Right Neck Dissection, Panendoscopy, Tonsillectomy, Nasopharynx Biopsy
Monday the 23rd I'm scheduled for surgery. Right lymph node biopsy showed Squamous Cell Carcinoba.PET scan identified right tonsil as the likely primary with 2 lymph nodes also highlighted on the scan. Met with the Radologists this morning and came away totally depressed. Initial plan is for 35 visits. Jeez this is making…
low blood sodium
Have any of you had extremely low blood sodium and / or fluid around the lungs after completing radiation. Mom is having a time of it. She finished 2 and a half months ago. Her sodium dropped to 109 and has got her very confused.
weekly vs. 3 cycles of cysplatin.
Hello, My husband Robert is scheduled for weekly cysplatin chemo infusions for the 7 week period along with the radiation treatments. The standard is 3 cycles of cysplatin but there are issues with hearing loss and people getting so sick that they don't even get to the third round. Sloan kettering says that it is an…
Hello there people, I have a general question. When you are cancer free, does the FEAR of the cancer coming back go away with time? Or is it always in the back of your mind.....not too far? Sue
Sleep and healing music
We tried something new last night and went to sleep listening to healing music. Andy slept better than he has been so we will try it again tonight. I googled "healing music" on the Pandora app so that it actually played all night from my iPhone. Pretty cool. Another addition to the sleep toolbox! Some subliminal spiritual…
Diagnosed 10/05/11
Hey Everyone! I have been a ghost on this board since the first day of treatment and you all have helped me so much. I have been meaning to post, but I had some complications with treatment and then I got to the point I didn't even feel like being on the computer- I'm sure you understand. I had a diagnosis of Squamous Cell…
chemo for npc- .....TO PRESERVE LIFE
i would like to share this article, and maybe it can help somebody in some way. http://www.parkwaycancercentre.com/articles-by-dr-ang/article/drugs-don-t-just-treat-diseases-they-preserve-life
Neurologist Nurse called - Low/No Vitamin D in his body.
The nurse called the house yesterday and told my husband he has no vitamin d in his body and he needs to go out and get some and take immediately. Not sure why his vitamin d levels would be low. He gets out of the house everday.
had a tonsillectomy to test my tonsils since right tonsil was swollen and swollen right lymph node..
nothing to be concerned of (he also checked my nasal) except white little bumps or pus on my lymph node? what does this mean? he said he put in tests that i wont get till next week or 2....so i'm worried out of my mind what it is. hoping it's nothing but an infection and nothing cancerous....anybody had anything similar?…
Need to vent
So ive been in the hospital going on two weeks, came in for a trachostomy and ended up with a good case of pnemonia, today i got the pathology reports back, all show cancer squimish cell. This is my third time down the cancer road and i don't know if i have it in me. In the begining iwas a healthy 280 now i can verly…
My father has tongue cancer....advice please
So from the beginning my father was having hard time swallowing , talking, eating , etc. The doctors went in and saw his tonsils were very infected so they removed them and took it as that was the problem. Well then the symptoms keep progressing with no improvement. Then they did a MRI and saw a mass on the base of his…
I know there are some real excerise buffs on this forum. How much to you folks believe this has helped you in not only fighting cancer but helping with your recovery from treatment. Personally speaking I think cardio workouts are benefical although there was a period of a month or so where all I could do is take a short…
Now that's embarrassing. Don't know why I posted 4 times. What an attention seeker hahahaha xxxx
My little farewell
Had my checkup again today. All good two years out. In the beginning I didn't think I would be on here saying that. Really makes me realise you just have to live. Simple. Yes I know we have side effects. Just channel that to believing that's how it's always been. Reason why I say that is cause the doc said how's your…
My little farewell
Had my checkup again today. All good two years out. In the beginning I didn't think I would be on here saying that. Really makes me realise you just have to live. Simple. Yes I know we have side effects. Just channel that to believing that's how it's always been. Reason why I say that is cause the doc said how's your…
My little farewell
Had my checkup again today. All good two years out. In the beginning I didn't think I would be on here saying that. Really makes me realise you just have to live. Simple. Yes I know we have side effects. Just channel that to believing that's how it's always been. Reason why I say that is cause the doc said how's your…
One prob with being so careful in Australia on pharmacology drugs
Cannot get Pilocarpine in tablet form and this ordering on line is so hard. Should not compain really if only major prob is dry mouth.One day I will be able to say and spell its real name XEROSTOMIA phew LOL
New and Glad to Be Here (Considering:)
Hello everyone. I came here for ESH, finally! I was first dx Dec 2008 with partial glosectomy (lt) and had a recurrence in 2 lymph nodes followed with partial neck resection in Feb 2010. This was followed with cisplatin and radiation (37 txs). I am So Thankful to be Alive!!! I became violently ill during treatment, keeping…
Soft tissue Fullness of left PNS??
