Are there SCC's who has chosen no radiation following resection of hard palate or submandibular or other parts of the head, neck, mouth etc.w/good results? Should it always be done? Ramifications if you choose only to have the cancer removed? Dotty
nose bleed
have any of ya'll gotten a nosebleed after treatment? i finshed treatment last year and cetuximab recently. This morning I had a real severe nosebleed in the nostril on the side of face that had the cancer last year , blood everywhere. My nose has been real stuffed on that side lately , but I didn't think I was blowing it…
Amifostine - Eythol
I was looking for some other information and came across this on Amifostine... Amifostine - Eythol It still has me a little ticked from a comment that someone made awhile back that related to their MD as stating that Amifostine was outdated and ancient in the cancer treatment arena.... While almost three years (when I had…
Started Chemo Today and scared
Well, this morning I started my chemo treatments. This is in pill form, so I am alone at home and it to took me a while to even build up the nerve to take the pills. I think the pills are a good thing/bad thing. I was expecting to have infusions and to be around caring nurses and professionals to keep an eye on me for…
PET Part 1 & 2 (No NED but not bad)
Well the PET scan is over now comes the waiting game, tic toc, tic toc, tic toc, so goes the clock, been there many of times and amny more to go in life. lol Hondo
producing a little more saliva
I think I am producing a little more saliva not during the day but by night it don’t feel like it use to but anything helps I have been taking Exoxac for two weeks I still have a hard time with bread. I have got the overactive bladder under control Still need the stoppers 4 or Biotin during the day I still have problems…
cancer spreading through tissues?
Has anyone had chemo, radiation, got a clean ct scan and it came back twice? Husband had two neck surgerys. Surgeon said it was in the tissues...started out scc with 1 tonsil that spread to neck and was around 9cm conglomerate with tumor being 4 or 5 involving couple of nodes. Now we are playing the waiting game while his…
Need advice on my mom post treatment
My mom was diagnosed in April 11 with a very large BOT cancer that had spread to her tonsil and neck lymph nodes. It was HPV positive. She had 35 radiation treatments with 3 simultaneous doses of cisplatin. She lost around 25 lbs during treatment (which she didn't need to). We also lost my father during her treatment to…
**** I Have Been Deported~ After the Fact & Updated****
OK, tomorrow is finally the day...I've had this port in my chest since January 2009. I was supposed to get it out around March of this year, but at that time my surgeon only did it at the surgey center and putting me out. As I hadn't met my total out of pocket at that time, I decided to wait. Now that I've had the PET and…
See Doc today guess i ask for some real serious drugs Advice??
Serious meds.Mouth is one big blister so is throat and of course swallowing in my sleep wakes me up. Seem to want to sleep all the time wife says stop work it is physical I am in the building trade and 59 no forget the age she says I am 25 mentally hehe. got two weeks of cooking left and then it apparently goes on. Seen if…
Nephew Update
Hi all: Here's the latest on my nephew Brian. He opened his eyes last night! My sister-in-law was so excited. I talked to her last night. He looked right at them when they were talking to him and he tried to talk when his son Justin, was there before he left for college. Now, we are awaiting results from blood and lung…
No ear tubes for me today! Flash flooding. ***posting a couple pix****
Well, I am still dealing with clogged ears. It's been almost exactly two months. What a PITA. Anyway.... I saw the doctor (probably resident) who was working with the doctor today. He could see the fluid in my ears still and he can back with the main dr dude and we chatted. I told him about my history and concerns. He…
Is it neuropathy or something else?
Im a stage iv survivor who had SCC on the base of the tongue and the secondary site in the lymph nodes. I had 35 radiation sessions and three chemotherapy doses of cisplatin over seven weeks. My pet scan is clear and my oncologist and radiologist are telling me I am cancer free. That's the good news! The bad news is that I…
Should we get Neck Ultrasounds??
Anyone having any routine neck ultrasounds to check for blockages, vessel weakness, aliens? There have been a few threads about carotid rupture that has me thinking..... Stacey
Herpes to Fight H&N Cancers??
