Transderm scop
Hi, My dad is receiving Chemo and radiation and has excessive mucous. Has anyone ever heard of transderm scop to stop the mucous. I read the side effects and seem a bit uneasy to try. Anyone heard of this patch to try for mucous problem? Thanks for your help Michelle
possible recurrance
hello all, I am new to this site. I normally use Cacnercompass. My mom is 8 months post tratment for stage 3 tonsil cancer with 1 lymph node. she had surgury to remove the cancer as well as neck dissection with 15 lymph nodes removed. pathology confirmed that only 1 lymp node was positive and all margins were negative.…
My best friend has recently been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma at the base of his tongue an
I'm here hoping to get as much information as possible to help my friend through his radiation and chemo treatments. I took him to the oral surgeon, he had his molars removed last week in preparation for the radiation part of his treatmnt. His oncologist has strongly suggested that he have a feeding tube put in (stomach)…
1 good day 5 bad ones
1 good day 5 bad ones last week I thought I was improving I had a good day but it seems it’s went down hill I am unable to swallow very much and the dry mouth is bad I wake very early with all that mucus it takes a while to get it up then it’s all day coughing it up I walk around with napkins. I am 10 month's past…
good news
Jim had one month check up with rad doctor. Could not feel the tumor, wich was very firm when diagnosed. He did not scope since Monday Jim goes to ENT and he will scope. PET set for November. Hate waiting but this is encouraging. Debbie
my husband is in hospial. he woke up last night finding it hard to breath,lots of mucous in throat,chest felt heavy,coloured saliva on pillowcase for a few nights.is this what they mean about mucosis and would a vaporiser help?
possible recurrance
hello all, I am new to this site. I normally use Cacnercompass. My mom is 8 months post tratment for stage 3 tonsil cancer with 1 lymph node. she had surgury to remove the cancer as well as neck dissection with 15 lymph nodes removed. pathology confirmed that only 1 lymp node was positive and all margins were negative.…
Ear Problems: Wax or Loss or What
Over the past couple of weeks, my right ear will "pop" or become unplugged when I wake up in the morning and suddenly I can hear better. Having sinus problems and previous ear wax problems, I attributed it to that. Now, it isn't becoming unplugged and I'm hearing less. I also had two rounds of Cisplatin with some ringing…
Connie has a red blotch on her cheek
Well here we go again. Connie had some redness on one side of her neck last week. This week that redness has gone but now she has a red blotch on her cheek. It kinda looks like shingles. Has anyone ever had shingles as a side effect or had these blotches and should we be concerned enough to see a oncologists or should she…
Neck dissection coming
Hi everyone, Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, but all is well. Had my first post treatment and yep, false positives.... My ENT surgeon wants to go ahead and take out the involved lymphnodes on my right side of neck. So here we go on 6 October. Everyone has said that this is nothing compared to the tonsillectomy/BOT…
Can you say NED!!!!!
My husbands post biopsy came back clean. Doctor says, at this time you are cancer free and I will see you in 3 months. For a scope. No pet scans, he said if he thinks he is at a high risk he will order one. Now, we need to learn to relax and get used to our new normal. Thank you everyone for your kind words, jokes, and…
Jaw Problems
Does anyone know if after having radiation and chemo for cancer of the larynx, you can get jaw problems. Today as I was eating my jaw starting cracking and feeling very uncomfortable. It happened again when I was having lunch. Has anyone heard of this? What is the treatment? I've had alot of side effects, but this one is a…
Scans, radiation, recovery, posting
Hey guys, It's been awhile though I've popped in a couple times to see how everyone was doing. I've missed you guys. My first PET since treatment came back with a hot spot on my left hip. Thought/hoped it was just inflammation from a crazy mountain bike ride I did the day before. MRI showed it was actually bone mets. Damn!…
Since Cancer what changed in your Life
Hi Everyone I borrowed this from another post, I added somethings and changed a few other to show Since Cancer what changes have taking place in like of people with Cancer. Please feel free to add to the list of Since Cancer what changed in your Life Since cancer, I'm in the best health of my adult life. Since cancer, I…
Cancer numbers and letters
I am seeing my docs next month but in the meantime wondered if any of you knew what these letters and numbers mean? My diagnosis was cT4aN2bM0 (Stage IVa) Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the left base of tongue. Thanks in advance Peace, Nancy aka toughcookie
I am currently being treated for cancer of the vocal cord. I have completed 27 out of 35 radiation treatments. A couple nights ago I began waking up in the middle of the night and with a very slight cough would bring up large amounts of phlegm. I have seen several posts here talking about excessive phlegm. Is this what…
Hi everyone. I was recently diagnosed with SCC of my left vocal cord. Doctors stated it was early stage and the only treatment needed was radiation. So far I have completed 24 of 35 radiation treatments and have a few side effects: voice is down to a whisper sore throat and some difficulty swallowing. Not too too bad I…
Dun Dun Dun!!!! Well it's almost time to head out for the Needle Biopsy results.
