a reminder to all those that are in the early recovery phase to watch for signs of thyroid malfunction. My husband is less than a year out from the end of treatment. At his Cancer Center the protocol is to test thyroid and do chest films 5 months from now unless you have symptoms. He did not feel he was symptomatic…
Just found Throat Cancer(supraglottis)with spread to the neck.
Hi! I am a 59 year old male! I noticed a small mass on the right side of my neck on December 27th 2017 and this mass grew to golf ball size or bigger by january 10th. I saw my regular doctor on Feb 5th 2018 and from there the monster in me was discoverd. The ultra sound showed the mass to be cancer and my doctor and the…
Throat Cancer
Hello All: Looking for some help. My husband 74 diagnosed stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma three years ago. 40 radiation treatments and chem recurrence in March of 2017. Radical tonsilectomy and neck dissection. Healed now but oh my goodness trouble all over the place. Easting becomes more and more of a challenge and dry…
Tonsil cancer.
This is what we have been told "Cancer is contained to his right tonsil (yay!) but he will need surgery (probably week after next), then 3ish weeks to heal, then 7 weeks of radiation and chemo. His type of cancer has an 85-90% cure rate though!" "Basically what they said matters most is that he didn’t get it from smoking,…
Pet Scan
I somehow mistakingly posted my long problem under the heading "Pet scan was good except for one thing". by Dean54. Would everyone please read my story and give me some advice?
ROLL CALL 2017 5th Updated August 11, 2017 All H&N members are welcome! Roll Call is dedicated to the memory of HAWVET (JOHNNY) who’s curiosity to know and to share a little bit about members of the Head and Neck Form inspired him to start and run this thread (2008 thru 2014). Thank You. First off, please feel free to…