He just finished rads 2 weeks ago and I am getting sick.
My husband is just out of radiation and I am getting sick. I think I am coming down with a cold. Anw ideas on how to keep him from getting sick?
Eating Ability
Before I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer I was the kind of fellow that made the management of the all you can eat buffets nervous. Now, 13 weeks post treatment, I can east solid foods again without assistance from meds like Mary's Magic. As a matter of fact, I stopped taking all pain meds about a week ago (was taking…
Feeding tube questions
Hi, I know many people have been extolling the life saving virtues of the feeding tubes. But I generally like to view both sides of coin and also think it will help anyone no matter if they decided to get one or not. If you had a feeding tube, could you please answer these questions? 1. What type of feeding tube did you…
What do ya think?
Well mom had erbitux only to treat her recurred(they really did not get it all the first time last year) paranasal cancer. Last year she had surgery and radiation, but doctor said she did not need chemo. Chemo tends not to be very effective with this cancer, but who really knows because its so rare. 2,000 cases a year.…
A Physician's Story
This was on the Op-Ed page of the New York Times yesterday, September 2, with the title "When Doctors Become Patients". The author is Eric D. Manheimer,the medical director of Bellevue Medical Center and three years ago he noticed a lump on his neck. And even though I've already seen this movie, I had to keep reading.…
Sore Mouth and Throat Relief - Any Suggestions?
My dad (77 years old) was diagnosed with base of the tongue cancer, stage 2 squamous and has started radiation - 9 treatments done, 26 to go. The back of his throat and his lips are getting sore - does anyone have any suggestions? I have been reading all the wonderful postings on the discussion board to warn him about many…
Survivor Builds 'Cancer-Fighting' House
Very interesting story, http://health.msn.com/health-topics/cancer/survivor-builds-cancer-fighting-house?gt1=31036 Hondo
oh oh camouflage disappearing
Beard and moustache falling out there goes the hiding matter for my ugly moosh
1/2 way through Treatment!
Hi everyone, Just thought I'd post an update on my husband's progress. Tomorrow he will have completed 4 weeks of his 7 week course of tx. He is doing pretty good. Yesterday was the 2nd chemo, and his Oncologist decided to give him Carboplatin instead of the Cisplatin he had the first time, due to the ringing in his right…
I have appealed my insurance refusing to pay for Evoxac for salava I don't think I will win but I am trying they said it's not approved by the FDA I find that hard to belive. I think to day has been the worse day for dry mouth I live in central Alabama and it is very hot and dry the grass is brown from all the hot dry…
Hints on Accessorising Naso Gastric tube
dress requirements for Naso-Gastric tube one dress shirt or 1 western shirt or both Have discovered you can make a bow tie for dress shirt or a loo alike string tie for western shirt thus enabling ones self to go out and socialise LOL Ask tube installer to leave a little extra length then you get the plain tie option this…
Another feeding tube
Well I finally agreed to my wife and doctors advise and I am going to have a feeding tube put in again. I have been out of treatment for 6 months and have not been able to gain weight. Started this whole mess nearly two years ago at 290 and now 141. I really hope I can gain some weight and get some muscle mass back as well…
So where does this cancer usually metastasize? It's not bone because I can't find anyone herevwith bone mets. Robinleigh
Why am I not feeling better yet
I have Base of Tongue cancer and have been out of 7 weeks of radiation and weekly chemo treatments for almost six weeks now. My tongue and mouth are still covered with sores and my throat stills hurts immensely. The mucous/phlegm continues and still cant sleep more than 1-2 hours at a time without awakening to clear my…
When does it get better
Steve is 4 months post treatment from tonsil cancer, he is still sleeping alot and he says he still does not feel good. I know it takes some longer and some less time to feel better, but does anyone remember when you did start feeling the new nomal and was able to enjoy life again. Linda
My latest news
Last week on the 2nd of August, I had surgery. I decided to go along with Mayo's plan, and opted to leave the surgery decisions with them...The previous surgeon was opting for a mandibulotomy with neck resection, removing my left tonsil and soft palate where it was necessary...Mayo's team decided that they could do it all…
Never ending horror-arterial ruptures due ro radiation damage
I never saw this one coming.Might as well add it to the endless list of life threatening side effects.We are now 4 1/2 mos postX. Five days ago Daryl woke up coughing up blood. Buckets of it.By the time the ambulance reached Emergency he had lost 2/3 of his blood and had gone into shock.The hospital to which they took him…
Second time around
Second time around and this first week has not gone well. Monday did ok at the cancer center, techs. were surprised to see me. Got so sick in the afternoon and evening, couldn't even keep in a few ice chips, no Amifostone on Tuesday. Spent the day drinking water (with L-Glutimine) and eating what I could. Wed. tried the…
Just updating....
