Swelling of the feet, ankles, legs

judymike Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just wondered if anyone experienced swelling? My husband (46) has undergone extensive things in the past 2.3 years. Stage 4 colon cancer, has had radiation, chemo, surgery to remove primary (permanent colostomy), more chemo (folfox), theraspheres, embolizations, liver resection (60% removed), more chemo (folfox), as he went for 2nd liver resection this past september, they found spots on both lungs, so they did not do the surgery, and will not because of the spreading. He's now been on FolFiri with Avastin (all his chemos had avastin), since late september, but this past friday, his feet, ankles and his legs have swollen?? Called the nurse into the house, and she thinks it lymphedema? and told me to call the oncologist today, so waiting on her call now.


  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    I had that, last summer. Sorry I can't be helpful, because I never found out what caused it. The swelling lasted a couple of months, then mostly went away. I had LAR in Dec. 2005, chemo and radiation early 2006, but I don't know whether it was related.
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    Hoping things take a turn for the better. Lots of luck.
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Hi. Is there redness & pain? If so, you may be looking at a clot. If not, it is probably lymphedema like the nurse said. If it's lymphedema, he really needs to keep hydrated so that the lymph system can flush out the toxins. If it is a clot, he needs blood thinners like coumadin. I hope you get this resolved quickly. Best of luck and hugs.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    Usually the swelling like that is from obstruction to the flow back to the heart- a clot or something compressing the vascular/lymphatic return or low proteins which occur because of nutritional or liver related problems. It likely is the latter. It may have something to do with the liver resection. They should be able to get a good idea with a blood test. Hope by this time your husband can get in to see the oncologist soon to check it out.

  • Dorie_hitch
    Dorie_hitch Member Posts: 1
    I have had a swelling of the left foot, ankle and knee for the last three months. The only thing I'm on right now is Avastin and I've been checked twice for clots. The diagnosis is lymphedema, blocked lymph nodes which inhibit the drainage in the leg. My GP says a surgical stocking is my best bet. I just picked up a mild-compression thigh-high, so I'll let you know if it helps.