Has anyone heard from Jeepman?
I was just wondering if anyone has heard from Jeepman? I have not seen him post in awhile.
What if caregiver gets cancer? update 8/25
Went to doctor for CT result yesterday, just couldn't wait over a week. CT clear but since I found the lump on my tongue refered to ENT ASAP. See ENT this afternoon. Please pray it is something else other than cancer. Debbie OK, I have not posted this question sooner because I know you all will tell me that it aint cancer…
Ray the hypochondriac
Lost one salivary gland through Scc damage just had my first 4 Radiation treatments but I am so dry my tongue is not sticking its sliding over the roof of my mouth. I know we are all different as each body is probably like a snow flake,unique. I do think this might be a bit early.
My husband finished treatments on April 20, 2011 for SCC of the left tonsil hpv. His doctors told him this was caused from HPV and not smoking, so what does he keep doing, smoking, does anyone here still smoke after treatment, and does anyone have any comments on how I can help him to quit. I quit when he was diagnosed,…
First Pet after treatment
Steve goes in for his pet scan tomorrow at 9:45, I am not going to lie, I am scared. I know how mean cancer can be, saw take a great man before, I know the doctors say Steve has a 80 percent chance of being cured, but damn it, I am scared, please pray for me to have the courage to smile and show him the braveness that I…
waiting is the hardest
Here I set waiting for Steves pet scan results, we called and she said they are typing them up and will have the results this afternoon. Steve is taking a nap and here I set with a million things running through my mind. Why can't I stop being scared, I hate this feeling, I know his out look is good, the doctors can't even…
eating again
For the last three days Steve has been eating with me, he has cleaned his plate, and even asked for seconds on my salad. God is good, I feel I can breathe a little better each day. I try to keep up the brave front for him, but after watching my first husband pass on from cancer, the old fright returns. Steve is not just my…
I know everyone is different, but has anyone continued to have an aversion to cooking smells? Jim has gotten sick from food smells from day one so I have had to eat fast food or take out for the last two months. If you had this problem, how long before it went away? I am craving home cooking and the expense is putting a…
One Year Tomorrow
Dear CSN Buds: Tomorrow the 21st will be one year since Charlie passed away. I'm getting ready to leave here and go to NC and be with his family. I can't say it's any easier being without him and I miss him more than ever; but because of folks like y'all I've managed to get to this point! Truly y'all have been so wonderful…
Still kickin'...just not as high
Thank you all for your posts. Sorry I have not posted earlier, but have been feeling a bit numb. The good news is that no disease was found in the neck. Even the hot spot they were watching is no longer visible. Hooray! Unfortunately, there is a questionable site in my right lung. I will be going to Mt Sinai for a needle…
How far out were you when were you able to eat regular food again?
My husband completed chemo (taxol & carboplatin, 9 times, once a week) last week. Yay! He has 9 more rads (of 34) and he's finished! What a happy day that will be! :) He has lived on 3 high calorie, high protein shakes a day & has been able to keep the weight on without a peg. He is wanting to eat regular food so bad. When…
Here I go...
I go into Mayo hospital on Monday 22nd to have my surgery...They are going to use the lazer and do a neck resection...Don't know about radiation yet until they do the pathology...They may leave a hole in my soft palate, it is a 50/50 proposition now but, the doctor said they can repair it later...So, I am nervous and very…
Hope this helps...Part 2
LLLT has been evaluated for the treatment and prevention of mucositis among patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiation and/or chemotherapy, demonstrating potential promise for reducing severity and incidence of oral mucositis in this group of patients. The laser is directed at affected areas of the mouth and…
Tongue pain
Has any one had tongue pain after bot surgery atter six months out. Still on pain Meds a few times a day. is it time to see a physical therapist to work on tongue exercises?