Hi Everybody...I'm just updating my status so some of the "old timers" will know what I've been up to lately. As most of you "oldies" may remember I was treated for NSCLC in left lung and Laryngeal cancer in 2009. Everything went into remission and I've been able to enjoy life...until February 2011 when the CT scan showed…
More Waiting
We thought we would have the gene sequencing from my lung biopsy today, but that is now due on Friday. We found out that the lung masses are definitely cancer,but we won't know if it is the same cancer that invaded my parotid gland until Friday. So, I have cancer in three parts of my body and as of right now, there is no…
im back .. with a different parent
Hello to my other family. I still continue to lurk on my iphone ( sweet i dont know how you do it) Moms doing really well (tonsil)... struggling with fatigue and still cannot taste. Anyway, dad just called me to tell me a biopsy on his face was positive for SCC! i didnt even know he was going for a biopsy! His…
Monday, Monday
I just got the call. Cooking (oops! radiation) begins Monday. A little bit lower than last time, hopefully not so many problems with the mouth but who knows with the throat. I will have the Amifostone as long as I can handle it (4 weeks last time). Prayers and well wishes are appreciated.
Very Special Day Today
This has nothing to do with C but something I would like to share will all my friend. Today is my 37th anniversary, my wife and I got hooked on each other back in 1974 and they said it would not last, little did they know. The last 9 years have been very trying for both of us in dealing with my C but if it has done…
Hi everyone. I'm newly diagnosed cancer in my right tonsil, and lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. PET and CT as well as scopes indicate that it has not spread. I see the Hematologist and Radiation folks at Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday. A nutritionist friend recommended Glutamine powder in water to help my throat.…
Constipation - Need home remedies
My husband got the stomach peg put in Tuesday. Wednesday he weighed 164 lbs. Today he weighs 161. He said he doesn't want to eat because he's so constipated. They were going to wait for him to start using the stomach peg and now they say he has to start using it. Does anyone have any good home remedies for constipation. He…
My wifes Stage IV Nasopharyngeal Cancer
My wife had fluid backup in her ear and the first general doctor had her use antibiotics. It didn't help. Gave her a second dose and it didn't help. He sent her to an Ear doctor who put a drain tube and insisted she get checked for nasopharyngeal cancer. She refused based on crap reviews on yelp.7 months later we went back…
Back Home
Hi all: Just checking in and reporting I'm back home. I returned Sunday afternoon. It was a good trip. Charlie's family and I observed his 1 year anniversary quietly. The "boys" were overjoyed that Mama is back!I'm spending Labor Day in Chatt. with best friend and family at their campsite so should be fun as always. I did…
into week 3 radiation
and as of 4 days ago right side of mouth feels like its one big open sore and throat everytime i swallow feels like both sides are peeling the skin off each other ouch I got a big BooBoo LOL see trying to laugh
Nasopharyngeal Cancer - EBV or HPV
hi, my girlfriend was told she has Nasopharyngeal cancer and we are just waiting for the biopsy result before starting treatment. Does the result from pathologist tell if the cancer is EBV or HPV positive? or does the result just to confirm weather it is cancer or not?
Shock and Awe!
Hi Friends! I went today and was in the "Donut" for an hour, awaiting the biopsy needle. Well, they remove me from the table, after flipping me around like a cod fish, and told me the Dr. needs to talk to me. Okay. I get up, and the Dr.comes in, and says he cannot find anything to biopsy. What!!? He compared all the scans…