ekdennie update!
I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on how I am doing. I saw my ENT and prostodontist last week and will see my radiation oncologist next week. no sign of regrowth! I am still having some trouble with finding foods I can eat, mostly due to my mouthpiece, but it has been fun seeing what I can swallow, what I can…
Cisplatin secondary cancer risk
Hi, I read (after my oncologist appointment) that there is a rare risk of developing a secondary cancer years later with Cisplatin use. My medical oncologist seemed rather adamant that I go the Cisplatin route. I have a second primary cancer (nasopharyngeal) after a first encounter with colorectal cancer in 2008 and I'm…
How old is Cancer
Just wondering about how old Cancer is, has it always been there and if so there sure looks to be more cancer now than ever. I was reading an article that was saying that Egyptian mummies have been found with breast tumors, and the earliest writings (from about 1600 BC) mentions "there is no treatment" for it. Then I read…
A knock on the window pane
Have you ever had such a moment. I'm sitting here in the basement and I hear a tapping on my living room window. I go investigate. Standing there smiling from ear to ear is the old gentleman who works for the medical company that delivered my jevity cases two years ago. He's checking on me 2 years post treatment and…
cancer unknown primary
anyone else out there?
pet scans
This seems like a busy week for pet scans. Hondo, I think that yours was an hour ago. Best wishes with your results! Prayers for all of you getting scans this week! Robinleigh
Severe pain
Buzz finished treatment January 10, 2011 for Stage IV base of tongue cancer. He had chemo and radiation. Now he is having intermittent severe pain in the left side of his neck (both sides were radiated but the left more so). It hurts from the top of his head to his collar bone. We have a referral for physical therapy which…
I expected him to look worse
What on earth is that supposed to mean? All of our friends who havn't seen Vaughn in a while all say the same thing ...I expected him to look worse. I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not. I think he looks great so I get a little annoyed.I'm not sure if people just don't know what to say or what. Has anyone else…
How long have you survived with a recurrence
Would this be a helpful discussion to start?
hello from Ray week 4 ended
Nice to log on and see you all helping where you can or should that be were you can.
My wife was going to start a trial for a mouthwash during her second round of chemo. The doctor has been examining her and determined she is not a good candidate because her mouth is moist and does not look like it is developing sores. It hurts at times and may get worse later. Oh well back to the salt water rinse for her.…
*** Indian Rocks Beach Florida ~ Skiffin & GreenD ***
My wife, Shelley and I had the pleasure of meeting up with Denny & Denise this Labor Day 2011... Great company and awesome lunch at Keegan's Grille, Indian Rocks Beach Florida.... Skiffin16 & GreenD..... Keegan's Grill ~ IRB, Florida Too bad the rest of you didn't show up for the invite....I talked crap about most of you,…
Has anyone heard of photopenia? If so, what the heck is it?
Nephew's Update
Hi all: Am back home now. Thanks so much for all the prayers and please keep them coming. Brian is still unconscious. They placed a monitor in his brain to determine if any swelling was happening. The bleeding on the brain has stopped. They operated today on his right leg and were very pleased with how it went. Our prayer…
Excess Mucus = No Sleep
My husband is 2 rads from finishing treatment. He cannot get any real amount of sleep due to excess mucus coughing fits. Has anyone had any luck in finding a solution to this problem? Thanks in advance! Tammy
Easy to Swallow Recipes
Can someone direct me on where I can get receipes for easy to swallow meals? I tried the HNC Superthread but received an error for that page.
Hospital Food
Dear board readers. Note to myself was to get extra food for my wife. Let her eat foods she will like in the hospital. The food may look ok but it's not enough for a person who's hungry and can't afford to lose weight. I should have planned my drives to Stanford with time to pick up Good food for her to eat. She lost…
Chief daddy Mike Son up-date 9-4-11
Just to let everyone know Mikes Son is really doing well, His Liver is in the normal range and he continues to take his chemo with no further problems. He is still in the hospital and they are now starting to do physical therapy on him, and the good part they are letting Mike help him as an instructor. Please continue to…
treatment for scc tonsil and lymph node
hi everyone my dad was diagnosed on August 8, 2011 with scc left tonsil primary into lymp node HPV+ we started treatment August 22, 2011 with one round of 76 mg cisplatin and IMRT raditation. September 2 was the 8th radiation treatment. Chemo was scheduled for Aug. 30 but was cancelled because the kidney function was not…
Rad Qs for SCC mobile tongue 4 no node no HPV
What questions should be asked of the radiologist before radiation treatments begin? Three weeks ago had most of tongue reconstructed with forearm muscle. Tumor over 4 cm, 84 lymphnodes removed all testing negative. Had first occurrence two years ago, simple procedure to remove tumor, did not remove all. HPV test was…
Raised lump inside middle of tongue
In Aug. 2008 my significant other of 12 yrs went for his regular 6 month dental checkup; it was there that a lump inside the middle of his tongue was discovered (he never knew it was there). He saw an ENT dr the next wk and after examining it, the dr said he was sure it wasn't cancer because of the way it presented itself…
Evoxac approved
My insurance Co.Called this morning and have approved the Evoxac for producing saliva I have been taking Salagen for 3 mounts and it has not helped. I hope this does. I know Hondo said he had tried both but neither helped him has anyone else took Evoxac with any luck it is a new drug if anyone else has any information let…
One year anniversary
Just got home after having cocktails with my ENT who found my cancer one year ago today! He is quite the treat, kind but very direct. About 10 years younger than me. During our anniversary celebration tonight he let it slip that a year ago he thought I was a goner with how huge my mass was...I found the hair on my arms…
awesome news
Not really a discussion point but I am excited and I have to tell someone : ) My husband finished radiation just over a week ago...and tonight he came to me and told me he could taste his soup! Tomato and garlic with basil : )
Urgent Prayer Request
Hi all: Need all the prayers we can offer up. My nephew Brian, (my brother Richard's son; Richard is the brother that passed away 8 weeks after Charlie last year). He was hit by a car in Chatt. last night and is in the Trauma Unit in Chatt. He has had his spleen removed, surgery to relieve bleeding on the brain and a rod…
recently diagnosed completed 8 weeks or radiation
I was recently diagnose with adeniod cystic carcenoma as my doctor said he has seen nothing this bad of this cancer it had invaded my orbit broke through my cheek bone covered my forehead and was moving up towards my brain.i completed my 8 weeks of radiation oh about almost 4 months ago and the lumps in my cheek and face…
please pray for my family
I just found out tonight there is a chance my grandma has breast cancer. I am so stressed out. I have been caring for my husband who has oral cancer and now this!! I just lost my Dad in 09 to brain cancer. I don't know how much more I can take!! I need prayer like it's peoples job!
Return of my tumor
Only two months past a clear PET and an MRI shows the return of the tumor and it is even more aggressive. It is paralyzingly the left side of my head and neck. Doctors given me a few weeks to months. Declining surgery since it has invaded my brain case and brain stem. I'm now on erbetrex chemo for palliative care.…
Picc line error
At Stanford and it's almost 3am. We got here at 11:30pm. Wife noticed red mark near picc line bandaid and they are doing culture tests to make sure its not infected. Note: She was just here at 4pm pst to have the dressing changed. She showed it to the nurse who changed the dressing and she said it could be an allergic…