Pain after radiation to jaw
Hi everyone! I had a mandeblectomy in November for SCC off the mandible and am just into week 3 after rads. My jaw hurt slightly before but now I have a new pain next to the tooth next to the surgery area. It is a low throb then at times becomes a sharp pain for several minutes then goes back to a throb. Also have slight…
Cost of CT Scans & using 3rd party service providers
In this forum we don't seem to discuss the cost of head and neck cancer treatment very often, but it can certainly be a major aspect of the entire diagnosis, treatment and recovery process. I've been self-employed for about 16-years, so I have to maintain my own health insurance. Because I've always been in very good…
Pet Scan
I had a PET scan yesterday and never heard from the doctor. Tomorrow is Biopsy day. IF something else showed up would not they have called? I just look at my report and it says pending until 2/25. Just wonder what the norm is for this. My CT scan doctor called me withing an hour of when it was done, to let me know the bad…
Laryngeal cancer
Hello everyone, my dad has laryngeal cancer and he just started radiation and chemo. About a month ago he started having headaches and one day his lymph nodes swoll up very badly. Now he has extreme headaches. The doctor prescribed him morphine and another doctor prescribed him hycet. Neither seems to get rid of the pain…
were you tired before diagnosis?
Hello, All: I was just told that I have some kind of cancer but we don't know what kind yet. I have a swollen lymph node in my neck so had bloodwork, a CT scan, and an ultrasound. The bloodwork came back normal (so no infections) but the CT scan showed a mass in my tonsil as well as the lymph node being dark inside, which…
oropharyngeal with neck met - any treatment options once non curative no longer option?
Hi all, Is anyone on here in same situation of no active treatment? I am a caregiver to my dear mother who is the most important person in my life. No curative treatment has been offered here in Ireland. We are 1yr post diagnosis which at that stage was stage 3TN SCC oropharyngeal with met to the neck node right side.…
Sinus Cancer
I have been dealing with Esthesioneuroblastoma aka Olfactory Neuroblastoma for the past couple years. I have had three surgeries to remove tumors. I am considering radiation therapy will be in the left maxillary area of my face. I would be interested in hearing from others who have undergone just sinus radiation--not…
Anyone get a compression garment? I have one, I put it on at night, and in the morning, I look to see where it ended up on the floor... Another one was ordered, insurance say its an experimental thing and wont cover it - funny its listed next to penile implants..
Fever after radiation
We just finished our 3rd week of rad and 1st chemo was first dy 3 weeks ago, ready for 2nd on MOnday. The past couple of days he has spiked a high temp of 101.7, 100.9 and 100.7. They brought him in as outpatient, ran a ton of blood work and a chest scan to see if anything in there...the white count was just a little low…
Post tongue biopsy x 6 days new ulcer over incision!
Hello members, this is my first post, so please bear with me! I have not been diagnosed with a form of cancer at this point, thank you. However, I was sent to an oral surgeon by my dentist about a year ago because I was having these sores on my tongue that weren't going away first I just had one and I went in for a consult…
Dental work pre radiation
Recently diagnosed with HPV base of tongue cancer (Stage 1, I think). Rad Onc at Moffitt Cancer Center told me to see DDS before beginning treatment. Oral health poor, knew I needed extractions prior to cancer. I would like to have dental work prior to beginning radiation (33-35),no chemo, now Rad Onc says just to schedule…
Swallowing and eating after radiation
Hi everyone, My fiance was diagnosed with head and neck cancer in June. He started chemotherapy and radiation treatment in July. We're in our early twenties and this has been a scary journey for both of us. Everyone we have talked to who have gone through this said chemotherapy is the worst but unfortunately that has not…
Extreme negativity
So were beginning week 5 of sn 8 week treatment if 3 Cisplation and 40 rads. My bf had such a large tumor before detection on 12/15 that it blocked airway fir breathing and swalliwing so he had emergency trach and feeding tube. He had just started new job so not eligible for STD or FMLA, so im soke breadwinner. I have set…
Bell's Palsy symptoms after surgery, biopsy
Hello all - Has anyone had Bell's Palsy symptoms after any surgery or biopsy? I had a biopsy done a few wks ago and I believe swelling or other? may have caused the symptoms that I am experiencing - numbness on the one side - mouth, chewing, spitting, eyelid won't close on own, very sore, dry eyes. Gave me 10 days…
PEG tube question
Planning on having my PEG tube removed in a few weeks. How long does it take for the stoma to close up? Can food leak out of the unhealed stomach hole before it heals? I am diabetic and slow to heal so a little scary to me.
