How old is Cancer

Just wondering what do you think is cancer that old?
Well, I figure if cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells, and it is a malignant growth or tumor resulting from division of cells, then it probably has been around for as long as living breathing animals and men have been around.0 -
I feel the success rate is much better these days (than 40 years ago)...especially concerning radiation.
The IMRT and other more technical and very precise targeting, I believe is much better and less destructive to surrounding good tissue and cells.
It's unfortunate to contract cancer, but to me, if you do, I think that now is probably the best time ever in history as far as treatment and recovery.
JG0 -
The whole thing sucks. MaybeSkiffin16 said:Technology
I feel the success rate is much better these days (than 40 years ago)...especially concerning radiation.
The IMRT and other more technical and very precise targeting, I believe is much better and less destructive to surrounding good tissue and cells.
It's unfortunate to contract cancer, but to me, if you do, I think that now is probably the best time ever in history as far as treatment and recovery.
The whole thing sucks. Maybe I'm just bitter right now, but I think that after all these years the treatment should be MUCH more effective for all types of cancer. I just don't think they're trying hard enough because its a billion dollar industry. Look at the progress they've made with AIDS and heart disease. Look at how quickly they controlled the swine flu. I know its a complicated disease, but after 50 or 60 years. Come On! Also, how come these doctors never hardly mention known cancer causing foods and try to get the patient eating better (which may play an important role) and physical therapy to strenthen immune system. That's part of the treatment wouldn't you think. They do that with heart disease. After all for 1 ct scan or MRI the cost is in the thousands. Money! Also, no one seems concerned that they are poisoning our food with pesticides and steroids, and poisoning our air. Why aren't the oncologists screaming about that.
Sorry for my Sunday rant everyone. God Bless.0 -
Has Been
Has been around for ever, the difference I believe is internet. For example back in Jan. 96 we did not have internet at my house nor a computer. The people I knew who had one could not find out much if anything on SCC for the head and neck area. Now there are newer radiation machines, newer scan machines, knowledge of side effects, support groups both locally and knowledge of along with wonderful support groups like this one on the internet.
So with internet we hear more instantly and from far away, we also hear more that are surviving. Information and knowledge is not instant. In my minds eye since 96 we have gone from dinosaur to Startrek and beaming us all up.0 -
HPV Relationship Alsofisrpotpe said:Has Been
Has been around for ever, the difference I believe is internet. For example back in Jan. 96 we did not have internet at my house nor a computer. The people I knew who had one could not find out much if anything on SCC for the head and neck area. Now there are newer radiation machines, newer scan machines, knowledge of side effects, support groups both locally and knowledge of along with wonderful support groups like this one on the internet.
So with internet we hear more instantly and from far away, we also hear more that are surviving. Information and knowledge is not instant. In my minds eye since 96 we have gone from dinosaur to Startrek and beaming us all up.
HPV has been thrown into the mix as of late also....
I'm sure it probably has also been in the mix for several years, but is just now being tied to especially head & nick cancers.
Also I think it's relatively new on the scene compared to cancer in general or even the other diseases mentioned.
JG0 -
Cancer has been here a long
Cancer has been here a long long time. My great grandmother had a masectomy and died of breast cancer and I'm no spring chicken. I agree that communication technology is partly resonsible for the awareness of its existance but also the stigma of cancer is no longer there. I remember my short stint as an insurance sales person in the 70's, I was not a sales person I soon discovered. Cancer was a dirty word back then snd admitting you might get cancer was like coming out of the closet. The actual percentage of the population contracting cancer has increased since WWII according to sudies. Also as Tesa said, nutrition and physical conditioning to prevent and cure cancer are ignored. It is easier, and more profitable, to invent artificial liquids to feed the patient than to assign a nutricianist and physical therapist to educate and guide the patient through treatment and side effects. Every illness and disease has a chemical doctors can use to treat the symtoms (most eventually end up causing law suits which help the lawyers and courts pockets) but few have the knowledge to prescribe and teach lifestyle changes other than preprinted handouts that no one follows because it goes far beyond a list of do and do not eat.
I'll step down off my soap box now. Thanks for letting me vent.
Debbie0 -
The best time in recorded history.Skiffin16 said:HPV Relationship Also
HPV has been thrown into the mix as of late also....
I'm sure it probably has also been in the mix for several years, but is just now being tied to especially head & nick cancers.
Also I think it's relatively new on the scene compared to cancer in general or even the other diseases mentioned.
I do think that they are trying hard and trying to develop a cure. After all these researchers have loved ones that have suffered at the hands of cancer, as has everyone. I believe they are trying to find a cure, and I do not believe there is any conspiracy or desire to squelch that from happening.
I think there have been strides in research, and that researchers understand more than they did years ago. That gene therapy and stem cell research, and strides in understanding the other possible causes of cancer move us closer to a cure.