A little on the nervous side. I will be leaving work in about an hour to head downtown. I sure hope he does not need surgery. He was really hyper last night. He was not scared of chemo and radiation, but he is not crazy about having someone cutting on his tongue. Pray for us. Will update later today or tomorrow.
Just Cheking In
Hi to all my friends! Just had to stop by and thank everyone who helped me along. 17 months now and I am doing great! The new me is O.K. but I am not who I used to be physically. But I am here and so happy to have had all of you as friends. Still getting clear scans so here's to life!
Not good news at all
Dad got his results yesterday and they were not good. The cancer has come back in his tongue and lympe node. He is going Friday to meet with the surgeon about having the minor neck surgery to remove the node. This will stop most of the pain he is experiencing. His other options are to have the surgery to remove his whole…
Off to Penn State hershey tomorrow for a scheduled PET, however don;t know what the scans will consist of due to kidneys. Results Monday with the RAD Onc and a visit to the ENT for a Videostrobe. Getting nervous, as we all do at this time. I feel fine, little depressed maybe. No carbohydrates and tons of water. have to be…
Rude Awaking
As my husband called it, he had a rude awakening this weekend. My husband attempted to help a friend and did a side job, replacing drywall. When he got home Sunday evening, he was aching to the core and took a shower and went to bed. Monday morning rolled around and he was soooo sick, he vomitted all day and was bed bound.…
side effect improvement 1 year post treatment
Quick background: Squamous cell carcinoma of the Nasopharynx, Treatment started with the removal of 8 Lymph nodes in the neck, 5 weeks of radiation and 5 weeks of Cisplatin, then 3 months of 5Fu. October will be 1 year since my last treatment. I'm curious if anybody who had similar treatment had improvements with their…
Another NED
I just had my year and a half ( almost ) exam and my Dr. said everything looks good. This was my first appt after switching to every 3 mos instead of every 6 weeks. After waiting 3 months I was jonesing to get in there and get checked out. The scope was a little more uncomfortable than usual because my doc was having a new…
Help! Buzz is having fainting espisodes
Buzz has had 3 fainting episodes. With the first one, he fell and hit his head. Called 911 and he went to the hospital. We were told it was a vagal reaction. Went home. Had another episode on Saturday. He looked awful and his b/p was initially undetectable. When he did not improve, I called 911 again. Another ER visit.…
Ulnar nerve
Anyone have a confirmed problem with an Ulnar nerve that can be linked to the H&N rads? I have a pre-C history with such a problem, as a Neurosurgeon confirmed some 10-years ago, No Op was done due to previous Ops on my throat, and the scarring, etc. Over the course of months to follow the problem faded away, in terms of…
"Choosing an Imaging Test"
In the Fall issue of CURE magazine. (free to us cancer folk) This question comes up a lot and this article provides good insight. Choosing an Imaging Test
Apart From the Side Effects of Radiation Post
I post this separately as I'm not sure if this is from radiation, chemo, or neither. I am two and a half years post treatment from SCC of tonsil and neck and really have but one complaint. Like many of you I still have a lack of saliva and some tooth decay but my most serious complication is a lack of sleep. I can honestly…
Needle biopsy tomorrow
Well the day has come and we will be going for my hubbys needle biopsy tomorrow. Does anyone know if they test some samples right then?
BOT / Neck Dissection surgery
First off, I want to send my heartfelt thanks to all who post on this board. While I have never posted before, I've visited often during my journey w/head and neck cancer and all the advice and knowledge presented here has been spot on and heartfelt. Here I found honest answers that doctors seem to try and gloss over.…