Let me take this opportunity to welcome myself back to forum 2012.registering.......logged in. ok my question is i took a C.T scan after 5 month post rad treatment for PNS and the only thing that show up was soft tissue fullness of left PNS..is this something to worry about..the tumor is now gone though.
Tonsil cancer- just diagnosed
My father was recently diagnosed with cancer not sure what stage yet. They found it in both of his tonsils they were two small blooms that are scheduled to be removed on Monday. Can anyone help give us some ideas of what to expect, when we start radiation/chemo (we are not sure which will be the treatment). We are trying…
60 days post treatment
Hi everyone. I entered this journey with Tonsil cancer, having spread to lymph nodes (StageIV) in Aug. '11 I had Chemo and radiation together. 3X Chemo and 40x Radiation I am now 60 days POST treatment.My last Radiation was 11/11/11 My last Chemo was 10/31/11 I feel good. I really do Strength is returning.I work full time…
My husband finished treatment in Oct for throat cancer. In January he was given the NEC. However, he is still on a feeding tube. They did a swallow study and determined that the swelling was such that it would probably be at least 3 months before he could swallow. He chokes almost every time he even has liquids. Has anyone…
It hurts when I masticate
Out of the gutter again... Just checking to see if anyone has/had the same as I am in a very paranoid phase at the moment: When I eat I have started having pain in my jaw, just by the bottom of my ear on the left side (where my main radiation was situated). The more I eat the more painful it becomes, like a tiring muscle.…
Husband went to his neurologist appointment today - Neauropathy
I guess I need to research this a little more. Doc said he has Neuropathy in his feet and legs. He will have an all day test on 2.13.2012 and she is sheduling a Cat Scan. I will talk with him a little more tonight when I get off of work.
everything changes
Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing the best they could at a very sad time. I have been in your shoes, not the person with the cancer, my husband died 2 weeks from supragottic cancer of the throat. That was 15 months ago with the dx. That was the hardest 15 months of our lives! He got so sick form the cemo and rad…
When do you "STOP" eating because of Radiation?
Sorry it has been a while since posting. My Dad has had his ups and downs. Certain health issues have come to light, and are being address as long with the SCCHN. Turns out that he has had several serious infections (the doctors think that he has had the infections longer than the cancer). He is being treated for…
Are you doing ok and still posting?
hold on - They said my husband has Ataxia and Neuropathy.
I was wondering if anyone else has the same diagnosis. Is this a progressice disease?
I will be checking back in
Thanks so very much for all of your thoughtful messages! I just had to right down my thoughts of the past 2 weeks since he has been gone. Every day I say " I love you" don't know if he hears, but don't care. My sister just left, she spent a few hours with me. Was a nice quite visit. When she left she said "It's just you…
starting week 3 of 7. Chemo again this week
Hello all, Well I've had a rough go of it last few weeks. Cisplatin kicked me in the pants. I have absolutely no appetite. My veins are shot from the Cisplatin, but thank god for great ONC Nurses, they seem to always get an IV site on me. I've gone in for lots of iv fluids, also I broke a rib vomiting. I decided to get the…