For some reason all this talk of technology, and scientists and research has made me think of Aurthur C. Clarke's Three Laws:
1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I agree with John, as bad as treatment might be now, it's far better than just a few years ago. At least I didn't have to have my face tattooed, had the option of a peg tube, had capable doctors close by, the Internet for info, etc. This is the best time, years ago would have been way worse. My ordeal and cancer could have been way worse.0 -
Life Stylejim and i said:Cancer has been here a long
Cancer has been here a long long time. My great grandmother had a masectomy and died of breast cancer and I'm no spring chicken. I agree that communication technology is partly resonsible for the awareness of its existance but also the stigma of cancer is no longer there. I remember my short stint as an insurance sales person in the 70's, I was not a sales person I soon discovered. Cancer was a dirty word back then snd admitting you might get cancer was like coming out of the closet. The actual percentage of the population contracting cancer has increased since WWII according to sudies. Also as Tesa said, nutrition and physical conditioning to prevent and cure cancer are ignored. It is easier, and more profitable, to invent artificial liquids to feed the patient than to assign a nutricianist and physical therapist to educate and guide the patient through treatment and side effects. Every illness and disease has a chemical doctors can use to treat the symtoms (most eventually end up causing law suits which help the lawyers and courts pockets) but few have the knowledge to prescribe and teach lifestyle changes other than preprinted handouts that no one follows because it goes far beyond a list of do and do not eat.
I'll step down off my soap box now. Thanks for letting me vent.
I think life style awareness has been going on since I was a kid....40+ years ago....People just chose not to do it or take as much interest in it until something in their life changes to cause that, usually an illness, either theirs or a loved ones.
How long have tobacco and smoking awarness programs been going on now. The dangers of smoking, being a big one...pretty much that same time frame..40+ years.
Eating healthy, more exercise, less sedimentary lifestyles....
It just doesn't hit home until it happens to you or those close to you.
I also don't buy into a conspiracy to suppress technology or treatment. Yes, medicine in general is a money making business. But curable/preventable treatments, more so than now, would generate just as much money...
At least in my opinion...
JG0 -
About a year and a half
Like Sweet said, it’s probably old as cellular division. IMHP, no conspiracy, just as no conspiracy needed to keep us eating McDonald’s or watching too much TV. We are better off than we used to be, but, our medical course is fixed, and that is a problem. As suggested, sedentary lifestyles, etc., could be factors, but cancer was here long before fast food and the Western lifestyle. Someone recently suggested a book I read a synopsis of; it was the “King of Diseases” or something to that effect. I don’t know. I think it’s the natural downside of the development of complex organisms, a recurring accident. With no good reason, I think there is a cure, some way to stop the wayward cellular path. Until then, I wish us all the minimum of problems from the disease and the cure. It’s older than Hondo’s dog, and that dog is at least a zillion.
Hal0 -
Earl detectionSkiffin16 said:Technology
I feel the success rate is much better these days (than 40 years ago)...especially concerning radiation.
The IMRT and other more technical and very precise targeting, I believe is much better and less destructive to surrounding good tissue and cells.
It's unfortunate to contract cancer, but to me, if you do, I think that now is probably the best time ever in history as far as treatment and recovery.
I believe we have better ways of detecting the cancer earl in order to treatment it sooner and so we have people surviving longer. The PET scan can see although the body/ CT and MRI can also detect earl signs of cancer in the deep tissue and bone. I agree that I would rather be treated today then 40 years ago.
Hondo0 -
Internetfisrpotpe said:Has Been
Has been around for ever, the difference I believe is internet. For example back in Jan. 96 we did not have internet at my house nor a computer. The people I knew who had one could not find out much if anything on SCC for the head and neck area. Now there are newer radiation machines, newer scan machines, knowledge of side effects, support groups both locally and knowledge of along with wonderful support groups like this one on the internet.
So with internet we hear more instantly and from far away, we also hear more that are surviving. Information and knowledge is not instant. In my minds eye since 96 we have gone from dinosaur to Startrek and beaming us all up.
Good point, we have better ways of knowing about cancer, treatment types and ways to find this age old monster that been killing us for thousands of years.
Hondo0 -
Give it to meSkiffin16 said:Life Style
I think life style awareness has been going on since I was a kid....40+ years ago....People just chose not to do it or take as much interest in it until something in their life changes to cause that, usually an illness, either theirs or a loved ones.
How long have tobacco and smoking awarness programs been going on now. The dangers of smoking, being a big one...pretty much that same time frame..40+ years.
Eating healthy, more exercise, less sedimentary lifestyles....
It just doesn't hit home until it happens to you or those close to you.
I also don't buy into a conspiracy to suppress technology or treatment. Yes, medicine in general is a money making business. But curable/preventable treatments, more so than now, would generate just as much money...
At least in my opinion...
There was a woman who sued Mc Donald’s because her children were overweight. When you look at the picture she feed them there three times a day, no joke if you eat Mc Donald’s three times a day you will get fat, (hum maybe I need to eat there as I can’t gain weight). Smoking is another my Mother was dying of Cancer and would not give up her smokes, all she would say they are just another nail in my coffin, oh but how I love them. Diet does play a big part in being healthy and too much of anything is just not good for us.