Ear Tickle pre and post treatment
I finished chemo-radiation treatment on June 1st for a 2 cm tumor at the top of my larynx on the right side with 3 lymph nodes (both sides). I went for my first post treatment exam and scan on July 26th and they said everything looks good. Among all the other symptoms and problems described on this board (learning to eat…
Hope this helps some HNC patients...Part 1
Laser Therapy Reduces Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may reduce the incidence and severity of oral mucositis caused by chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy among patients with head and neck cancer. These results were presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the American…
Hi everyone! post treatment update
Hi everyone I really missed you guys! I hope everyone is good and well, as for me ive been going through a lot since I was last on to start with I lost my health insurance five months ago and have not seen my doctor for my cancer check ups which im supposed to go for every two months and have not seen for five months the…
White Blood Cell Count
Woke up this wed with a fever of 100.5, called doc and was told to take tylenol, did that, felt fine for most of the day. Around 1:30 in after noon took temp again it was at 101, called doc again , sent me to emergency room , my level was @ 1.8, spent the last 2.5 days in hospital, antibiotics and all. Levels now back to…
Questionable statements by a Radiation Oncologist... my Radiation Oncologist...
I'm about 15 months out from end of treatment for Stage 4 BOT with mets to multiple lymph nodes on both sides. Some of you here may recall my comments during treatment about my Radiation Oncologist... fondly referred to as "the mollusk" owing to her 'warm bedside manner' not. I believe I received the maximum allowable…
Question About what to do about being light headed all the time?
Hey Guys I just wanted to ask what I should do about being light headed all the time? Because it just started to do this last week it doesn't matter if I am sitting down or standing it feels like I am light headed all the time. But I also noticed that when my ears feel like they are popped I can hear my self talk and…
cancer treatment centers of america
my dad got diagnosised with laryngenal cancer- stage 4A 2 weeks ago we are having trouble talking my dad into going away from the small area we live at for treatment does anyone know about the cancer treatment center of america in illinois the cancer could possibly spread to his lungs local doctors say if that is the case…
New Song
As I wait for the call from the Cancer Center, I'm watching Good Morning America. Robin Roberts introduces a new Martina McBride song, I'm Going to Love you through it. Type it in your search engine, get the kleenex. Beautifully done. Inspiration. (I'm sure Sweet or Skiffin will be able to cut and paste and whatever else…
More Joy to Share
Just read wifeforlife's post - daughter married today - fabulous. Have my own happy tidbit to share. Tuesday evening at 9:26 I became a grandmother (yes, I know - at MY tender age - hah). Like many births, we had some hinky times, then ended up with our own basket of magic. Wishing joy for you all. - pam
I have/had Mucoepidermoid of my right parotid gland. It was Intermediate grade and after sending the slides to MD Anderson they ruled I would not need radiation therapy. Thank the Lord. Now my biggest fear is reccurence. I see my ENT doc today and it has gone back and forth as to who will do the long term follow-up. The…
Clear CT Scan
Hey Everyone! This isn't a big milestone CT like a 1 year or the BIG 2 year, but I'm excited about it. Got my all clear for my 16 month post-tx CT today and all is good! Was wondering about some of the others in my same time-range. I see Deb, PamM and Steve(hawk) post, but anyone hear from Micktissue or StevenL lately.…
Great Info Site
Science-Based Medicine Site I've been looking at an information website lately, called Science-Based Medicine. Here's a brief excerpt from the "About SBM" intro: "Science-Based Medicine is dedicated to evaluating medical treatments and products of interest to the public in a scientific light, and promoting the highest…
Esophagus damage
Two weeks ago I had my peg tube removed endoscopically. The gastrologist said that I had some esophagus damage from the radiation and would have to take Prevacid for life. I was very upset and he modified it for 6 months and then an appointment to see him again. I haven't had any acid reflux or esophagus related problems…
Root Planing question
I have to have a root planing today at 1:00. I'm posting this kind of late, but I am a little scared. I know they are going to have to give me a shot, my worries are that I had the left floor of my mouth grafted, and I'm worried about a shot in that area. Also I'm worried about them messing with it then getting an…
Number 40
Walking out the door for Jim's last radiation!!!!!! Can't believe it is finally done. Debbie
I had my surgery to remove my tonsils on 8/8 and after surgery, doc says found 2 warts near my tonsil, and they are known to cause tonsil cancer. I asked him how the heck i get warts on my tonsils and he told me to google it when I get home. He ended up keeping me overnight because apparently I bled alot. I did look it up,…