Sorry - forgot how to include links It's at http://ht.ly/1eCi5c Docs using bacteria from dirt, scorpions and the virus that causes herpes to fight cancer. From the article: "Not to leave viruses out of the mix, doctors based at the Institute of Cancer Research in London report that they have used a genetically engineered…
Wierd taste in mouth
This may sound a little gross so I hope this is not uncommon but here goes. I am almost two months post treatment and for the last 2-3 weeks I have been getting a weird taste in my mouth when I urinate. I cant even describe the taste. Has anybody experienced this? I would hate to think something is going awry in my…
Finally, A Plan
I just met with my chemo onc and he has a battle plan for me now. Briefly, I started with a parotid cancer and it spread to my lungs and lower back. I had a lung biopsy which confirmed it to be the same type of cancer that started in my parotid. My doc sent the sample to a lab which did gene sequencing to pick the best…
Creatinine Level High - Does this go away?
My husband is 3 weeks out from rads and chemo (32 rads and 3 cisplatin)for stage II laryngeal cancer of the epiglottis. He was doing pretty good but getting daily IV fluids to help his hydration and keep the mucus a little under control. He was still not eating much due to the sore mouth and the mucus gagging him (no PEG)…
HPV test ????
After my boys ragged me on fathers after I mentioned what had been said on here about HPV. I am wondering was it a standard test your Onco ran for you or what ?
pro's and con's of a T.E.P
I had a Laryngetomy in oct 2010 and a T.E.P implant on May 2011, I cannot seem to get it to work for me and everyone tells me to just keep trying. I've had it replaced 3 times because of leakage to my lungs.I use the HME Cassette ( heat and moisture exchanger) Only good thing about that is it helps to keep the stoma clean.…
Another Update
Hi all: Thanks again for all the prayers and continued prayers. My nephew is still in a coma but docs told sis-in-law they are not discouraged about that as we all know people can be in comas for months! The fact that he has come thru all the surgeries is amazing in itself. They are going to put in a feeding tube and trach…
Radical Neck Dissection and Laryngectomy Stoma
Hello everyone- My husband has been battling tongue and neck cancer. Last year he had a surgery to remove the tumor, went back a few weeks later for 2nd surgery to have clear margins. Within 6 months the tumor was back aggressivly, so he was then treated with chemo & radiation. The main tumor is still in the tongue and the…
Another clean ct scan for Connie
Hello Everyone, Just thought I would let you know how we are doing. Connie had a clean ct scan on 08/25/11 so that was really good news. She still uses the peg but she is eating a little food here and there. Her energy level is good and she is back to normal in that area. I come here often to see how everyone is doing but…
I had CBC work today, white and red cell counts in normal range, my platelets are on the low side. Not enough to stop the next chemo infusion on monday. Onco nurse said the doc may decrease the dosage of chemo I receive. Has anyone else experienced an issue with their platelets? Thanks, Linda
Month of September, busy
Looks like I will have to start paying rent to the doctors this month. have just completed 20 bouts of Hyperbaric treatment for teeth. Next week I will probably have back surgery for a herniated disc pinched nerve. This coming Tuesday will receive results of ultra sounds on my carotid artery, had surgery on it in 2008 as…
Exovac side effect's
I have been taking Exovac for a week it has not helped with saliva yet the Doctor said it should start helping in 2 weeks.I will keep thking it for awile to see if it helps. One side effect is over active bladder when I take one in about a hour it’s the best to stay near a bath room or you will urinate on your self. I know…
test results and prayers
Test results on Friday for Grandma wish us luck and prayers please. Thank you
Great News
Steve had a pet scan on 8/19 said they saw something, had ct scan yesterday, Doc called today and said he is cancer free. Cried all day with joy, thank you everyone for all the support, now we work on healing.
Post Pet Scan Results
We got the results for my husbands post pet scan. Results: Inconclusive!!! Ent said he wave 2 options wait 3 months for another pet scan or have a needle biopsy. We asked the ent what he advises and without hesitation, he said biopsy. I agree, his suv from main tumor went from 10.7 to 5.8. That still seems a little high to…
Battle Plan
Well, I am finally going in to meet with my chemo oncologist on Friday morning to discuss the battle plan for me. I had a lung biopsy two weeks ago and they were waiting for the gene sequencing to be done on that before they could come up with a plan. I have never had chemo before, only radiation/surgery and I am very…