Hondo0 -
Hi Karenbuzz99 said:Old cancer
I think cancer has been around for eons. We are seeing more of it now because people are living longer and not dying from other causes which killed people years ago. It has been said that if you live long enough you will get cancer. Karen
I agree part of live is dying, from the time we are born we start to die, kind of a paradox. A lot of my family live to be in there 90th, my Dad just died at 86 a few years ago. His Mother was 94, and a lot of my uncles and aunts were all in the 90th we never knew why they died no one ever told us, we assumed they just got too old.
Hondo0 -
G’day HalHal61 said:About a year and a half
Like Sweet said, it’s probably old as cellular division. IMHP, no conspiracy, just as no conspiracy needed to keep us eating McDonald’s or watching too much TV. We are better off than we used to be, but, our medical course is fixed, and that is a problem. As suggested, sedentary lifestyles, etc., could be factors, but cancer was here long before fast food and the Western lifestyle. Someone recently suggested a book I read a synopsis of; it was the “King of Diseases” or something to that effect. I don’t know. I think it’s the natural downside of the development of complex organisms, a recurring accident. With no good reason, I think there is a cure, some way to stop the wayward cellular path. Until then, I wish us all the minimum of problems from the disease and the cure. It’s older than Hondo’s dog, and that dog is at least a zillion.
My other dog was a Black-Lab I have her for 14 years she was like one of my kids to me. Every day when I came home from work she was the only one who welcome me no matter what mood I was in. One of her milk glands got swollen one day and so I took her to the vet and sure enough she had C. The doc operated on her she lived another 9 months and the hardest thing I ever did in life was to put her to sleep. I said I will never have another dog, yes right my daughter dropped off her Pit-Bull on me 7 years ago, now she is my baby. What a face you just got to love, she is 10 years old.
Wishing you well
Hondo0 -
McdonaldsHondo said:Give it to me
There was a woman who sued Mc Donald’s because her children were overweight. When you look at the picture she feed them there three times a day, no joke if you eat Mc Donald’s three times a day you will get fat, (hum maybe I need to eat there as I can’t gain weight). Smoking is another my Mother was dying of Cancer and would not give up her smokes, all she would say they are just another nail in my coffin, oh but how I love them. Diet does play a big part in being healthy and too much of anything is just not good for us.
For the record, worked at as a McDs GM. I was there for 7.5 years. I ate there 2-3x a day. I wasn't ever heavy, and I have pretty much only been 'fat' only in all the right places. I have never been over a size 10. I have never been obese. It also depends on what you choose to eat, and how many calories you burn. I would mostly eat eggs in the morning, like an egg mcmuffin or scrambled eggs. They are just eggs on a muffin, same as you would eat at home. For lunch a parfait. Dinner was a rotation of grilled chicken, double cheese, filet, fruit and walnut, and crispy chicken salads. Drinks milk, OJ, hot tea, and ice coffee.
I didn't eat a supersized meal with a ss soda every day. One of the girls in the office went on weight watchers and lost 40 pounds eating McDs every day, another lost 135 pounds! So, you can make better choices there, and not every one gains weight there.
Having saud that, I haven't eaten McDs since I left in march of 2006. Lol0 -
a space odysseysweetblood22 said:The best time in recorded history.
I do think that they are trying hard and trying to develop a cure. After all these researchers have loved ones that have suffered at the hands of cancer, as has everyone. I believe they are trying to find a cure, and I do not believe there is any conspiracy or desire to squelch that from happening.
I think there have been strides in research, and that researchers understand more than they did years ago. That gene therapy and stem cell research, and strides in understanding the other possible causes of cancer move us closer to a cure.
For some reason all this talk of technology, and scientists and research has made me think of Aurthur C. Clarke's Three Laws:
1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
I agree with John, as bad as treatment might be now, it's far better than just a few years ago. At least I didn't have to have my face tattooed, had the option of a peg tube, had capable doctors close by, the Internet for info, etc. This is the best time, years ago would have been way worse. My ordeal and cancer could have been way worse.
Really enjoyed the post! Mr. Clarke was, himself, a magician of sorts, wasn't he?
Take care,
Joe0 -
hmmmmsweetblood22 said:Mcdonalds
For the record, worked at as a McDs GM. I was there for 7.5 years. I ate there 2-3x a day. I wasn't ever heavy, and I have pretty much only been 'fat' only in all the right places. I have never been over a size 10. I have never been obese. It also depends on what you choose to eat, and how many calories you burn. I would mostly eat eggs in the morning, like an egg mcmuffin or scrambled eggs. They are just eggs on a muffin, same as you would eat at home. For lunch a parfait. Dinner was a rotation of grilled chicken, double cheese, filet, fruit and walnut, and crispy chicken salads. Drinks milk, OJ, hot tea, and ice coffee.
I didn't eat a supersized meal with a ss soda every day. One of the girls in the office went on weight watchers and lost 40 pounds eating McDs every day, another lost 135 pounds! So, you can make better choices there, and not every one gains weight there.
Having saud that, I haven't eaten McDs since I left in march of 2006. Lol
It is so refreshing to hear from folks that are not just 'yes men' for the current cause (or because they want people to like them?).
Skiffen has it right when he suggests it is a matter of choices, and you reiterate that in a splendid way.
Take care,
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