Enlarge lymph nodes
I completed radio and chemotheraphy in Jan 2014 due to NPC (T1N2M0). My oncology doctor asked me to do MRI scan for head and neck in last Oct because of mild numbness at my left facial. The scan was clear. However, I found one small enlarge lymph nodes (~ 5 mm dia) above adam's apple/midline of hyoid bond 2 weeks ago. The…
Two week post treatment encouragement
I hope this encourages some of you that are just getting diagnosed, started with treatment, or in the midst. My husband is two weeks post treatment for SCC tonsil, HPV+ Stage IV cancer. He had a neck dissection and tonsillectomy followed by seven weeks of radiation and seven Cisplatin treatments. He is in his early…
16 yr old son going through tx for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Hi. My 16yr old son is going through tx for NPC, He is finishing up his 3rd round of 5day chemo tx (Cisplatin and 5FU). After this, he will start a combination of radiation and chemo. Can anyone here relate? Want to know what kind of side effects we will be facing. Thanks
taking a long time
6 months post radiation for neck tumor. Still no saliva,no taste and dry mouth. Getting 2 cal protein feedings in my peg tube 4 per day. Trying to eat some solids but food causes nausea. Chemo has caused a painful gait when trying to walk. Any encouragement from others with same situation? I am patient but there is a…
Skin rash 4 years out
Hi. I'm about 4 years out and have been having a recurring rash for 3.5 years.. I finally figured out what it is from help from friends. Eosiniphilic folicullits..any one else?
Submandibular swelling after surgery
Hi all - first post here, I'm a 50-year-old dad who was diagnosed with base of tongue cancer last year, had laser surgery and a neck dissection, luckily it had only spread to one lymph node (and then just barely). I just finished my third week of follow-up radiaiton therapy; three weeks to go. I wondered if anyone else who…
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma or anything close??
Hi Everyone My Name is Karissa i was 13 years old when i was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and now i am 18 i have been cancer free for almost five years (five years will be 1/19 i think)i have been feeling angry because of all cancer took form me and i was just wondering if any1 else out there felt like this or…
Tongue Question
noticed something new about my tongue in the last couple of days and thought I’d run it by you folks and see if anyone has experienced something similar. i am ten months out of treatment for base of tongue SCC, 35 rads and 6 Cisplatin treatments. Lately my tongue has what looks like tiny little cuts or bloodied scrapes on…
Who has had reccurence on vocal cords?
Hey everyone, I've been doing some reading online (credible medical sources!) but I know it's better to hear from you all. In June I had a biopsy of growths on my vocal cords and at the time the doctor also used the laser to remove some of the growths on the one side. Once it came back that it was cancerous (early stage),…
Lung Nodules on PET Scan
I have been reading these blogs since I was diagnosed with NPC stage III (t3N2) in Feb. But this is the first time I am posting on this forum. Your stories have greatly helped me cope with the stress and harshness of the treatment. So I want to thank each one of you for sharing your experience. I finished all the…
Seeking Info on Sinus Area Radiation only--not including neck radiation
Has anyone undergone IMRT radiation therapy specifically in the sinus areas where your radiation therapy did not include the neck? I am considering IMRT therapy for my Esthesioneuroblastoma situation in left maxillary sinus area. I am hoping to hear how your experience went with short and long term side effects. Did you…
Happy to join the clear PET scan parade!
My husband was diagnosed with SSC BOT HPV+ stage 4 last summer. He started treatment (35 radiation & 6 Cetuximab) on October 4 & finished on November 21. On Wednesday his PET scan came back clear!!! Now we’re focusing on getting over the lymphedema that appeared on Monday. Thanks to everyone for your wise advice and kind…
Text Results and Pain - Not sure best direction
Hello - I hope someone has some idea. Currently, I have carcinoid with lymph node and liver mets diagnosed in 2009 -- very very slow progression on the last FDopa in 2016. The last two years on and off my lower jaw hurts terrible and usually comes with night sweats, underarm pain, naseau, but it goes away. I had a regular…
PET SCAN is C L E A R!!! Cancer went BYE BYE!
Hi! Just wanted to update y'all and let you know that my husband's cancer went BYE-BYE! Clean PET Scan this past Monday (13 weeks post treatment)!!! For those that don't know, he was diagnosed in September 2017 with HPV+ Base of Tongue SCC. Stage IV T2N2M0. His only symptom of a problem was a swollen lymph node in his neck…
Conflicting Information
Hello all. I'm glad to be here. As you can see from my moniker, I am the support person for one facing SCC, which was discovered when calling attention to a swollen lymph node at his long overdue yearly checkup on 5/5. I find myself highly suspicious as he faces the decision as to which treatment to choose because of…